Preserved Sheet Estalas Genician

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Jun 9, 2015
Reaction score
The Middle of Nowhere

"Do you think I'm a hypocrite? Well, you should."

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Estalas Genician
  • Age: Sixty-Seven
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Shendar
  • Main Ambition: To be of some use to the people around him, make a little gold in the process and (hopefully) not die anytime in the foreseeable future.
  • School: Threlwar Blood, School of Alchemy, School of Stealthmark
  • Level:
    • Threlwar Blood, Threlwar Mending: Expert (51 Years)
    • Threlwar Blood, Threlwar Bonding: Learned (37 Years)
    • School of Alchemy, Alchemy: Learned
    • School of Stealthmark: Fighter
  • Source:
    • Threlwar Blood: Acquired naturally and then trained alongside his other skills.
    • School of Alchemy: Learned from his mother in the Shadow Isles.
    • School of Stealthmark: Taught in Linvail Keep.

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Parakeet-Green
  • Hair Color: Ashen-White
  • Hair Style: Long, messy as it is loosely gathered and tied at the back with small braids on the sides adorned with gold clips and various braids.
  • Skin Color: Sickly-Gray
  • Clothing Style: Usually a darker-colored shirt and pants followed by an overcoat and boots.
  • Height: Six-feet seven-inches tall (200.66cm).
  • Body Build: Athletic
  • Weapon of choice: Longsword or Bastard sword for open combat and daggers for a stealthier option.

Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph, As Perceived by Others

At first glance, Estalas appears an unpredictable, eccentric Shendar who frequently works to help those around him. Not really caring for other's opinions on his unpredictable nature. Often working to better himself and those around him by using whatever he can, appearing quite kind in doing so. Carrying himself in a somewhat scholarly manner with a slight hunch to his back and a tendency to fold his hands in front of him.

Second Paragraph, Internally

Estalas' internal feelings are a bit of a mess. The Shendar attempting to prove himself useful and or strong enough, feeling a large amount of guilt for his actions in the Shadow Isles. With few moments of confidence, that callback to a time when he lived in there. His outwardly eccentric appearance holds true and is seen all throughout his psyche.​

Third Paragraph, Towards Friends and Family

In the presence of people he considers close, Estalas is generally a very protective person of his close friends. This usually comes in the form of him almost always putting their needs above his own. Often carrying a slight smile on his face in their presence, enjoying their presence. A family is a touchy topic for the Shendar, very few if any can be considered as such. He treats those family with an, even more, protective nature, willing to go great lengths for such people much beyond that of even close friends.

Fourth Paragraph, Morals

In short, Estalas' morality falls under the Chaotic Neutral category, with a dislike for overly-controlling order as he attempts to put his past habits behind him and just enjoy his life. His attempts are not entirely successful and have seen times where he acts unreasonably selfish due to his teachings. Willing to do a vast majority of things for what he believes in, even murder, yet torture is something the Shendar abhors.​

Fifth Paragraph (Optional), Worldviews

Estalas' worldview is one that has changed quite a lot over time, going from a slightly mellowed Shadow Isles mentality which is vastly different from what it is now. Presently, the Shendar is a follower of Unionism, believing in the great way. The Shendar has little to no prejudice towards other races, save for the Drowdar for obvious reasons. Although he'll rarely display this publicly or even privately for that matter. The Shendar will at almost all points avoid the topic of noble privilege, as his old mentality and life experiences leave him undetermined on the matter.​


Alchemical Knowledge
One of the Shendar's greatest strengths belongs in his mind, his skill in alchemy. At learned level, being able to create alchemical products of 7/10 or lower. This skill was picked up from his mother's teachings in the Shadow Isles. This has also reinforced the Shendar's already unpredictable and eccentric personality with its experimental style.

School of Stealthmark Training
Another useful skill at the Shendar's disposal. Estalas has trained for well over five years in the school of Stealthmark, obtaining Fighter level in the school. This skill was acquired after training at the Linvail Keep in Anglia and continually kept up through previous sewer fights and mercenary work.​


Estalas has a fear of any form of bindings and restraints. He's often incredibly uncomfortable and downright scared when put in them. He is prone to finding ways to either escape them or talk his way out of whatever is going on.

Bad Heart
Ever since birth, Estalas has suffered from heart difficulties. His heart has a tendency to beat faster than a normal person (and contrary to popular belief, no this is not helpful) which leads to lightheadedness, fatigue, skipping of beats and Though not entirely debilitating it is still a present concern every now and then when in times of extreme stress.


Bone Carvings & Tattoo Art
While still in the Shadow Isles and learning from his mother, Estalas had picked up a talent for making intricate carvings out of ivory and/or bone. Along with this, Estalas also knows a great deal on how to ink classical Shendar patterns sharp patterns with the occasional elven-esc tattoo onto bodies. This artwork also stemming also from his mother's teachings back home, in the Shadow Isles.
  • Sweets​
  • Tea​
  • Music - Specifically singing​
  • Menial labor​
  • Something​
  • Something​


Love Interest
Find out IC.

