Preserved Sheet Evelyn De Luca

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Tree-Hugging Tea Addict
Oct 19, 2018
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The question isn't

who is going to let me

It's who is going to

stop me.

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⦁ Full Name: Evelyn de Luca
  • Nickname: Evie, Eve​
Age: 58 [Appears 20]
  • Birthday: October 29th, 208 A.C.​
⦁ Gender: Female

⦁ Race: Dressolini Ailor

⦁ Sexuality: Heterosexual

⦁Preferred Weapon: Two easily concealed daggers


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Sometimes lying

Is the only truth.

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Total Points: 60 Points, +10 Hobby Points

+15 Musical Arts (+15 From Proficiency Points)

⦁+15 Fast Blade Combat (+15 From Proficiency Points)

⦁+8 Athletic Training (+8 From Proficiency Points)

⦁+8 Stealth Rogue Skill (+8 From Proficiency Points)

⦁+10 Theatre Arts (+10 From Proficiency Points)

⦁+14 Dance Arts (+10 From Hobby Points, +4 from Proficiency Points)

Body Shape

Physical Stat: +8 Athletic Training +7 Dance arts=15/2=8 +15 Fast Blade Combat= 23

⦁ Body Shape: Athletic

⦁ Body fat: Average


⦁ Common (taught by parents at home)

⦁ Dressolini Dialect (First language, taught from childbirth.)

Vampiric Abilities

Alais Bloodline

⦁ Vampire: Crimson Guiding
- Mind Ability, Range: Direct Touch (The Vampire can give a victim a strong urge or suggestive feeling by placing their hand on their shoulder and muttering or whispering the instruction or feeling to them.)

⦁ Vampire: Crimson Dressage - Passive
(The Vampire is able to change the appearance of their clothing, add, or remove clothing magically and instantly, either with an aesthetic magical transformation, or simply instantly.)

⦁ Vampire: Crimson Guile - Mind Ability,
Range: Eye Contact (The Vampire appears beguiling and beautiful, entrancing even, but only while making direct eye contact.)

⦁Vampire: Crimson Reflection
- Instant Ability (The Character can change superficial appearance aspects about themselves.)


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Go ahead, underestimate me.

That'll be fun.

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⦁ Eye Color: Naturally forest green.

⦁ Hair Color: Naturally ashy blonde.

⦁ Hair Style: Typically long, down to about hip length, and wavy.

⦁ Skin Color: Naturally white.

⦁ Clothing: Originally a maroon red and white dress, however, her clothing changes constantly.

⦁ Height: 5 Feet 4 inches​


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Music is the strongest

form of magic.

