Exam Time...


I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast

I, sadly, do not have the option of waving at study time as it passes by... I won't be active on Massivecraft for the next week and a half at the least (probs more). I'll get on enough to keep my factions and such, but other then that I'm not able to come on.

I will leave Imboring56 in charge of Mechbank while I'm gone, Cruallasar is in charge of Hisoka while I'm away. Don't break the server while I'm gone :)
HA! I have plenty of time for exams. My exams in 2 weeks! Wait a second..... HOLY CRAP MY EXAMS ARE IN TWO WEEKS, PANIC!
My exams are in like two weeks from now. I get to take an exam for my AP World History class (College Class, even though I'm not in college) and an EOC for Algebra.. so..|-(
Ha I failed my exams and I'm on 16,500 a year from sales experience in a retail job, because I sold a watch to the manager who was recruiting and he saw "potential"
*Looks around* I'm the only one that has like 4-5 months before an exam or finals for the semester.
i got like 1 and a half weeks till mine O_O, what is this "study" you speak of? Lol, study. I hardly ever study and make great grades.
This is an AP Class in HighSchool. Apparently you take it in your 2nd year of college from what I've heard.

AP exams are a joke, if you don't get a 4 or 5 then either you or your teacher messed up badly. As well they are usually equivalent to a freshman level course, which is why some colleges give you credit for taking such a course if you get a 4 or 5 on the exam.
AP exams are a joke, if you don't get a 4 or 5 then either you or your teacher messed up badly. As well they are usually equivalent to a freshman level course, which is why some colleges give you credit for taking such a course if you get a 4 or 5 on the exam.
It was the highest history offered that I could take, and I usually take the hardest stuff. The class has been pretty easier, I've kept an A in it all year. The exam is in like 2 weeks, and apparently there's alot to it, A multiple choice test and writing 3 essays.
I've never heard of AP being a college-level course. But whatever, I'm taking legitimate college courses. Finished all but three of my high school classes by sophomore year.