Ssabicurriajo Genician - Mother, Shaman. NPC
Rrellajo Genician - Father, Warrior. NPC

Pretty much everyone who gives him booze or isn't directly mean.

Nlaea Soryn - The backstabber. @Dreamaxia

Life Story

  • Estalas was born May 13, 238AC to a Rellajo Genician and Shaman Ssacurriajo Genician in the Shadow Isles.
Early Childhood/Early Teenage Years
  • From a very young age, Estalas never really showed the same fervor that his other kin had, though still retaining enough to not be immediately exiled.
  • Being a naturally curious child even at the age of Twelve, Estalas had shown an unorthodox method to solving small problems and a pension for experimentation.
  • This curious side leads Estalas' mother, Ssacurrajo to consider taking him under her wing in the School of Alchemy, however, he was still far too young at the time.
Late Teenage Years/Early Adulthood
  • Soon after the still young Shendar had reached the age of Seventeen, Estalas began to learn under his mother in the School of Alchemy.
  • The Shendar took to the School well, his already eccentric attitude was allowed to flourish from its experimental methods.
  • Estalas continued to learn alchemy, progressing to Student level at the age of Nineteen, still continuing his studies.
  • Being able to make plenty of products at this point, the Shendar used his skill in alchemy to compliment his practices in an arken cult with the use of hallucinogens.
Later Adulthood
  • Around the age of Twenty-two, Estalas had reached the Learned level in the School of Alchemy. Being unable to progress any further due to his combat experience working with a cult raiding party.
  • While raiding, Estalas has encountered an accident which resulted in him being separated from the rest of his fellow raiders. Leaving him alone in the jungles of Daendroc.
  • Considering the Shendar's already lack of the large amounts of zealotry shared by his other kin in the Isles. Estalas' perception of others was eventually worn down over the course of a decade into a much more mellowed outlook.
  • Around the age of Thirty-three, Estalas set out to learn more of the world in an attempt to better himself.
  • As he began to move out from his isolated home in Daendroc, the Shendar was near-constantly exposed to beliefs that were held in direct opposition to his own. At first, he only feigned his belief in the Faith of Estel/Unionism, but over time his hidden beliefs were being worn down and eroded.
  • Estalas was near-constantly exposed to these beliefs to the point where his faith in the void was all but gone. He'd lost the vast majority of his morals that he held in the Shadow Isles.
  • A couple years later, at the age of Thirty-eight, Estalas happened upon the Linvail Keep. The Shendar aiming to train in the school of Stealthmark.
  • Estalas had begun his training not too long after, pledging loyalty to the current Emperor and paying for his teaching through sold alchemy products.
  • Estalas continued to train in the School of Stealthmark for a total of seven years, reaching fighter level at the age of Forty-five. He was then sent out with his group to serve in a manner of guard work, assassinations and scouting.
  • As Estalas was working as a Stealthmark, over a period of years his team had been reduced to only one remaining fighter, himself.
  • Following the loss of his comrades, Estalas set out to the capital city of Regalia in order to hopefully work better than he did formally as a Stealthmark.
  • Arriving in the city of Regalia at the age of Forty-eight, Estalas made his home in the sewers at the time and continued to live there for about two decades.
Present Date
  • Recently, following an attack on him at the behest of the late Nlaea Soryn which left him scarred. Estalas now Sixty-seven has moved onto the surface. Attempting to return to his old routine of serving as a proper force in some way, shape or form.
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Sorry for the wait! Here's my review:

  • Do you mean to say that he is a full Shendar, or?

  • Please replace all "cult of dread"s with arken cult or something similar.

  • Estalas had begun his training not too long after, pledging loyalty to the current Emperor and paying for his teaching through sold alchemy products.
  • Why? I still don't understand why this character is a Unionist. For someone who was born and raised in a cult, fought in one, made friends, and even potentially lovers in one, why would he abandon his long-time faith and family to become a Unionist? This is the biggest issue I have with this app, and would love a fully fleshed out reason within the app.
  • Apply the edits above in another colour and tag me when you're done!
Do you mean to say that he is a full Shendar, or?
Meant his species is Nelfin, Race is Shendar. But to avoid any more confusion it just says "Shendar" now.

Please replace all "cult of dread"s with arken cult or something similar.
I think I got them all. Done.

Why? I still don't understand why this character is a Unionist. For someone who was born and raised in a cult, fought in one, made friends, and even potentially lovers in one, why would he abandon his long-time faith and family to become a Unionist? This is the biggest issue I have with this app, and would love a fully fleshed out reason within the app.
Added a couple parts to his life story, there was also a bit of IC interaction involved in there but I forgot most of it.
