Preserved Sheet Evanair Morgan Griffith

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Mamba Mentality
Aug 5, 2017
Reaction score
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Sunflower | Art | Hand Me Downs |
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╠ ⋅ Quote
"You can't go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are and change the ending." - C.S Lewis
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Basic Information

  • Full Name: Evanair Morgan Griffith
    • Alias/Title: Evanair of Roscoll, The Fervent Knight
    • Nickname: Evan
  • Age: 33
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Full Breizh Ailor || Archblood
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Longsword
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Skill Information

Total Points: 38 total points due to being 33

  • Combat Proficiency: 28
    • +10 Blades Combat Skill
      • Longsword Blade Variant
    • +5 Shielding Combat Skill
      • Tower Shield Variant
    • +10 Light Bow Combat Skill
    • +3 Throwing Combat Skill
  • Body Proficiency: 10
    • +10 Perception
  • Hobby Points: 10
    • +5 Culinary Arts
    • +5 Dancing Arts
Body Shape:
  • Physical Stat: 10+5+10+3=28 Body Stat
  • Body Shape: Muscular
  • Body Fat: Average Body Fat
  • Picaron - Mother Tongue
  • Anglian - Father Tongue
  • Common - Free
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Archblood Scrying
  • Archblood Arsenal
  • Archblood Mindwall
  • Archblood Scalehide
  • Archblood Siphon
  • Calling of Old
  • Calling of War
  • Calling of Lords
  • Calling of Faith
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Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Ambient Glowing Violet
  • Hair Color: Raven Black
  • Hair Style: Militaristic in style.
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Simple common wear, usually donning a cape/cloak.
  • Height: 6'4
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Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose Your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good - Evanair is dictated by a moral compass which tries to focus towards the individuals involved in a situational basis, lacking a real standard of what defines an action as good. Rather just doing his best to attempt to create a positive outcome for whatever situation he may be in, which requires a moral compass.
  • Choose Your Character Personality Type
    • ISTP-A Virtuoso - A master of many types of weaponry, and utilizing the ability of a draconic arsenal at hand. Evanair has made practice the use of his tools for the betterment of his combative ability.
  • Choose Your Character's Religion
    • Unionism (3/10) - Evanair is certainly a Unionist by all account, yet does not frequently attend mass nor prayer. He considers himself too ignorant upon the subject of faith to scrutinize or praise it, and stays focused on his moral work to benefit his mission.
    • Dragon Worship (4/10) Evanair is curious to learn more about his cultural history. He seeks to speak to more draconically inclined scholars within the city of Regalia.
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Life Story

Evanair Morgan Griffith was born July 17th, 275 AC, in Kintyr within a small town of Roscoll, born to an Breizh father in Mordair Griffith, and an unknown Anglian mother who passed early within the boys childhood. Evanair grew up early around Breizh culture, surrounded with the seasonal festivals within the city. Evanair grew up militaristically much like his father and his father before him. His family grew up middle classed, his father a star studded Knight in his own right, and wanted much the same for his son. Early in the young childhood of the boy, he came into a newer arrival of Roscoll which did not bear the name of a traditional Breizh child. He introduced to a childhood friend in William which he would bond to closely as he grew in his older years, and drew a tight bond with William and his family as the two grew up. In his younger years, Evanair grew up without a strong sense of faith within his household, not prominent Unionist household, nor one with strong religious values.

As the young child began to blossom into a man, he had to decide what his elder years would hold. Evanair decided to follow in the footsteps of his father, a combative Knight which had served the Empire and Kintyr for years and years to come. After he surveyed his option of schools, he finally made his decision at the age of fourteen in the Bloodcast Order. Which at a ripe age of fourteen, Evanair shipped himself off to, for his path of knighthood to follow in his ancestry before him. During this time, Evanair gained skills like the ability to wield a blade like a soldier and strike like a precise assassin, he picked up the ability of defense in the closest thing to him, a shield. Whilst a long seven years undertook, similarly William followed close after to the Keep. Which the two reunited within the order. Eventually upon graduation, Evanair sought out to do his moral duty and stand by his moral compass and do good within the world. Traveling to places such as Axford, and Calemberg. In specific, he moved to Axford for the relativity around Dragons, and the similarity of the folklore between the Breizh and the Anglian cultures. He sought to learn more about the prevalent topic of dragons within Ailor folklore.

After graduation at the age of twenty one, Evanair split up from many of his colleagues, becoming a far more introverted person for the time being, as he traveled along his moral destiny, but also sought the purpose of just what his moral destiny was, and what his goals going forth would be. He found himself conforming to the Ailor society of the Unionist faith, yet remained ignorant and rather unfaithful, as he had grown up with no religious strong base within his household. Never really furthering his faith within the spirit to attend church, and remained free of any ideals which Unionism spread, and reigns to the old folklore belief of Kintyr of the Red Mountain Dragons. Yet upheld a somewhat Unionist public persona.

Upon an accident in which Evanair ended up being trampled by his horse, the Bloodcast woke up the next few days with greensight. Until it manifested to something known to the local scholars as the Phantasma curse. This was a harsh time which Evanair practiced social isolation, and a moment of uncertainty and coldness to most, as he learned to cope with a new affliction.

During this new period, the Ailor continued to practice bladework and refining his weaponry skill, before returning to Kintyr to his family, which he was somewhat outcast from social normalcy. He learned to rather accept his ability and use it to his advantage of his work rather than allow it to dictate his goals and life.

Soon and recently, after the Witchblood curse had been completely reestablished into the Archblood. Evanair heard tales of Dragons in Regalia. And the location of an old comrade which he served, he set to travel to the Crown City to gain his new bearings. Evanair came to Regalia to learn more about dragons and reunite with a lifelong comrade, seeing promise to learn more about his culture and reunite outside of Kintyr through experts within the crown city.
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Here's my review - @Natannine
  • You still have your 10 Hobby points left to spend. You don't have to use them, but they're nice to spend on something.
  • Please look over the life story and streamline it.
Make these changes in RED and tag me.
Change in blue rather, given I'm red colorblind.
I added some ages, and just overall worked on the lifestory to have a better and smoother flow.
Here's my review @Natannine
  • You have written into your life story that he learned Cavalry as part of his knight training, as well as hunting when he lived out in the woods. He has neither of these proficiencies. Leave this out of the life story, or invest points into these skills.
  • You have no adequately explained why a regular knight from backwater Kintyr would travel far off to Daendroc. Explain this mroe adequately in the life story please.
  • You need to add a bit into the life story explaining his faiths. Explain how he became a Unionist faithful, and a Dragon worshiper, and explain how these two faiths co-exist to form his overall religious views.
Make these changes in BLUE and tag me afterwards.
AlrightAlrightAlright. I think I got it this time.

  • Removed mentions of Calvary training within the Bloodcast Order, and the hunting for ease.
  • Removed Daendroc and went into more detail about Axford and reasoning for travel in relativity to Draconic folklore which is semi-relative to Breizh folklore of Dragons.
  • Explained roots of each faith and how/why they are so loose. As well as how they manage to coexist due to the vague upholding of either, due to being just purely not well versed in the true practice of each religion. Purely going to leave discovery up to IC.
Changes be in blue chief.