Preserved Sheet Estalas Genician

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Just don't mind me, fixing him up with edits since this new fancy school came out that I need to adhere to.
  • Changed Shadow to Slither Magic (Because I needed something that helps his alchemy), added where applicable.
  • Fixing his mutations YET AGAIN (I don't know how I keep messing these up).
  • Gave him some sweet sweet Alchemy.
  • Bumped down Hemocurse to caster level due to upkeep needs (and the fact he's been practicing it less and less).
  • Changed "Self-Destructive" to ""Merinthophobia" (this was something I portrayed a lot yet failed to put down, so I removed the edgy thing and replaced it with this).
Changes made in the manliest of Pinks

Boop @Chiruda
Thanks with the reminder, Valentinian. I'm assigning this re-review to @TcareyIsTaken since I'm rather busy recently. Have fun!
Here's my review -
  • Personality and Abilities
    • The third paragraph should distinguish between friends and family. Surely he doesn't interact with both groups in the same fashion?
Mark this change in purple and tag me when you're done.