Preserved Sheet Everett Myles Von Der Ebene

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Professional Hugger
May 10, 2018
Reaction score
Absolutely Nowhere, Ohio




"I understand what you want me to be, but I'm going to show you who I actually am."

Full Name: Everett Myles von der Ebene

Born: Éabhróid Mac Maolmhuire Ui Siodhacháin

Nicknames: Evie, Ev

Birthday: October 15th

Age: 19

Zodiac: Libra

Gender: Male

Race: Ériunin Ailor

Sexuality: Bisexual

Preferred Weapon: A simple shortsword accompanied by a wrist buckler.

Skill Information


"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent hidden beneath it."
Total Points: 19

+10 Blades Combat

+5 Shielding Combat

+4 Hunting Knowledge

Body Shape:

Physical Stat: Athletic

Body Fat: Average


Ériunnach (Native Language | Fluent)

Common (Learned during Childhood | Fluent)

Visual Information


"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it."
Hair Color: Strawberry-blonde

Hair Style: Slightly curled at a medium length and often swept up and out of his eyes in a very neat and composed style.

Eye Color: Hazel

Skin Tone: Fair

Height: 5'8

Clothing: Everett prefers a well-kept appearance which is almost always reflected in his choice of clothing. He favors warmer colors and button-up shirts which are often tucked neatly into a pair of dark pants. He wears light leather boots that lace up just below the knee while a deep red bandana can always be seen tied loosely around his neck to symbolize his affiliation with the Bloodcasts.



"I've always been the one who needed you more than you needed me."

How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?

Everett would express his happiness by sharing it with the people around him. He's exceptionally expressive and very connected with the people closest to him, more often than not becoming happy by being around the people he loves. Whenever he's at his happiest, he can't get the smile off his face and he maintains a giddy energy.

How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?

Fear is something that Everett responds erratically to. If it's something that makes him nervous or that causes a general feeling of unease, he'll sometimes go through an inner panic that may bubble outwardly into brisk jumbled up speech and brash instinctual responses that may not prove to be actually practical in the moment before adjusting to the situation. If something frightens him suddenly or he's experiencing one of his most intense fears, he'll often freeze up and fall into a panic.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

Everett handles stress far better than he handles fear, as he knows that often times the problems causing the stress can be solved with a little bit of hard work and logical thinking. He's not one to become easily overwhelmed by challenges or work and often welcomes it with enthusiasm, but if anything ever does become just a little too much for him to handle, he'll seek out a friend or family member to help him think of ways to handle the stress or solve the problem causing it.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?

Everett strongly believes in justice for those who've done wrong to the innocent, and will try without question, to uphold any law he believes will do this. However, he does have a very strong moral compass and that can sometimes cause inner conflict if an authority figure or law contradicts it. He would never openly challenge authority unless he believed it was entirely necessary, but rather if he saw a problem, he may privately seek out more information on the law or try to discuss with an authority figure so he could better understand the meaning behind the law, or to explain why he believes it could be ethically wrong.

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

Everett is very tolerant with other races, never quick to judge anyone based on their race or appearance. He speaks to them just as he would anyone else and will treat them the very same as well. He doesn't really understand the concept of racism and why people believe that appearance or background could possibly influence who someone actually is.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?

Everett has a very complex view on Religion, as he grew up adhering to The Draoidh Feya and still holds many of those beliefs while he adjusts to Unionism at the wishes of his adoptive parents. However, by studying both, he learned to recognize the similarities as much as the differences and believes that, in theory, most religions have the same basis. He believes that there is some sort of deity and divided afterlife, while still having more belief in The Draoidh Feya concepts than any other, but believes it all to be based off perspective. He doesn't condemn other religions, only those who force one view upon other people against their wishes. However, while in the Holy City, he's learned to keep that opinion solely to himself as to not stir up trouble for himself and those closest to him.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

The topics are something that both intimidate and intrigue him. He finds the concept of magic and the Arcane to be fascinating, but extremely dangerous if meddled with. He very much so believes in all sorts of spirits, good or bad, and would never underestimate someone linked to either magic or the Arcane, finding it better to study the topic safely and without any first-hand experiences with it.

How does your character feel towards their family?

Everett's biological family was something of an emotional anchor for him, despite understanding that the relationships within it were meant to be based off love and joy, not fear and anger. After leaving Ériu-Innis he cut all ties with them and harbored both a fear of them, and a certain level of disdain for distorting his view of what a family should be. Upon meeting his adoptive parents for the first time, however, his opinions changed dramatically and he learned to value and cherish his loved ones. His new family is everything to him, and he is very connected with anyone he deems to be apart of it. They are the main source of his joy and energy, and he learns more about himself when he's with them. He's learned to be extremely protective of them and is constantly concerned for their well-being, physically and emotionally.

What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

Resilience and an open-mind are the two qualities Everett is most proud of. When faced with a set-back, he learns from the mistakes that landed him there and will instantly work toward bouncing back from it. Additionally, he values the importance of having an open-mind in a world full of close-minded people. He understands the power of ignorance and blind acceptance of certain things because it's deemed socially correct, and by realizing this, he knows that it's important to fight against those things and form opinions and beliefs of your own.

