Preserved Sheet Estella Noxus Serene Ii

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Mar 18, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information

-Birth Name: Estella Noxus Serene II
-Age: 22
-Gender/Sex: Female
-Race: Ailor
-Main Ambition: Her main ambition is to speak of truth and honesty to the Regalian folk and to someday be wedded.

Skill Information

-School: Discipline of Realm State - Statemenship
-Source: School in Calemsburg

Visual Information

-Eye Color: Silver Blue
-Hair Color: Blonde
-Hair Style: Long and Smooth, has a braid crown, but otherwise it is straight.
-Skin Color: Light Tan
-Height: 5 Feet, 3 Inches
-Weight: 127 pounds
-Body Build: Skinny, average. Muscles are indeed not showable, but she is a little strong.
-Weapon of Choice: Staff

Visual Information | Expansion

-Reliable and courageous, Estella earns her deeds and respect from herself and her passing mother. As a child, Estella spent most of her days inside her home in Regalia studying which earns her wise and trustworthy actions. She keeps calm at any time, but will get mad if anyone tries to push her to her limit. She is not much of a fighter, but uses her staff to wack her enemies, but fails. She doesn't worry about the scars and bruises, but continues to fight to defend herself or anyone.
-In the family, she had four brothers and no sisters. She was relentlessly helping her brothers with aiding them with any wounds. She is most likely considered the "nurse" in her family, but can also be a good painter. Her days as a young girl were quite lonely considering that she's never had a friend. She usually goes to school and comes home studying for the rest of the day in hopes of graduating from a good school in Calemsburg. She got the idea of going to Calemsburg for school all because her father went there.
-In terms of how Estella is with the world, she considers it a dark and cruel place to be in. Her reason is because when she became a teenager, she ran away from her home after her family was murdered. She ran away to the deep woods and never returned home ever since that incident happened. After all of that, she has been careful of herself and her surroundings. She is to never let anything awful like that happen again.


-Positive: Estella is positive about anything. She gives advice to those who are feeling down or for those who need help with anything, even if it's stupid and a waste of her time. She is always there for everyone even when she is sick. Her positivity gives her an influence to some of the Regalia people.
-Bookworm: Estella is just a bookworm. Reading more than 1000 books a year in less then a week, Estella has read half a library. She continues to read which gives her an advantage of being so smart and intelligent. She continues to read books even when she is sick or is out at the tavern.
-Nursing: Estella is an excellent nurse, but never tells anyone about how she learned it(learned from her mother since she went to a School for Medicine). She always carries a leather pouch with her wherever she goes containing items such as: Books, cloths, a water bottle, and some regals in case she needs to buy supplies if she runs out. Her excellent nursing came from her passing mother. Her nursing is more brief in her Life

-Intelligent: As intelligent as Estella can be, she is to be a very intelligent woman. She is bright about her surroundings and is clever when it comes to solving issues. An example is her reading. Reading 1000 books a year, she has learned many things about Regalia and it's past or simply reads made up stories. When knowing about Regalia issues, she is clever as to knowing about Regalia.

Life Story

Early Years | Age 1-10
-Estella Noxus Serene II was born on April 8, 284 A.C at her home in Regalia. At the time of her birth, her mother was ill with a disease and was to be careful about Estella dying. However, Estella never received the illness and was safe. A few months later, her mother was also cured from the disease and was happy to see her daughter, Estella.
-When Estella started to grow, she began to learn how to read books and how to write. She never attended school until she was about 14 years of age. During her child years, her mother often taught her everyday for a few hours, mainly after her mother came home from doing her daily work as a baker.
-While Estella was a child, her mother taught Estella how to become a nurse. Estella's mother would teach her for at least an hour a day on medicine and nursing skills, but mainly focused more on Estella's education that some days she would have to have Estella focus on her studies. When Estella learned about nursing, her mother would get a little scar sometimes and ask her to help cure her wound. Estella would eventually do what her mother asked and eventually learned very easily, but had some challenges once in a while. She promised to do anything to help the people if they were hurt.
-At the age of 10, Estella began to learn how to do many more things such as dancing, learning to be proper, and learning how to cook her favorite foods. She sometimes made food in the morning for everyone, especially if it was somebody's birthday.