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Flight Response|Experiencing Fear:
  • Evelyn typically responds to fear by fleeing the scene or disguising herself. She often uses her mutations and quickness to narrowly escape bad situations. However, it's more challenging for her to flee if her friends are involved. If Evelyn must leave someone behind in order to save herself, she'll stay close nearby to make sure they are alright. In very rare, extreme situations, this can cause her to make an irrational decision, and throw herself into a fight. However, self-preservation is typically her top priority.
Stay Composed|Expereincing Stress:
  • Evelyn is a very emotional person, but typically hides that fact. When experiencing stress, she'll always attempt to stay calm and collected in order to remain dignified in front of others. Very rarely will she express her stress by tensing, yelling, but may begin incorporating lots of sarcasm into her speech. In cases where something absolutely horrible happens, by her standards, she'll likely burst into tears, though this is uncommon. An example of this would be if someone extremely close to her was captured or killed.
Mischievous Smile|Feeling Happy:
  • Evelyn's coy and playful side show through when she is happy. It's not uncommon for her to be seen with a dazzling grin creeping across her face, or a sly and mischievous smirk. Even a minor situation could send a smile to her lips. She'll often express her happiness by raising her voice excitedly, speaking eloquently and dynamically, and verbally voicing her joy to her friends. Evelyn can be quite dramatic, and habitually speaks with her hands by flaunting her fingers and motioning while she talks. This trait can be more emphasized when she's excited.
Fighting Excuse|Law and Authorities:
  • Evelyn always holds distaste and hatred towards authority, due to their own view on her Sanguinism. However, as long as simpleminded and unreasonable authority exist, she will have a reason to keep fighting and protecting those she cares deeply for. After many instances where she watched her friends hurt or captured by authority, and she had no ability to intervene, her dislike for guards and Greywitches has grown into a burning resentment.
Passive Attitude|Other Races:
  • Due to her mindset as a vampire, Evelyn automatically believes that all those not possessing the gift are below her, and lesser individuals. She is extremely proud of the fact she is a Dressolini, and often judges others on their ability to perform or their appreciation for music. Other races are simply walking bloodbags for her to bite at. Though, she has many allies and even close friends of other races, causing her to have respect for certain individuals.
Useless Stupidity|Religious Thoughts:
  • Evelyn does not particularly dislike religion, but she does deem it as unnecessary. Even through her childhood, where her family were strict followers of Unionism, she never yielded to a religion. Evelyn may even find humor in the mindless worship of so called 'gods' and 'deities', occasionally cracking jokes about religions.
Powerful Practices|Arcane and Magic:
  • Evelyn adores her vampiric abilities and is extremely grateful for them. Without them, she would be useless and weak. This led to her forming an overall appreciation for magic and the power it supplies. She also generally holds more respect for people who are more powerful than others, especially those who have amazing magical abilities.
Sanguine Family|Family Feelings:
  • Evelyn's hatred towards her father as a child led to her forming the belief that family is not restricted to those related to you by blood. Instead, she set off to choose her own family for herself, and in doing so she met many Sanguine. Her protective and emotional nature caused her to become very attached to these individuals, thus deeming them her family.
Performance Ability|Biggest Insecurity:
  • Evelyn's biggest insecurity is her ability to protect those she cares for, and to protect herself. She is very determined to perfect her strengths in order to grow stronger. Countless times people whom she loved dearly were torn away from her, causing her to form a desire to become strong and skilled enough to protect those she cares about.
  • Evelyn is also insecure about her appearance, because of the mindset she was raised in. Growing up in a high-class family, she had to constantly refine her appearance until she was flawless. However, she has an immense amount of confidence to flaunt, and often covers up her insecurities with dramatic behavior.
Sanguine Blessed|Most Proud:
  • Evelyn is most proud of her Sanguinism. As a Sanguine, her mindset allows her to believe that she is above everyone else, and ultimately blessed to be a vampire. She will always take the opportunity to share her gift with her friends in belief that she is doing them a great favor.
  • Evelyn is also very proud of her looks and fashion. She spends most of her time in the sewers, among filthy people in ragged clothing, who have little appreciation for cleanliness and appearance. She takes great pride in her appearance, often taking the time to curl her hair, decorate herself with elegant jewelry, and proudly strut in front of others!
Protection and Power|What Motivates:
  • Evelyn is motivated by her ability to protect herself and her Sanguine family. She trains to improve her skills in order to make herself more useful in fights. She also strives for control and respect and hopes to gain this by bettering herself. Evelyn doesn't just focus on physical strength, but also wishes to strengthen her ability to command and regulate others.
Taken Friends|Biggest Fear:
  • Evelyn is extremely fearful of getting captured and cured. However, her immense loyalty to her close friends causes her biggest fear to be loosing a friend to guards. The worst situation that she could possibly imagine is defenselessly watching as her friend is killed or captured, and not being able to intervene or stop them in the slightest. Anyone who is lucky enough to become close with Evelyn will soon find themselves under her undying protection. She will always be determined to help and protect her close friends and family in every way that she can.


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Elegance is not being noticed,

it's about being


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Evelyn was born on October 29'th, in the year 208 AC. She was born from a Dressolinian mother and father in the southern part of the Regalian Archipelago, high up in the mountains of Montania.

Evelyn was born into a family of the more upper-class. She was a single child, with two very strict parents. Since she was very young, her father had become an alcoholic. Although he was generally highly regarded by others, and held a high position in his work, at home he was constantly drunk. Evelyn would often observe him taking out his anger on her mother, who was a quiet and soft woman. Throughout her childhood she always had a silent fear of her father, doing her best to avoid him. Soon, as she became older, her father would start to verbally abuse her as well. She'd soon become quite accustomed to things being thrown at her, and being screamed at in the hours of the night. Her drunken father would have meltdowns almost every day, where he would slap, kick, hit, and throw Evelyn around like a ragdoll.

