Preserved Sheet Eruto Ruchika

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No, I will not do that for a Klondike bar.
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Not In the bushes by the 7 eleven on your corner
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Eruto Ruchika
  • Age: 37
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ch'ien-Ji
  • Main Ambition: Power through followers
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • While inwardly being much more, Eruto appears to be nothing more than a pised Chi.

  • His parents raised him in a no nonsense fashion, making it very apparent they expected him to join the cultural war against the wulong, and to learn the style specific to his family's clan. Born to Beto and Mika Ruchika, and having no other immediate family.

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Honey Gold
  • Hair Color: Jet Black
  • Hair Style: Shaved on the sides, slightly longer on top
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Jade colored, knee length robe, black linen shirt and white breeches
  • Height: 5'9''
  • Weight: 146 pounds
  • Body Build: Slim and Wiry
  • Weapon of Choice: Clan's Nicoloan
Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Beyond part of the black tattoo that snakes its way up the side of his neck and resting at his temple, Eruto's face is unmarred. To put it bluntly, he has somewhat of a resting bitch face, although this is hardly his actual personality.

  • As stated above, he stands at 5'9'', relatively tall for a Chi but rather short compared to an Ailor, weighing in at 146 pounds. His posture would make him appear slightly larger, his shoulders back and chin up, standing defiantly before the world. He has a large full back Tattoo comprised of black tendrils ending in spikes, and growing away from it a lone tendril goes along his right arm and left leg, another going up the left side of his neck and jaw, ending at his left temple. This tattoo is infact a rune.

  • VGxrkspzxmnb5RAyyVw40ajYMJuRBUqud339NaVpZ3KD3sZ4r6U7ojeoFOZN1M0YeChDp5Y5i8OH7XEmfgmOfaMw0B4NDwhr_Uglf62pXF7lVMdIVh00aHQ0BQ_F1Cyf2faQzws0

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Practical- Despite his upbringing being filled with ceremony and tradition, Eruto has alway maintained a much more straightforward and clean cut way of dealing with individual situations, finding the more highbrow and nitpicky details of life in Yang-Tzu bothersome and silly. This can often be seen in his living quarters, or the clothes he wears, them being essential with little luxury as he views it to be a waste of resources. When talking he'll reserve judgement and try to keep straight and to the point.

  • Pride- drilled into him by his clan, more specifically his father, as he will eventually head the household and be required to uphold his own, and by extension, his family's honor. Always viewing this with purity, Loong forbid it be tarnished, Eruto takes great pains to not dishonor himself and his family. Seeing his clan's honor as something great, he'll often be heard with distaste in his voice when talking about others deemed lesser, who have non important destinies.

  • Courageous- Ever the sheepdog, Eruto is a protector of the common people. This is somewhat attributed to his and his family's pride, his father imprinting the thought of him being a guardian from the Wulong menace. Always one to take a stand, he doesn't blindly charge into any encounter be it physical or verbal unless he's needed immediately, rather he'll face a challenge with contemptuous ease- as Eruto often feels like he holds the upper hand.

  • Entitled- Being born the heir to the mainline, his clan imprinted him as one with an important destiny, when in all reality he is just another person. While not flaunting it entirely, he isn't afraid to make it known that he think's he's better than you. He is the heir to his name, defender of the family et cetera., and can easily go overboard when talking of his own importance.

  • Protective- Of those in his clan and his friends, or even just someone in need of help, Eruto holds a fierce defensive ideology. A lot of this stems from a mentality of "How dare you" or him considering himself to be above others and that it is his duty to act as a defender. Having two sisters whom he views as under his protection makes it even more so, it isn't uncommon for him to come across as fierce or aggressive if something seemed threatening to him or his family.

  • Naive- having a very narrow view on how the world really works, this coming from his elite upbringing and lack of real world experience via youth, Eruto's more naive than he'd ever say he was, refusing to admit his flaw as if it would make others look down on him. He'll feign knowledge in the hopes of striking the right chord, often only sounding smart in the process when in all reality he has no clue what he's talking about.

  • Clan's Do- Being the first born of his generation, to the main line no less, Eruto was given extensive training in his clan's unique way of fighting. Best described as a form of Traditional Nicoloan that involves using openhanded techniques, allowing for usage of hand weapons or fists A Maestro in the form, the clan's style of fighting out of form relies mostly on pressure points and joint manipulations, subduing the opponent, limb traps, and trips mainly in close proximity due to smaller stature, using all of these at even greater levels of power and speed with his Tiger Ellon.
  • Iron willed- Having focus folded into him as if he were a piece of steel throughout his life through training, Eruto's will is incredibly potent and he'll break before he is forced to bend. He'll think long and hard about his opinions, and will refuse to concede them in any normal circumstance. When fighting, his utter refusal to give up may inspire courage in his allies, or fear in his enemies. While not paying attention to this, he only focuses on himself, urging himself on mentally to keep going.
  • Calm- Always being taught to wait and wait until an opening exists and slip in, Eruto has developed an intense level of calm and patience when dealing with anything. Often making the perfect median in an argument simply because he can separate himself from the situation and take the time to learn everything there is to know about whatever he happens to be apart of it.

  • Physically tiny- Always having had a tiny physique, this comes with the problem he has never been able to fix: his overall lack of physical strength. He just isn't very strong, with most of his strength coming from quick speed and technique, and has a less than average amount of raw power. Despite him being fit, for a chi'en-ji, his musculature is lacking- He won't be winning any strongman contests anytime soon.

