Shelved Character Erisil Astadhel Bel-ivaëlle

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Erisil Astadhel Bel-Ivaëlle
  • Race / Culture: Teledden
  • Age: 43
  • Gender / Pronouns: They/He
  • Occult: Godborn (Sapphora), Mage (Exist)
Core Concept
  • Born of Sapphora and devoted to Aseia, Erisil thrives when in the pursuit of power. And publicly, that is all they offer whilst they clandestinely seek to support the Allorn Empire.
Appearance Information
  • Erisil comes across effeminate in nature, yet never allowing their masculinity to ever fade to obscurity. Their tawny skin is littered in these pink floral patterns, marks of their Godborn status. Their hair is blonde, often worn long and with intricate stylings and jewelry. Their eyes are a glistening gold with pink flecks.
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Wisdom: 2
    • Deeplore Wisdom Pack
    • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack (Free, Teledden)
    • Archive Wisdom Pack (Amontaar Sarvaana)
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 7
    • Displacing (Greater)
    • Materialism
    • Disruption
    • Casting (Greater)
    • Blessings
    • Control (Greater)
    • Protection
    • Thanhicism (Free, Teledden)
  • Charisma: 5
    • Diplomat Pack (Free, Teledden)
    • Saboteur Pack
    • West Linguist Pack
    • Ancient Speech Pack
  • Faith: 0
    • Arcane Invocation Pack (Free, Teledden)
  • Common (Free)
  • Altalar (Native)
  • West Linguist Pack (Linguistics)
Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Erisil is a Godborn of Sapphora, reveling in the attention their divine heritage brings. Their self-assurance as to their importance is inflated beyond that of their kinfolk, although in times of repeat failure this may lead to equally inflated self-scrutiny.
  • An Aseia worshiper, Erisil holds beauty and magic in high regard. They take high pride in their own appearance, detesting anything that may tarnish their carefully sculpted design. Likewise, anything that would bring ruin to spectacles of beauty or magic are seen as the top priority to address.