Estel's Assembly


Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are
Estel's Assembly



Purpose & Intent
A peaceful conglomeration of Estel worshipers within the limits of the Holy City, Estel's Assembly seeks to create a safe haven for the discussion of the Faith of Estel, and Elven history relating to Estel and the Faith of Estel, as well as worship away from the potential dangers of zealots of other religious groups, and create a legitimate, unthreatened place for the Faith of Estel within Regalia.


Estel's Assembly accepts Estel worshipers of all kinds, ranging from the orthodox followers of Estel's Pantheon, to the specific and unique faiths of Cielothar, Avanthar, and Drowdar. Converts from other religions to the Faith of Estel are also accepted, though Pantheon worshipers who change their allegiance will be expelled.


The power structure of the Assembly is loose at best, so as to allow the greatest freedom of expression within its ranks. However, some positions of control must be maintained to prevent the Assembly taking a direction it was never intended to. Even still, there is plenty of room for movement within the Assembly's ranks. These positions are as follows;
  • Mediator; the Mediator is the overall 'leader' of the Assembly, and the one who figureheads the organisation. The Mediator heads the Green Council, made up of the Mediator themself and the Representatives beneath them, which decides the course of action of the Assembly, as well as any events they may initiate, based on group agreement.
    • The present Mediator is:
      • Asher Deceres.
  • Representative; the Representatives are just that; representatives. As the Mediator figureheads the Assembly as a whole, the Representatives figurehead their specific sects. There may be a Representative for each Pantheon deity, as well as each of the offshoot interpretations of the faith. These Representatives should not only represent the interests of their specific sects, but also fall in line with the specific goals of their Pantheon deities.
    • The present Representatives are:
      • Asher Deceres; Representative of Julleo.
      • Cannaesil; Representative of Vaelle.
  • Follower; the Follower is the lowest level of Assembly member, though by no means the least powerful. Followers decide their specific Representatives, and hold significant sway over how the Assembly may proceed based on their decisions.


Application for the Assembly is simple; pen a letter to the Mediator or a Representative, detailing your name, occupation, Estellian sect, and intent on joining. This will be quickly decided upon by the Mediator.
OOC Template:
Username: (e.g. Scribbe.)
Discord Tag:
Character Name: (e.g. Asher Deceres.)
Follower of: (e.g. Julleo.)


OOC Notes
Hey! So, the Assembly right now is an initiative for getting all of Regalia's Estel worshipers under one roof to, hopefully, get some sweet Faith of Estel RP going, as well as maybe make some space for more freedom of religious expression in Regalia. My main hope here is to encourage more people to take part in religious roleplay as a whole, even if only casually, and even if only to target other faiths. To that extent, I'd like to invite as many people as I can who are at least interested in the Faith of Estel to join, and maybe get a taste of what it's like to be part of a religious group in roleplay.