Teenager Years | Age 11-16
-When Estella's 14 birthday came, she received a staff that was made by an Elven person. The staff was white and had vines and flowers painted on it. She loved it so much that she took it outside and asked her father if she could learn how to attack with it. It took a while, but she managed to use it properly.
-At school, Estella never talked to anyone besides her professors. She was mainly quiet and kept her distance from the people around her. She mainly studied and did well on her tests. She eventually left school at the age of 18 and went to Calemsburg to study.

Adult Years & Now | 17-22
-After the tragic death of her family, she returned to Regalia a few months later in hopes of seeing the house still standing. She entered the house and it looked normal, but knew that her families spirits were amongst her. Thus, she prayed every night to them in hopes of thinking this death was a fake, but never learned to face reality after many months. A few months later, she got over the death of her family and went to Calemsburg.
-While at Calemsburg, she asked if she could return to Regalia and stop her education. Questions were asked about how she would learn, but she said that she would learn herself. At 20, she dropped out and returned to Regalia. She received many books about statemenship and read many books to help her learn more of it.
-At 21, Estella read over 50 books on statemenship and other books on other subjects. She was then ready to live a normal life, but was waiting for her time when she would be wedded to a man and take care of him for the rest of her life. She had made that promise to her mother, but fears that it'll never happen. Though she thinks that, her belief in being wedded is merely 50/50 in her own words, but is learning to speak to people.
-Now, at age 22, Estella is becoming more active and is speaking to many people. She has made friends from the elderly and has made friends who come from different places. She is hoping to find a man at the tavern and is willing to do everything to get a marriage with the man she hopes to marry someday.

-Thank you everyone for reading my character application. If I need to make any changes or if you think this application is good, please let me know! I'm always up for editing things. This story took me a while, but I've managed to make it into an application for a character. Estella is waiting for a good life in Regalia.

-Emmerin (Demotria is my Forums name so rip)
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Peer Review!
  1. What culture does she take part in
  2. Skill information, you need to put down her ranking. Additionally, you must be a noble to learn this discipline, I suggest editing it to a different discipline. And, to avoid confusion in which I think you intended to state down Discipline of Realm State Statesmanship, and if not then be more specific.
  3. Body build should also be more specific
  4. You should put the expansion in the spoiler, but it's your preference as it can be useful information.
  5. Examining the bookworm talent, you should also add a talent that she is intelligent because being intelligent is an actual talent.
  6. If she is a nurse and then you should add in School of Medicine in your skill information section; keep in mind School of Nursing does not exist and should be replaced by School of Medicine. And, you should add in how she learned this talent in the life story.
  7. And, finally viewing your life story, she seems to be quite sufficient with a staff so in which you should append that as a talent as well.
That's my peer review! I may drop down another one unless this application gets claimed by a lore aspirant!

Peer Review!
  1. What culture does she take part in
  2. Skill information, you need to put down her ranking. Additionally, you must be a noble to learn this discipline, I suggest editing it to a different discipline. And, to avoid confusion in which I think you intended to state down Discipline of Realm State Statesmanship, and if not then be more specific.
  3. Body build should also be more specific
  4. You should put the expansion in the spoiler, but it's your preference as it can be useful information.
  5. Examining the bookworm talent, you should also add a talent that she is intelligent because being intelligent is an actual talent.
  6. If she is a nurse and then you should add in School of Medicine in your skill information section; keep in mind School of Nursing does not exist and should be replaced by School of Medicine. And, you should add in how she learned this talent in the life story.
  7. And, finally viewing your life story, she seems to be quite sufficient with a staff so in which you should append that as a talent as well.
That's my peer review! I may drop down another one unless this application gets claimed by a lore aspirant!

Thank you so much for your review. Lately I've been feeling a little bit confused and I've kinda worked on this for a while. I'll make those changes as soon as I can.

You are missing the entire Personalities and Abilities section, add that and tag myself once completed @Demotria

Also place any expansions into spoilers for ease of review
This is the final time I will check in on you, do you have any progress on your edits? @Demotria