Her parents already had a strict plan for her upbringing. She was privately tutored, given lessons in piano and violin. She was rarely allowed to leave the house or see anyone, living a very controlled and sheltered childhood. It was set out for her to pursue music professionally and be married by her parents once she was of age.

During her child and pre-teen years, she was quiet and obedient. As she started to understand her father's mistreatments to her and her mother, her extreme hatred towards him grew, but she never expressed it.

At the age of 16, on a rare outing, she met her first real friend, that would change her life forever. The two began to talk in secret, until one day she convinced Evelyn to sneak out with her. Of course, she was terrified and doubtful, however, she went along with it. That night, she stole her mother's cloak, pulled the hood over her face, and climbed onto the roof of her house from her bedroom balcony. She leaped from rooftop to rooftop, to meet her friend at the park. That night was the first time she felt alive in years, and the night she discovered her rebellious side. From that day on, Evelyn would stealthily sneak out of her bedroom in the dark hours of the night, once she was sure her parents were asleep, almost every day. At first, she would go to the park, simply walking around, yet feeling as if she were on top of the world. She would never give her name or identity, hiding her face as well as possible. As Evelyn grew more daring and rebellious she created a false identity for herself. With this identity, she would meet new people and begin to truly discover herself after years of an abusive and sheltered upbringing, where she was always kept hidden away.

Eventually, this best friend of hers moved away with her family. At that time Evelyn had developed a completely different demeanor for herself. As much as she cared about her friends, she quickly accepted it and moved on.

After months of hopping roofs and diving around tiny alleyways, she became very stealthy and athletic. Evelyn now had a whole new side to her. At home, she was a picture perfect obedient daughter, at night, the rebellious teen she was always meant to be. She began going to pubs and taverns in the slums part of the town, fueled by a need to rebel, and a need to see the world and what was out there. She met many new people and made new friends, but she never gave any insight to who she really was. The people at the bars would accept this, becoming accustomed to seeing the young cloaked woman every night. She was a mystery to everyone, as no one knew who she really was.

As all of this was going on during the night, her simple life still went on at home during the day. She continued with her private lessons, being the quiet obedient daughter she was expected to be. Evelyn quickly excelled in piano and violin, even starting to hold performances at local theatres.

As time went on, Evelyn became adept at sneaking out. It came so easily to her, and she never had any problems for months. Her system of doing it was planned out to the very detail. She calculated the time to leave, the time to reach her destination, the time spent there and the time getting back home. She made sure to make no mistakes, for if she ever did, she worried that her parents may not let her ever see the light of day again.

As she became more accustomed to spending time in the slums, she became more lenient with her speech and actions. One night, after finding her mother sobbing in her room over her father's actions, she felt a surge of rebellion. Once at the pub, she befriended a mysterious man she happened to meet. He persuaded her to "loosen up", offering to buy her all the booze she wanted. She ended up getting very drunk, spending hours drinking and partying throughout the night. Before she knew it, she was being whisked away by this handsome stranger. Too drunk to protest, he led her to the back of an alleyway. There, he bit her. At that moment she realized that this stranger was a vampire, but before she could escape his grasp, she was swiftly knocked out and carried away.

Upon awaking, she began to find out that this vampire had other plans for her. She found herself in a cell, somewhere beneath the city. The man who had taken her revealed himself as Andres, an Alais Sanguine who had recognized her as the daughter of a high-class man in their city. He decided to take her under his wing and turn her, forcing her to drink a glass of his own blood. After, she spent several weeks with him, where he taught her all about surviving as a Sanguine. However, one night she drew closer to her captor, peering into his eyes while setting a hand upon his shoulder. Andres was far too
captivated by her beauty thanks to her mutation, and wasn't phased as she whispered in his ear. Following her command, he gave her the very key that would allow her escape.

After leaving, she knew she could never go back home. The next few days, she hid around the slums, giving little thought into whether or not her parents missed her. Now a vampire, she made up her mind, and, with the immense hatred for her father coursing through the young vampire's veins, she snuck back into her own house, crept over him while he slept, and made her own father her first victim of her vampiric needs. After feeding from him, she killed him, leaving the horrible man dead on his bedroom floor.

