Archived Excessively Tricky Pve Arena (paid For Entry)

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
Alright, so. This is a pretty easy to comprehend the idea, it's an arena that has you fight against Environment mobs which progressively get trickier as you further into the round. It will have a reward system and a scoreboard system, promoting people to try and get higher to compete against their friends and all. An example of how the system would work can be found below:
  • Round One, Renault will pay 50r to enter the game. He will be deployed on the Blue/Red side against a mob horde. These could be along the lines of five zombies with armor while Renault would only possess a stone sword and if he is lucky (Rolled based system) He'd receive a piece of leather armor. He is to battle the mobs, using what the environment offers.
  • Round Two, Renault has successfully executed the horde. He is granted a stronger weapon and is granted the battered set of armor from the zombies. He now faces a worse challenge, five endermen accompanied with five unknown massive mobs. Renault must successfully combat this threat, while also protecting a valuable NPC from being attacked. If he successfully protects them, he will receive an extra prize.
  • Round Three, Renault has survived his second encounter and has been granted improved armor and a new weapon/shield combo. Renault will face another challenge, to combat an NPC with an entire set of god armor alongside god weaponry; hence making him severely outmatched. Luckily, a timer has been appointed to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. He is moved to a new arena with the NPC, this arena incorporating parkour which can have the NPC follow (Due to the simple design of it.)
  • Round Four, Renault has survived the encounter with the Godlike NPC. He has been granted a very low-quality set of God Armor himself which seems to be nearing the breaking point, yet the next challenge awaits. He is taken to the original arena, his next opponent appears. Renault must combat a horde of 40 highly dangerous massive mobs, 1/3rd being yellow while the others being green. This is not meant to be an easy task.
  • Round Five, Renault has been given the habit of not dying. He has successfully defeated the undefeatable horde and has been granted a new set of god armor, likely it had been destroyed during that fight. He is also granted some options, to assist with his combative ability. He now challenges his final competitor, rather, competitors. Now presented for him are twin purple mobs, all gifted speed2 and other fantastic remedies.
  • Completion of all five rounds, Renault has successfully survived the arena. He has been granted a lored set of God Armor to present his greatness, he is also placed on the leaderboard with his time of completion. Amongst these rewards, he will be granted 400r. This game mode isn't meant to be easy, it isn't meant to be hard. It's meant to be almost unbeatable, something to brag about.
If anybody has any recommendations to how this could perform, please feel free to say as it may improve the chances of this becoming a real thing.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
My big critique is that it sounds very heavily minigame based, due to all the spawning and rounds.

Though the idea of a progressively harder mob dungeon is something I could get behind. Sorta like the Baneful King dungeon, but with mobs spawning possibly via a quest.

I suppose a quest system could be used for the rounds, but would definitely take manpower to do.
Seeing what Massive is capable of creating for the PvE events, what with all the custom mobs that have their own dialogue and damage stats and apparently magical abilities now, I'd be very interested to see what could be done with an actual PvE arena game mode; surely something really high quality. As in, not an on the spot event, that involves throwing over 100 players into a mosh pit of OP mobs, but rather something people can do whenever they want either by themselves or in a small group, with mobs that are fair(not two shotting people) while also challenging enough so that it takes some skill and not just anyone can breeze through it. Some sort of reward system to top it off based on how far people make it, and maybe make it so people have to choose the gear/traits/enchants they want to use from some sort of shop/upgrade system, to add some strategy. I'd totally play something like that. A PvE arena would be sort of like a minigame I guess, but so are all the staff run events, and it could have some lore backstory to it or something to make it feel more in line with the rest of the server.
Two Words: Freaking. Awesome.
Love to play it... but the challenge you provided is overwhelmingly difficult. Like really? Balance changes need to be made.
Love to play it... but the challenge you provided is overwhelmingly difficult. Like really? Balance changes need to be made.
The whole point of it is to provide an actual challenging PvE arena. If the difficulty is lowered, so would be the rewards, and there would be less enthusiasm to play.
Love to play it... but the challenge you provided is overwhelmingly difficult. Like really? Balance changes need to be made.

If you want easy, you can go explore the wilderness and fight standard mobs. This is providing something you can't get in the normal gameplay, also Kianroo's point works perfectly as well.
If you want easy, you can go explore the wilderness and fight standard mobs. This is providing something you can't get in the normal gameplay, also Kianroo's point works perfectly as well.
You see here, this challenge is impossible to completer on your own, you're not allowed to build either which makes it worse. A single player even in god armour can take about six hits from a yellow mob before dying, having 13 of them, with no enviormental advantage fighting you, plus the other green 27 mobs is basically impossible. A dreadwraith can three shot a player in god armour, having to fight two of those with no environmental advantage is just impossible to beat.
You see here, this challenge is impossible to completer on your own, you're not allowed to build either which makes it worse. A single player even in god armour can take about six hits from a yellow mob before dying, having 13 of them, with no enviormental advantage fighting you, plus the other green 27 mobs is basically impossible. A dreadwraith can three shot a player in god armour, having to fight two of those with no environmental advantage is just impossible to beat.

