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Evolutionist War Against Ordaxic Heresy


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score

Sacred Decree of the Beacon of Odella


I do not write the following opprobrium lightly or out of enjoyment, but rather from the duties of upholding knowledge and free will that I am obligated to fulfill. Even as the Sanguinic menace threatens to transform the common people into blood-crazed fiends, the Cahalic cults of the Sachems act to dull free minds into orderly complacency.

I condemn the manic Sachem Abigail Tucker for her blasphemous ritual of book burning that she has conducted, attempting to suppress the written word's contained knowledge so as to enforce the blinding agenda of the vile goddess Itaal. Any who took part in or supported this destruction of books have committed sacrilege against Odella herself, sacrilege which I shall not tolerate.

All Evolutionists and especially the adherents of the Omniscient Mother, I call upon you now to take up arms against Tucker, along with any of the Cahalic Sachems who champion this Ordaxic campaign against free thought and true ascension. To the followers of the Thousand Scaled Draga Ifrit, I ask that you take revenge for this violation against our shared faith.

Aq'uello Cionessa
Thaumaturge of the Cosmic Truth
Beacon of Odella

This is not related to anything recent I am/was doing with Bingo, they are a separate character and it's only coincidence that both them and Aq'uello are engaged in hostile interaction with @Lizmun's character.
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