Preserved Sheet Estiñe Izquierdo

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A Sly Person
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom


The Little Joy
Basic Information (Required)

Full Name: Estiñe Izquierdo.

Known as 'Esti' for short. 'Tough honeycomb' by her father or 'Panal' also known as 'Honeycomb' by the closest people to her.

Age: 30 years.

Born on the 15th of the 10th month in 275 AC.
Zodiac is a Libra.

Gender: Female.
Race: Daendroquin Ailor with supposed Velheim descent from her mother.
Main Ambition: To gain new friendships and a stable, comfortable job which serves the State to make her mother proud upon finding her.
Secondary Ambitions: Gain a fair bit of wealth having been raised by a single, poor father and step-mother.​

When she moved, Estiñe was under temporary employment at the Regalian Circus as an act, though due to the burning she was left unemployed swiftly- leaving her to open a small Alchemic-Clinical shop within the Emporium and run a cart selling cookies near her home- someday hoping to get roots of working under the Law or such, having a small feisty persona to herself yet having a mostly a fun, cheery and sarcastic tone to it. With the ambitions to tail behind her mother, who is unknown, Estiñe settles upon Regalia with a sorrowful hope she cannot stem deep within herself- only to find out some secrets she hoped never to. She currently resides in a fair home within Regalia, having spared some coin, living with three roommates. With her recently known marriage to the baron Vilhelm Wolfzahn, Estiñe resides in their Estate home with his other family and such and is employed under the Mercenaries and hopefully soon- something else! With the known, lingering rumours of her husband's crimes and his recent move to Nordskag, Estiñe failed to keep her trust within him and remained in Regalia with a divorce soon following, holding her birth name, Estiñe Izquierdo, once again.
Estiñe was born to her father and unknown, young mother on an October's night- it is unknown who her mother really was as she had briskly left a month after the infant's birthing. Her father would never bring himself to speak of it, and merely dug it into the back of his thoughts as he married off a few years later. The young girl never came to terms with the new partner his father had chosen, still in hope that her mother may return to embrace them as a family once more, and yet, she never did. Her parents were both young adults at the time, sharing seventeen years of age each as Estiñe came about- and soon, as Estiñe grew, her half-sibling, Geneviève was born when she was nine years of age. Being young and foolish, she never grew fond of any new additions to her family, being poor and selfish- merely spiting them, though, as she grew, she came to terms and began to tolerate her other blood-siblings.
Skill Information (Required)

School: Combat School of Darkmark.



Total Proficiency Points: 30 (20 after school)

+15 Dagger (+10 from School of Darkmark +5 from Proficiency Points)
+10 Shortsword (+10 from School of Darkmark)
+10 Sneaking (+10 from School of Darkmark)
+2 Acrobatics (+2 from Proficiency Points)
+5 Alchemy (+5 from Proficiency Points)
+5 Surgery (+5 from Proficiency Points)
+3 Medical (+3 from Proficiency Points)

Total Cultural Points: 30

+15 Dancing (+15 from Cultural Points)
+5 Horticulture (+5 from Cultural Points)
+5 Instrumental Music (+5 from Cultural Points)
+5 Body Care (+5 from Cultural Points)


Main: Daendroque.

Taught by her father, Estiñe grew up learning her native tongue. She knows how to fluently speak, write, read and listen the tongue of the lands of Daendroc.


Secondary: Common.

Taught by her own father and throughout any studies she had with the local tutor, Estiñe can speak, write, read and listen in Common and yet when she speaks some of her Daendroque tongue slips every now and then.


Third/Under tutorship: Skodje.

Having began shortly before her twenty-second birthday, though it was a struggle due to her ongoing training. Estiñe strives to learn the language of the Northerners. Whilst she can speak it- she cannot read it nor write and at times she mispronounces half the words when speaking the tongue itself, and tends to never remember most of the words at times, taking a while to figure them out and at times not even remembering at all. Currently she continues to learn under a tutor provided by friends of the Velheim Culture- which she doesn't pay too much attention to the tutor at times due to her concentration issues, much like the previous.

Fourth/In development: Modern Elvish.

