Event Poll

What type of event would the players like for next weekend?

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
What kind of event do you want me to host and prepare for next weekend? Leave your answer in the poll or on this thread if it specifies. :)

NOTE: Mrs. Baver event might not happen if staff do not agree to it, so I am not sure about that, but I would first like to see what players would want for a next weekend event.
Elaborate, the idea definitely sounds interesting. (party)
More or less what they tried to do in Ellador. The server is supposed to be about travel, but there is no means to do so. I, personally, would /love/ to have travelers on the road.

It's also an idea that saddens me to not be able to offer reasonably to the players.
I would love another masquerade ball. Then again, because of the amount of people that showed up to the last one, it would have to be staff hosted in Regalia. Everyone practically flooding Ellador (S4) almost crashed the server and brought it to a crippling 2.5 TPS or lower.
I'd like all of those events to happen.:) Also, it seems whenever I go to bed, wake up, and check the forums, something interesting happens. It peeves me to no end.
I remember the first time MrsBaver came into existence. It all started at Silverwind...-He goes into an hour long flashback-
Just gotten word from MonMarty that Mrs. Baver will not be appearing in the near future for events.
Or the cannibalism one.
fah, mrsbaver is much too overdone, and i;d imagine she's being scrapped from roleplay.
a JOUSTING TOURNAMENT on the other hand sounds great.
Just gotten word from MonMarty that Mrs. Baver will not be appearing in the near future for events.

wait if the dark banshee is dead then why are we punishing vampires? Wouldn't she stop gaining power? Or is she just some god like force gaining power with followers and the more vampires are created the more powerful she gets but she can't attack yet. because if that is the case can't we kill her by curing a ton of vampires?