Every Twig Has To Snap.


Niantha layed awake in bed that night; malicious thoughts crashing against the sides of her brain with every stiff-muscled turn. For once she had found herself unable to quell them, and now they burrowed deeper into her subconscious with every breath. The exhausted Yanar stared at her smashed opium lamp with wide and terrified eyes that burned no less than her regrets.

"Niantha killed Llewellyn Yaudhren in cold blood!" "The plant scum are murderers!" "Usque have better morals than you!"

She flipped over. Itwasn'tmeitwasn'tmeitwasn'tme.

"I'm so glad the seedling tree burned!" "I bet they would have been violent and cruel, just like you!" "No Yanar are safe!"

She flipped again. Brushitoffbrushitoffbrushitoff.

"This is not the Nenyarina I knew!" "You're a false prophet!" "It's twisted now, twisted!" "You are only a husk of what Selwynn lead!"

Niantha sat up. The voice changed.

"Niantha, Void! What kind of leader are you?!"


The Yanar paced up and down the lower hallways of the Nenyarina grove with reddened and bloodshot eyes. With every pained turn of the heel she dared a peek into the silent, and yet restless clinic. With the amount of opium they stored in there, all of the nightshade, the bloodthorn… No. She couldn't. There had to be some ounce of hope left for the sweet-natured apothecarist that once housed Niantha's body.

"You've taken too many bloody risks!" "Because of you entire resistance could be compromised!" "What were you thinking?!"

She paused before the doorway. Why did everyone blame her?

"Niantha has plagued the earth for much too long!" "The witch's void garden will burn to the ground!" "Niantha will burn at the pyre!"

She peered inside. She couldn't do it, could she...?

"History is repeating itself." "Estel is purging Aloria!" "We're all going to die anyway."
"Read those tomes all you want, it wont save you."


The Nenyarina lost a good amount of their opium that night.


@Caelamus @ElderShrub @DrunkFailure @Optimalfriskies Saelethil will find himself dangerously low on whiskey.
Some quotes in here are from actual IC interactions. See if you can spot yours!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5][COLOR=#336600]Holly | she/her | 24 | UK[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=#336600][B]Gemini | INFJ | True Neutral[/B] [B][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/7ht9P2K.png[/IMG] [/B] [/COLOR] [SPOILER="my babies"]...
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Niantha layed awake in bed that night; malicious thoughts crashing against the sides of her brain with every stiff-muscled turn. For once she had found herself unable to quell them, and now they burrowed deeper into her subconscious with every breath. The exhausted Yanar stared at her smashed opium lamp with wide and terrified eyes that burned no less than her regrets.

"Niantha killed Llewellyn Yaudhren in cold blood!" "The plant scum are murderers!" "Usque have better morals than you!"

She flipped over. Itwasn'tmeitwasn'tmeitwasn'tme.

"I'm so glad the seedling tree burned!" "I bet they would have been violent and cruel, just like you!" "No Yanar are safe!"

She flipped again. Brushitoffbrushitoffbrushitoff.

"This is not the Nenyarina I knew!" "You're a false prophet!" "It's twisted now, twisted!" "You are only a husk of what Selwynn lead!"

Niantha sat up. The voice changed.

"Niantha, Void! What kind of leader are you?!"


The Yanar paced up and down the lower hallways of the Nenyarina grove with reddened and bloodshot eyes. With every pained turn of the heel she dared a peek into the silent, and yet restless clinic. With the amount of opium they stored in there, all of the nightshade, the bloodthorn… No. She couldn't. There had to be some ounce of hope left for the sweet-natured apothecarist that once housed Niantha's body.

"You've taken too many bloody risks!" "Because of you entire resistance could be compromised!" "What were you thinking?!"

She paused before the doorway. Why did everyone blame her?

"Niantha has plagued the earth for much too long!" "The witch's void garden will burn to the ground!" "Niantha will burn at the pyre!"

She peered inside. She couldn't do it, could she...?

"History is repeating itself." "Estel is purging Aloria!" "We're all going to die anyway."
"Read those tomes all you want, it wont save you."


The Nenyarina lost a good amount of their opium that night.


@Caelamus @ElderShrub @DrunkFailure @Optimalfriskies Saelethil will find himself dangerously low on whiskey.
Some quotes in here are from actual IC interactions. See if you can spot yours!
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"I'm so glad the seedling tree burned!"

"I bet they would have been violent and cruel, just like you!"

"It's twisted now, twisted!"

"Usque have better morals than you!"


Is it bad that I know where these quotes came from.
Did. Did I pick up on that implication correctly? Because if I did