Preserved Sheet Eugenio Leocadio

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A Loyal, Humbling Citizen.
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Eugenio Leocadio
  • Age: 32
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Altalar, ears clipped and hair dyed black
  • Sexuality: heterosexual
Skill Information (Required)
Skill Points (32 points)

    • +10 Blades Combat Skill (from Points)
    • +12 Light bow combat skill (Combat points)
    • +10 Large Shield (Points)

    • +10 Stave Combat Skill (Racial Bonus)
    • +10 Historical Knowledge(Racial Bonus)
Body Shape

    • Physical Stat: 10+12+10 =32
    • Body Shape: Muscular
    • Body Fat: Average

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Dyed black hair
  • Hair Style: Clean
  • Facial Hair: A thick black beard, dyed black
  • Skin Color: Medium color (tan)
  • Clothing: Brown Shirt and Black Pants
  • Height: 6'0

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Eugenio is viewed by strangers as a serious man, yet when they get to know him, he isn't serious at all. Once they meet Eugenio they can see that he is an overall joyful man and lives life to the fullest. After they meet Eugenio they often get attached to him and become close friends with him. Once the people are comfortable with Eugenio, they become friends with him and stay that way until a reason not to.
  • Second Paragraph: Eugenio feels empty inside from time to time, he feels like there is a void that can only be filled by one thing, a lifetime companion, someone he can call his own. Eugenio knows that he might not find his companion during life, but this just continues him to keep looking and searching for the love of his life no matter what race it is. Eugenio also feels like his life does have a purpose only because he is a Guard and protecting the capital city.
  • Third Paragraph: When Eugenio is with his friends/coworkers he is more outgoing and out there, he is viewed by his friends at times clingy, and other times as a person you can sit down with and have a heart to heart talk with him. Eugenio doesn't have any family in Regalia, so he calls his coworkers and friends his family. When Eugenio is with his friends as well, he and his people party as hard as they can when they get together.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Eugenio's morality is found within the law. He only does as the law says and if he breaks the law he would hold himself accountable for the mistake and promptly turn himself in for punishment. However, he finds morality in his friends and if they are hurt by some idiot who doesn't care about other people, he will track them down and make sure to arrest the man. Eugenio's only morals are his friends and the law. He takes no exception with these except his friends are attacked.


  • Women
  • Liquor
  • Friends.
  • Liars
  • Criminals

Life Story (Required)
Early life (1-5)
Eugenio was born in Ithania. He lived with a carrying mother and father; when he turned five, they moved from Ithania to Regalia and there he and his mother and father lived there till his parents were killed by a criminal while walking home from the tavern one night. Eugenio never knew what happened to them.
Childhood (5-10)
A few after his parents were killed, Eugenio bounced from home to home not finding a steady home, until one day he met Lady Elizabeth Black, Eugenio told her what had happened and that he was homeless at the age of 8 so, Elizabeth took him in to her Almshouse and raised him from there till he was 18 and was able to get his life together.
School Years (18-28)
Eugenio attended the School of Tenpenny at the age of 18 and graduated when he turned 28. There he learned how to fight with a Long Sword and Large Shield and he enjoyed every bit of it. The school was hard for Eugenio however, due to his body build he had a hard time carrying the Sword and Shield around but he didn't complain, he was just happy to be part of the school.
Present Life (28-present)
After graduating he moved back to Regalia looking for a good place to use his skills to work. He thought about becoming a Mercenary but he didn't feel like that was a good calling to live. When he got a bit older (26) he applied to his first Guard charter and that was the BlueSteel, (now the BlackGuard) run by Hengest Harold. This is where he began his guard carrier. After leaving the BlueSteel due to tensions among the ranks, he applied to the Vigilant Shield, meeting many of his new friends, such as, Shae Wren a Varran with great skill, Ascal, a Kathar he trusts with his life, and Garth Viduggla, who left the Vigilant Shield earlier this past year to start his own Chapter. Now, Eugenio continues to guard and serve his duty to protect the city that offered him so much.
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Peer review !
Do you mean Liars by chance?

Maybe expand a bit on your paragraphs! You of course don't have to add more to the story but maybe increase the sentence and word count by adding more details when you describe things.
You of course don't have to do this but it's a small pet peeve of mine, outside of explaining how old he is in the headers you constantly type out numbers instead of spelling them. Maybe try replacing them with their words to make it more neat.
  • Women
  • Liquor
  • Friends.
  • Liers
  • Criminals

Another optional thing, maybe expand underneath these listings. I also recommend you put them under a spoiler! Explain why he likes these things, and if there's a certain story to go along with why he likes or dislikes these listed things maybe add that as well!

    • +15 Longsword (+10 Tenpenny) (+5 spent)
    • +7 Alchemy (+7 spent)
    • 20 Large Shield (+10 Tenpenny) (+10 Spent)
    • Culture points
    • +15 Vocal Music (+15 spent)
    • Language
    • Eugenio knows Common for living in Regalia
    • Eugenio knows Modern-Elven decently, he learned it when he was a child

Of course you don't have to use all of your points, but I thought i'd point this out. You have 32 points in both culture and Normal Profs. Meaning you get 32 to spend on each due to your characters age, maybe add more to the culture point section? It's quite plain.

Though nice app! Good luck on getting approved.
  • State proficiency total above your listed proficiencies. This should be 32.
  • I'd like for you to bold keywords in your personality and abilities paragraphs, but also expand and elaborate on each by a sentence minimum as they all seem a little short.
  • In your backstory, he only spends 6 years at the school of Tenpenny. Schools take a flat 10 years to complete.

Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @Ringo0310
It still says in your backstory that he only spent six years at the School of Tenpenny. @Ringo0310
@Bagley_ I am thinking about making Eug a bit older, if I change the Life Story do I need to put in for Re-Review?
Physical stat shouldn't be zero, given proficiencies invested. Also you still have body build listed under visuals
Your physical proficiency is still misstated. It should be 20.
Bow and arrow needs to be specified as either heavy bow combat skill or light bow. Large shield should be shielding combat skill.