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Eriu Innis & The Medes Corsair


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party
Hello Regalia,

Though I am currently preoccupied outside of the capital, I would be remiss to share my thoughts on the matters pertaining to the Medes Corsair. Please excuse the rather poor formatting. I do not have time to make it look pretty.
  1. Regalia abandoned military presence in Eriu-Innis
  2. Following the withdraw of Regalian levies from Eriu-Innis, the Allorn military quickly swept in and established control over the nation.
  3. The Allorn abducted the High King of Eriu-Innis and took him to the interior of their territories as a political hostage.
  4. The Medes Corsair Fleet, following aforementioned events, counter-invaded the nation of Eriu-Innis crushing and ejecting all Allorn presence.
  5. The Medes Corsair invited Regalia to re-establish military control over the nation-state, so long as Regalia did not intervene in their mining efforts.
  6. There is no documentation of the Medes Corsair being overtly hostile towards the civilian population of Eriu-Innis. In fact, they told Regalia they would not impede on their movement outside of mining operation zones and even offered to help Regalia dispense food in relief efforts.

It is also important to remember that though Regalia had a military presence in Eriu-Innis, the nation is not nor has it ever formally been a part of the Empire.

Furthermore, one should be reminded that the Medes Corsair are not independent actors and are instead sponsored by the pro-Regalian Ashal States of Khenu, Akhiza, Nakhoor, Gizkh, and Kharkoor. Any actions against the Medes Corsair would likely result in poor diplomatic relations with these five.

Lastly, the Medes Corsair only began their drilling operations in Eriu-Innis only after Regalian levies moved out and Allorn ones moved in. The Medes Corsair have never, or at least not in recent times, acted with any sort of hostility towards Regalia.

With all of this being said, I should like it to be known that I do not condone the actions of the Medes Corsair. What has unfolded in Eriu-Innis is a tragedy. Had the government under State Governor du Poncaire lasted longer than it did, the restoration of Eriu-Innis to its native inhabitants would have been on my foremost agenda as Foreign Minister. However, I must strongly object to any short-sighted and uninformed attempts at retribution. What has occurred is not black and white nor will the answer be.

Count of Bastadon
Markus Delmotte​