Environmental support can be used to abuse it easily, what's to stop you from building up high and just sitting out the game; easily smacking the mobs dead on the head like negan whist they are incapable of fighting.
You see here, this challenge is impossible to completer on your own, you're not allowed to build either which makes it worse. A single player even in god armour can take about six hits from a yellow mob before dying, having 13 of them, with no enviormental advantage fighting you, plus the other green 27 mobs is basically impossible. A dreadwraith can three shot a player in god armour, having to fight two of those with no environmental advantage is just impossible to beat.
His point stands tho. Even in full gear you can not take hits. This is impossible because many of these attacks are stupidly powerful anyway. It being difficult is fine, but impossible is a waste of 50r and time.
His point stands tho. Even in full gear you can not take hits. This is impossible because many of these attacks are stupidly powerful anyway. It being difficult is fine, but impossible is a waste of 50r and time.
I personally disagree. The whole point is that it's something that you will do over and over again to eventually get massive rewards. There could possibly be easier ones as well, but it's meant to provide a challenge in comparison to normal PvE combat.
I personally disagree. The whole point is that it's something that you will do over and over again to eventually get massive rewards. There could possibly be easier ones as well, but it's meant to provide a challenge in comparison to normal PvE combat.
The point I am making is it is literally impossible. Taking 4 hits from one yellow mob kills you. That means 1/3 of them need to hit you ONCE. Some hit you twice and also the other 2/3 is still going to try and kill you. Taking damage is basically unavoidable. It is impossible
The point I am making is it is literally impossible. Taking 4 hits from one yellow mob kills you. That means 1/3 of them need to hit you ONCE. Some hit you twice and also the other 2/3 is still going to try and kill you. Taking damage is basically unavoidable. It is impossible
Something like that is not impossible. If you constantly replaying it and you learn the spawn patterns and the arena layout, you will get better. If you look at the rewards she described, they are /really/ good. It's only meant for the best of the best.
Something like that is not impossible. If you constantly replaying it and you learn the spawn patterns and the arena layout, you will get better. If you look at the rewards she described, they are /really/ good. It's only meant for the best of the best.
Even with spawns it takes over 30 minutes with god gear to kill a single yellow mob. That's taking into account not dying instantly. The problem with the arena is no matter how good you are, you will lose. The numbers just do not let you win. I have fought plenty of yellow mobs before, terrifying might I add.
Guys before you say its "OH YEAH ITS POSSIBLE, JUST USE YOUR BRAIN.". Try fighting just TWO yellow mobs without building or using any environmental advantages. The rewards set at the end isn't enough motivation to complete this close to impossible challenge either, simply due to the fact its easy to gain that amount of money to basically buy the prize if you put your mind to it. Unless you're allowed to fight in a super large area, you stand zero chance against these mobs. Even if you did have a huge space and could keep running and poking them with arrows, you'll eventually either lose all your hunger or they'll find a way around and catch up to you, not to mention yellow mobs have thorns and can apply wither to you when you bow them.

This isn't SAO where the monsters come one at a time, imagine having thirteen floor bosses in one area and that's more close to comparison. Its meant to be challenging, but its like telling someone to run a marathon before they can walk, lower the mob count and the difficulty or increase the rewards.

And replying to GodRoleplayers post, that's the way in which you fight ONE yellow mob and with difficulty as well, imagine fighting thirteen while you wither to bits. Let's say dreadwraiths can't fly, one hit from those monsters can take a large majority of your health bar, while the remaining slowly withers to bits as they shoot projectiles at you.
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Guys before you say its "OH YEAH ITS POSSIBLE, JUST USE YOUR BRAIN.". Try fighting just TWO yellow mobs without building or using any environmental advantages. The rewards set at the end isn't enough motivation to complete this close to impossible challenge either, simply due to the fact its easy to gain that amount of money to basically buy the prize if you put your mind to it. Unless you're allowed to fight in a super large area, you stand zero chance against these mobs. Even if you did have a huge space and could keep running and poking them with arrows, you'll eventually either lose all your hunger or they'll find a way around and catch up to you, not to mention yellow mobs have thorns and can apply wither to you when you bow them.

This isn't SAO where the monsters come one at a time, imagine having thirteen floor bosses in one area and that's more close to comparison. Its meant to be challenging, but its like telling someone to run a marathon before they can walk, lower the mob count and the difficulty or increase the rewards.