After that, her hatred for her father was satisfied. She left her loving mother unbothered, slipping back out of the house, never to return again. Through the next years of her life, she traveled around The Regalian Empire, even making her way to Deandroc and staying there for a long portion of her life. During that stay, she would start to become more comfortable with her vampirism and new abilities. She continuously practiced her mutations upon the unlucky drunks she could seduce at taverns and bars, slowly perfecting her feeding tactics.

Eventually she became tired of running from town to town, and wanted some stability. She came across a man one night, by the name of Vesryn, who confessed that he too was a Sanguine moments before Evelyn attempted to feed from him. After spending time apart from her kind for over a year, the woman immediately became attached to the Altalar. Soon after, they formed a close alliance with one another and protected each other, frequently hunting together at parties and festivals. Using his abilities as a Shilot, and her's as an Alais, they made an excellent duo, camouflaging among others to slip into balls and weddings, lounging and feeding to their hearts content.

However, nothing last forever, and it wasn't long until one of the would make a dreadful mistake. Evelyn went to visit Vesryn while worked at the local Pub, serving food and drinks. Minutes later, guards flooded the establishment under the suspicion that a Sanguine was hiding among the employees, and demanded to check each person in the the Pub for Sanguinism. Evelyn swiftly turned to sneak away through the back exit, but Vesryn was unfortunately cornered. The Alais had no choice but to flee as her partner was carried away by uniformed men.

Several days later, the woman found her face printed upon a wanted sign outside the same Pub. The only explanation was that Vesryn had ratted her out after being arrested. Evelyn decided her time in Daendroc was over, and that it was time to travel back to her one true home, the Regalian Empire.

Upon making a compromise with herself, she eventually found herself back in the City of Regalia. Here she would settle down, hoping to find a place where she was wanted and accepted into well.


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Hello! I made the necessary changes to my app for the new vampire rework! All changes were made in dark blue.
Omg Evelyn is Dressolini too <3
Nick and Eve will sing and dance eeeeeeee
  • Given that you have Evelyn marked down as a full blooded Dressolini Ailor, she will not benefit from having a halfbreed mother. Please drop modern elvish from her application.
Make this change and tag me when you've finished.

I made some changes in light blue! I changed her bloodline to Doughal. Alais has proven too be too hard for me! I also made a small change in her proficiencies.

I made a very small change necessary for the update a while ago. I only had to the time to change it recently. I removed the mutation Mind Feeding and replaced it with Stone Feeding. The change was made in red.

Sorry for the confusion earlier where I previously had Ness Misting written twice. It's taken care of now!
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I changed her bloodline back to Alais! I also tweaked her proficiencies just a bit, and it was all done in this lovely green color.
Along with that, I added in many aesthetics and dividers! To go along with the method of turning for Alais, (having to drink the blood) I added in one small paragraph to her life story.

I also updated the personality and abilities section to the new format! :)
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Just some minor edits - her body points are incorrect. She'd have 20 body points given you invested +10 into fast blades.
Some of the personality paragraphs are a touch short, but I'm going to go ahead and reapprove you because they meet the minimum. Just consider adding more to it at a later point!

Thank you so much! I'll definitely correct the error in her points and I'll try to lengthen the paragraphs as soon as possible!

Hello! I just updated her app for the newest Sanguine update! I changed her mutations, and also tweaked her proficiencies as well. I changed a bit of wording around in her personality paragraphs, but it mostly remains the same.

Hello! I updated her app due to the new Vampirism updates regarding immortality. I aged her up and re-distributed her proficiency points, as well as expanded upon her life story. All changes were made in this red. :)
Total Points: 63 points to spend from age

+15 Musical Arts

⦁+14 Fast Blade Combat

⦁+10 Athletic Training

⦁+10 Stealth Rogue Skill

⦁+9 Theatre Arts

⦁+5 Bodycare Training
Point cap is 60 unless the character is an Altalar.

Hello! I just finished a much-needed rework of all her points following the multiple proficiency point updates and changes. I'm not sure if fixing her points issues a full re-review so I'm tagging you just incase!