  • Easily Winded- Focusing on explosive power and sudden, quick actions, this Chi never even thought to try and increase his stamina reserves. Unable to maintain his normal combative pace for more than five minutes at a time until gradually becoming slower and weaker, he'd be easily overtaken in a large scale battle.

  • Insecure- Having always not felt up to scratch, heavily attribute to his inexperience, Eruto is very insecure about himself. This leads to him constantly trying to prove himself, and in turn put himself under unneeded fire. He'll try to belittle people in order to make himself appear more favorable

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.

  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.

  • Describe your character's talents, their inherent abilities that truly set them apart from the common population of Aloria. These talents are the kind of abilities other people would want to go to your character for to teach them. These are things they haven't specifically developed, but have a natural affinity for.

  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.

  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.

Life Story

Born on 278, first of his generation to the main line of his clan, great things were expected of the infant. Growing up with his cousins and sister, things were typically normal for the young boy, not having been impacted by the hardships yet to come. He grew close to each of them, they were more siblings than cousins. However, this ended at the age of thirteen when he and his cousin Hideaki were isolated by their fathers respectively to begin the training that comes with being heirs of the main and secondary lines. Being two years younger than his cousin, who had already began training as a guard to Eruto, the boy found it hard that someone's purpose was to keep him safe at all costs, and even harder that it was someone who he had viewed as his friend and brother for so long. Seeing him placed at the level of personal servant seemed strange, very strange to the young chi'en-ji.​

He began learning to focus his inner self, to concentrate despite the various distractions provided by his father in attempts to make Eruto's self control infallible. Learning to move without much actual movement, to redirect blows as to avoid absorbing them, and to strike the delicate and fragile areas of the body. The Clan's Do was a hard one, but well worth the effort of training. After four years of basic, physical and mental training, the true secret to the Clan's way would begin to be taught to Eruto- A unique brand of nicoloan fighting. Those were mainly limb traps, sweeps and throws to maximize their small statures power, while still maintaining its speed. Having already learned the gruelling focus of meditation beforehand, it was even easier when he reached Alumno level, slowly incorporating drawing on mental strength. At the age of 18, he reached the level of Usario in the fighting style, more capable a fighter than ever.. Reaching this milestone, he begins to learn even more of the clan's nicoloan techniques that are usable with a much higher degree of skill. He and Hideaki were now on the same level, it being a very long road to Maestro. They began training together under the tutelage of both their fathers, advancing together with the years. Training against mages from the military, they learned diverse techniques on how to counter enemy magic wielders with their combined forms, continuing their meditation as well as learning more move sets based within the Clan's Do. However, the downside to this was there was no room for a social life, for interactions outside of the intense daily training sessions which went on for ten more years.
Finally, they 'graduated' when they both reached Maestro in the form, which also meant he was ready to strike out on his own. It was then that Eruto grew excited, heading off into the world as a young man to finally gain experience so that he will one day return as a capable clan patriarch.​


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Peer Review
no salt intended

Welp its time for some dank peer reviewing once again, so without further ado lets getting right into it shall we?
I got you Fam!
  • Make him a little older, if hes going to be able to do Arcane Nicoloan he should be a bit older. considering the opinion of mages doing hand to hand combat.
  • Your personality Traits are rather bear bones, give them some Elaboration, 2-3 sentences more each.
  • Give him a personality Strength, pick something you can Rp out well.
  • I'm assuming your saving the Personality and abilities Expansion for something. But as it stands its just the template info.
  • Describe his magic, what does it look like? How does he use it? What effects has being a filthy Heretic had on his life?
Happy Writing Fam!
I am reviewing this sheet!

You have no weaknesses that aren't put aside for beast form. If you're going to be an arcane fighter, you need to add -2- more weaknesses, both of which will effect him with beast form.

I'm actually not going to buy a 33 year old can dual nicoloan and magic. So, age him up to his late thirties, if not early forties. He's already quite physically weak, so aging him up may even enforce the idea that out of beast form, he's quickly aging.

I will admit, I like the concept. It's kickass. Colour changes in blue and tag me when you're done.
Arcane Nicoloan fight isn't for support like distracting the opponent with a fire ball then punch instead of becoming a giant and just fighting in beast form? That looks like a completly different fighting style since it includes being much bigger, stronger, faster, havier and some times having claws
Arcane Nicoloan fight isn't for support like distracting the opponent with a fire ball then punch instead of becoming a giant and just fighting in beast form? That looks like a completly different fighting style since it includes being much bigger, stronger, faster, havier and some times having claws
That is just the example on the wiki. Actual Arcane is just incorporating magic into your combat.
For lack preservation, make it clear he's prone to recklessness and like, falling into traps. Make it a jarring weakness.

Also, remove still tiny. Basically the same as the earlier weaknesses. Remove and replace.
For lack preservation, make it clear he's prone to recklessness and like, falling into traps. Make it a jarring weakness.

Also, remove still tiny. Basically the same as the earlier weaknesses. Remove and replace.
One edit made, but for the 'Still Tiny' Weakness, it doesn't really compare to the earlier one as it is said entirely for beast form. Its a pretty damning weakness, as he doesn't hit near as hard nor is he as capable as taking hits as his much, much larger counterparts in the beast soul community. Just for clarification, as you asked for two weaknesses that stem from his beast form, that being one of the major ones.