What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

Proper justice for those who've done wrong and both his new and old family influence Everett's main motivations in life. He feels a strong inner obligation to defend both those who need it most and those closest to him. He tries to make himself aware to all of the corruption and injustice in the world and feels a certain degree of responsibility to take part in fixing it.

What are your character's biggest fears?

Everett has a debilitating fear of enclosed spaces so severe that he can hardly stand being in a room where the door isn't open or there aren't any windows present. Even in large, open rooms, unless distracted by something else, he'll becoming very uneasy, his hands often trembling to the point where he has difficulty holding anything.

The nagging fear of losing a family member is also something that plagues Everett almost daily. He makes a point to be aware of their well-being and if something is physically wrong with them, even if it's not something severe, he'll practically beg them to go see a doctor, just in case.

What are your character's biggest insecurities?

Everett's main insecurity is his claustrophobia, easily embarrassed if he were to have an episode in front of people, and is often very reluctant to ask if a door or window can remain open.

Additionally, he's slightly insecure about his age, often getting mildly upset when someone underestimates him, or dismisses his suggestions or abilities simply because of his youth.

Seraphina von der Ebene: An extremely strong woman both, physically and mentally, to whom Everett looks up to the most. His adoptive mother and inspiration of his ideals, he views her as one of the very first people he called family after leaving his home and is very encouraging of her and Julienne's relationship.

Julienne von der Ebene: Everett's other adoptive mother. An intelligent and passionate woman, he respects her more than he does anyone else, finding her compassion and grace under pressure inspiring. He admires her ability to show kindness without tolerating being walked all over and has learned much of his self-confidence from her.

Alexander Donsly: Perhaps one of his biggest role-models, Everett looks up to Alex as more of a father-figure than a fellow knight. Although he has a very strong respect for the man, it's not unlikely for him to poke a little fun at him and ask to train with him over any of the others knights. Alex helps to remind Everett that not everything is as serious as it seems and that he's allowed to have a little fun every now and again.

Lazarus Lupenzi: Although a smidge intimidated by the Bloodcast Leader, Everett finds him to be a force to be reckoned with and follows his leader with unwavering respect and loyalty. He views the man almost exclusively as his superior and is very careful with what he says and does around him. However, there are certain moments when he recognizes Laz as a companion rather than a leader, but those moments are often very brief.

To be continued...




"Alone or not, you've got to move forward."
Everett was born as Éabhróid Mac Maolmhuire Ui Siodhacháin to Maolmhuire Mac Aodhán Ui Siodhacháin and Clíodhna nic Malachi Ui Siodhacháin on a small but well off farm a few miles from the settlement of Silledimmach. The middle child of three, he had one older sister, Maeve, and a younger brother Gealbhan. The family was extremely hard-working and passionate, but with parents who were infamous for their explosive tempers.

Starting at a young age, Everett was tasked to be the family's shepherd and watch over their flock of sheep, one of the family's main sources of income. He would often share this job with his little brother, happily teaching him the ropes and how to properly care for the sheep, as Maolmhuire threatened his sons and told them for every sheep lost, they would spend an hour locked in the family's broom closet. Everett chose to spend most of his childhood at a distance from his parents, only partaking in his father's hunting and archery lessons alongside Gaelbhan before retreating to the fields for a peaceful evening watching the sheep.

Everett's life as a shepherd was abruptly cut short at the age of twelve while he and nine-year-old Gealbhan were defending the flock from two dogs that had escaped the neighboring farm and attacked the sheep. During the attack, Everett was narrowly rescued from being mauled by Gealbhan, who had lured the dogs away from his brother. In doing so he was grievously wounded. Maolmhuire, enraged that sheep had been killed during the attack, locked both injured children in the broom closet without medical attention for hours. Despite Everett's attempts to escape the closet and get help, Gealbhan eventually bled out and died in Everett's arms. Their older sister Maeve had eventually discovered Everett and her dead brother in the broom closet hours after Maolmhuire and Clíodhna had left in a rage to speak with their neighbors about their lost merchandise.

Shortly after the incident, Everett left his home without a word to his family. He then travelled into the city of Silledimmach and took the first boat to Regalia. After about a year or so of living off the streets, Everett found his calling in defending those who couldn't defend themselves and looked into knight schools. He immediately took a shine to the School of Bloodcast and enlisted at the age of fourteen. As a squire, Everett was assigned to one Seraphina von der Ebene, and the two almost instantly bonded.

A few years into his training, Seraphina introduced him to her love interest, Julienne Belanger and he was instantly drawn to their innate warmth and kindness. When he wasn't in training, he spent most of his time with the couple. Eventually growing curious as to why he chose to spend time with them and not his family, Julienne and Sera asked about his family, whom he had talked little about. When he told them the truth, the pair had grown quiet and for the next few days, were fairly silent on their outings, despite inviting Everett along with them more often. About a week or so after the exchange, Julie and Sera once again approached Everett and told him they were going to adopt him.

Following the adoption, Everett officially changed his name and began the process of converting to Unionism. He is currently in his final year of training at the School of Bloodcast.
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