And replying to GodRoleplayers post, that's the way in which you fight ONE yellow mob and with difficulty as well, imagine fighting thirteen while you wither to bits. Let's say dreadwraiths can't fly, one hit from those monsters can take a large majority of your health bar, while the remaining slowly withers to bits as they shoot projectiles at you.
First off, love the SAO reference! Second @kianroo2
To everyone talking about how this is too hard and what-not (@aprader1 @Xersai ):
Unless I'm seeing things, this title of the entire fourm post is 'Excessively tricky pve arena paid for entry.'

Implying that it's, you know, meant to be insanely difficult. So it's kinda the point of this example that it's insanely hard.

I personally think that not many, indeed possibly no one, could fully beat this idea as is, but it would be interesting to see something like this happen. Perhaps a difficulty rating of challenges between easy, medium, hard, and Legend? I also think it's worth pointing out to critics that, you know, this is a work in progress idea/Example of what it could be like. It's not like you're guaranteed to be fighting all of this if this idea comes to fruit.

Though the idea of a progressively harder mob dungeon is something I could get behind. Sorta like the Baneful King dungeon, but with mobs spawning possibly via a quest.
I suppose a quest system could be used for the rounds, but would definitely take manpower to do.
Seeing what Massive is capable of creating for the PvE events, what with all the custom mobs that have their own dialogue and damage stats and apparently magical abilities now, I'd be very interested to see what could be done with an actual PvE arena game mode; surely something really high quality. As in, not an on the spot event, that involves throwing over 100 players into a mosh pit of OP mobs, but rather something people can do whenever they want either by themselves or in a small group, with mobs that are fair(not two shotting people) while also challenging enough so that it takes some skill and not just anyone can breeze through it. Some sort of reward system to top it off based on how far people make it, and maybe make it so people have to choose the gear/traits/enchants they want to use from some sort of shop/upgrade system, to add some strategy. I'd totally play something like that. A PvE arena would be sort of like a minigame I guess, but so are all the staff run events, and it could have some lore backstory to it or something to make it feel more in line with the rest of the server.

I agree with both of these: I guess with @Knyxor 's commentary, we do have Arach'n but even now it's slightly outdated and really meant for hardcore PVE'er players. I have honestly always been interested in what'd be like if Massive made a sorta side server for PVE, MMORPG shenanigans on the level of World of Warcraft or something with Massivecraft's lore... But that's off topic.
To everyone talking about how this is too hard and what-not (@aprader1 @Xersai ):
Unless I'm seeing things, this title of the entire fourm post is 'Excessively tricky pve arena paid for entry.'

Implying that it's, you know, meant to be insanely difficult. So it's kinda the point of this example that it's insanely hard.

I personally think that not many, indeed possibly no one, could fully beat this idea as is, but it would be interesting to see something like this happen. Perhaps a difficulty rating of challenges between easy, medium, hard, and Legend? I also think it's worth pointing out to critics that, you know, this is a work in progress idea/Example of what it could be like. It's not like you're guaranteed to be fighting all of this if this idea comes to fruit.

I agree with both of these: I guess with @Knyxor 's commentary, we do have Arach'n but even now it's slightly outdated and really meant for hardcore PVE'er players. I have honestly always been interested in what'd be like if Massive made a sorta side server for PVE, MMORPG shenanigans on the level of World of Warcraft or something with Massivecraft's lore... But that's off topic.
Sure the point was to make an excessively difficult arena, and I did state that it would have to be modified. I love the IDEA of the arena but not the arena you have as an example. Sorry if you misinterpreted what I said.
To everyone talking about how this is too hard and what-not (@aprader1 @Xersai ):
Unless I'm seeing things, this title of the entire fourm post is 'Excessively tricky pve arena paid for entry.'

Implying that it's, you know, meant to be insanely difficult. So it's kinda the point of this example that it's insanely hard.

I personally think that not many, indeed possibly no one, could fully beat this idea as is, but it would be interesting to see something like this happen. Perhaps a difficulty rating of challenges between easy, medium, hard, and Legend? I also think it's worth pointing out to critics that, you know, this is a work in progress idea/Example of what it could be like. It's not like you're guaranteed to be fighting all of this if this idea comes to fruit.

I agree with both of these: I guess with @Knyxor 's commentary, we do have Arach'n but even now it's slightly outdated and really meant for hardcore PVE'er players. I have honestly always been interested in what'd be like if Massive made a sorta side server for PVE, MMORPG shenanigans on the level of World of Warcraft or something with Massivecraft's lore... But that's off topic.

The Arach'n dungeon is one of my favorite things the server has ever done. Was really cool to go through the first time when you actually use the quest and get loot. Too bad it takes so long to build things like that, I'd love to see more.
Last time I checked excessively tricky does not equal impossible. Althoguh this is a developing idea it definitely could improve. We should all start on a community project to build a PvE dungeon.