Estiñe recently sparked interest for the rather complicated language over the course of her stay in Regalia, inspired by the many half-mutts that roam the Slums and even her own daughter's heritage and past lover's, Estiñe began to learn reading and speaking first, knowing only basic phrases/replies having taken interest not too long back, leaving her little time to develop the language fluently- also struggling with her own concentration issues and easy frustration.

Visual Information (Required)

Eye Colour: Sky blue.

Hair Colour: Dyed mahogany red temporarily.
Hair Style: Shorter locks of wavy locks clipped to the back of her head.
Skin Colour: Olive tan.
Clothing: Commoner clothing ranging from blue or red dresses to the simplest of shirts and baggy trousers. Frequently armed with at least one dagger when venturing in the Slums.
Height: 5'1.
Body Build: Toned.
Weapon of Choice: Daggers or shortsword.

Estiñe's facial features are rather youthful and childish- with oval eyes and pouty cheeks that tempt a squeeze at first glance to freckles that scatter over her nose. She has no visible scars upon her facial features, and always carries a joyful smile no matter what, even if it meant to only cheer someone else up. Her left brow is pierced with cheap silver as well as her right and left ear. Also, whenever she must read, Estiñe wears a pair of spectacles due to having poorer eyesight when it comes to reading. She has two Staargir tattoos currently having done one under her left eye just recently too, being faint lines much alike to the tattoo near her right eye.
Estiñe has gained quite a bit of muscle mass due to her active training in Darkmark with most fat stored within her hips to give her some curves. She is a rather small 5'1 in height, mostly below all men and women. Again, she is rather null of scars with the faintest here and there. The young female has tattoos of roses draping up her left arm, digging into her chest slightly and aims to have some floral tattoos done on her hand, chest and back.
Having a poor father and step-mother, Estiñe could not afford the most fashionable clothes turning to the more baggy, comfortable clothing of shirts and trousers of dulled colours or commoner dresses ranging from either cream, blue or red.
Usually Estiñe has a rather welcoming tone to her voice, always glad to meet new budding friendships. She speaks with a thick Daendroquin accent despite her fair knowledge in Common, having lived out most her life in the lands of Daendroc.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

First Paragraph: The young Daendroquin female always has a cheery aura to herself. Many could say how bewildered they are at the female's devotion and everlasting joy, making her rather approachable and kind in many people's judgement. She can be found as a tease to newly met people, being a small jokester to bring out a smile in others. Always curious to find out as much she can, she will swing questions left and right at people to harvest as much information she can.
Second Paragraph: Estiñe holds an unanswered question within herself as to why her mother abandoned her father and herself as a mere infant, usually coming to blaming herself deep within though tends to forget within another people's company. Her devotion, however, to seek out her mother for answers will never die down.
Third Paragraph: Around friends, Estiñe is the shining pearl of joy, one could say, always throwing around jokes of all sorts to stem a laugh or two. She dislikes others who harm her friends or perhaps family, being rather protective and family-oriented overall. Around lovers, she's a little sceptic, being afraid of abandonment due to her mother's flight from her father and herself early on in her life. And in fact, she has had no known lover throughout her life. With the hopes of reuniting with her mother, she wishes for the woman to return with her to Daendroc to her father in blind hopes of creating a family that never had existed. Being raised by only her father and later step-mother, Estiñe has a strong relationship with her father, thinking of him above all else, being rather jealous of her other sibling having hoped to be the only person and her mother who have her father's love.
Fourth Paragraph: Estiñe does not have a favouring for the more power-abusing politicians and nobility, though tends to keep such opinions to herself. Her morality is rather kind, having a soft heart with the disliking towards slavery, barely tolerating it at a bare minimum and whilst she does not like to incite harm upon others, she will do so if it is for the betterment of others or the State. Be it a criminal or such.
Fifth Paragraph (OPTIONAL): The young woman is a rather conflicted Unionist, keeping the daily prayers and Masses close to her heart, not wanting to fail her Faith but with some particular Hightowers in her eyes being corrupt and having experienced law corruption, she finds it difficult to completely devout herself to her faith, sometimes even questioning it within the Slums. Usually, Estiñe does not enjoy the company of nobility who treat Commoners akin to scum, rather jealous of their wealth and power altogether and on top of that, the easy paths of choices and abilities they get thrown at themselves in life.

Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)

ADHD/Concentration Issues: Having been a child and now an adult, Estiñe had ADHD as a constant issue prodding at her concentration. During a conversation, she might be very easily distracted by the crowd or other interesting factors that catch her eye and is always rather hyperactive about meeting new people and finding out new information/things. For example, as a child she usually found herself behind tutoring such as mathematics and such, having an issue with concentrating during the learning hours.

Whenever the young Daendroquin is nervous, she has a bad habit of biting and nibbling at her own nails or hair. Estiñe tends to twiddle her thumb or brush at her hair almost always.
During her childhood, Estiñe cherished horse-riding as one of her many hobbies besides from mere friendships and whistling little tunes- or even playing simple violin notes.




Unrequired violence.
Non-Unionists. Most.
Life Story (Required)

Born to her father and an unknown woman on the 15th of October 275 AC within the deep Daendroc countryside.
Mother abandoned the infant and her partner when Estiñe was only a month old, venturing out somewhere far away from the new family.
Estiñe struggled with her father financially as she grew up, the man up-keeping various jobs at the same time to harvest as much coin he could whilst tending to their own small farm at the same time.
Her father married off to a local, poor Daendroquin woman on a Summer's day in 283 AC. Estiñe never really grew to have a liking for the woman, having the blind hope that her mother could return any day.
Her half-sister, Geneviève, was born in the year 285 AC with Estiñe barely giving a grain of care to the new addition, spiting jealousy that her father shared him compassion with those she thought as strangers.
As she aged, she came to tolerate her step-mother and half-sister.
Throughout her childhood, Estiñe tended to enjoy throwing knives as a sport much like dancing and basic violin playing.
At 15 years of age, with the hard-worked coin of her father's, Estiñe was sent to Drachenwald to train the combat style of the Darkmark School, spending years within the Keep.
With the failed hopes of finding her birth mother within Daendroc, knowing only of her Velheim blood, Estiñe set out to Regalia for a fresh start where she would continuously train and practice her Darkmark skills, aged 25.
The unemployed half-Daendroquin created her own, small shop within the Emporium, selling alchemic goods and offering basic treatment for the injured.
Alchemic and medical studies begin shortly after opening up the Honnber Alchemic Shop and Clinic.

During a small travel to Vargrheim, Estiñe married Vilhelm Wolfzahn. imperialised form of Víðarr Úlfurtönn.
Estiñe gives birth to her first child, a boy, Brynjar "Brownie" Víðarrsson Wolfzahn.
With the pressure of rumours and her husband's move to Nordskag, Estiñe is forced to allow a divorce to take place for the better of her son and herself.
A year after her son's birth, Estiñe welcomes a baby girl yet to be named in the Spring term and, with the obvious Nelfin parentage, the baby is being currently raised in secrecy.

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Alright. Let's review! Nicely organized application. @SlyChung

  1. Expansion for Basic Information needs to be spoilered.
  2. Expansion for Visual Information needs to be spoilered.
  3. For the third paragraph under Personality and Abilities, I want you to expand upon her family life a bit more. What would she do if she saw her mother, besides question her? How does she and her father get along? Let's learn a little bit more about how her family sees her and how she sees her family besides what is in her life story.
  4. No need for sub-talents. Combine them into just talents.
  5. Expansion for personality and abilities needs to be spoilered.
Make these edits in another color and tag me when finished.
Been a month almost since I last edited this. Anyways.

Marked all little changes in this colour. Additions to her appearance, language, employment and added it to the life story.

Changed up the Skodje paragraph a bit to fit her weakness as I didn't realise that too much. Nothing too major.
Changes made 01/03/18
  • Bumped her age by 5 years, making her now 30
  • Removed the Special Permission.
  • Removed all mentions of her Stealthmark and Lecgaen schooling.
  • Replaced Lecgaen, Stealthmark and Alchemy School with Darkmark instead.
  • Added Proficiency points.
  • Removed the Talent section.
  • Replaced some points in the Life Story to match her skill.
Basic changes made!
  • Added in Acrobatics with +2 proficiency points.
    • Decreased Medicine down to +3 proficiency points.
  • Also added in Body Care with +5 cultural points.
    • Decreased Horticulture down to +5 cultural points.
  • Due to recent events and increased time spent dwelling in the Slums, her point of view towards faith has changed a bit.
    • Devoted to conflicted.
just in case this is needed to be tagged
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