Preserved Sheet Erfaron Draylas

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Jan 11, 2013
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By the ever wonderful @Chiruda
❝The further you fall, the higher you'll fly.
The father you run, the more God wants you back.
Basic Information [Required]
  • Full Name: Erfaron Niesirhis Sorlassan Draylas, 'Pebbles', 'Dog', 'Greyboy', 'One-eye'. Chosen alias "Shaeraer".
  • Age: Fifty cycles, born 17th of July, 254AC. ♋
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Full Shendar, infected by the Umredd bloodline.
  • Main Ambition: Erfaron intends to gain a lot of monetary income in order to give to Araidith when she grows up, which hopefully will save her from a lifetime or hardship. He also intends to help establish some kind of vampiric coven, though his allegiance is yet to be seen.
  • Special Permission: None.
  • Media.
Basic Information [Expansion]
  • Erfaron lives horridly in the slums, due to his lack of a stable job or actual income. He is hated in the eyes of the state, and intends to stay like it for the time being. He works for the underground sewer group, Usque Galenas, as they are the most powerful group he knows of, and one of the groups he believes he can use to ascertain his goals. He stays in Regalia due to the high amount of opportunity and magical potential.
  • Erfaron's upbringing was full of horrendous bullying due to the fact he didn't own a demon, and he was separated from his large family because of it. His father desperately looked for something to find pride in his son with, while his mother reinforced the fact he'd amount to nothing with her dread possession.
    • Yelphra Draylas - Sister - 51
    • Ievos Draylas - Brother - 52
    • Lierin Kethryllia - Sister - 57
    • Athlasan Kethryllia - Brother-in-Law - 62
    • Rhalyf Draylas - Brother - 65
    • Kampaeyne Draylas - Brother - 82
    • Wyn Draylas - Brother (Yanar) - 63
    • Merriwen Draylas - Twin Sister - 50
    • Feynrith Draylas - Father - 113
    • Naevys Elanil - Mother - 110
Visual Information [Required]
  • Eye Colour: A deep, darker shade of red, accompanied by tainted black sclera.
  • Hair Colour: Silvery white.
  • Hair Style: Side swept.
  • Skin Colour: An ashen, pale grey, discoloured in most places due to burn scars.
  • Clothing: Simple peasantry robes, sashes and scarves. Or, more recently, a stolen full body suit and mask set, courtesy of Gaelthar Daessalia.
  • Height: 6'2ft, 184cm.
  • Weight: 155lbs, or 70.4kg.
  • Body Build: Mesomorph, lean.
  • Weapon of Choice: A rondel dagger or shortsword (usually whatever he can get his hands on), or perhaps the stump/prosthetic of his left arm.
Visual Information [Expansion]
  • Erfaron's face is feminine. Rounder cheekbones encompass the sides of his face accompanied by an elongated chin. His eyebrows are still as thick as a male, but his eyes and nose are smaller than normally expected. Thus, he can be easily mistaken for a female, androgynous. Erfaron's eyes are a dark blue on a background of demonic grey, displayed in a shorter and wider slit. He can usually be seen smiling, which leads most people to believe he leads a happy life. Erfaron's hair is maintained constantly, being side swept off to the side with a fair amount of dedication and style. The Shen shaves his facial hair regularly. Erfaron wears a variety of earrings on the ear remaining intact.
  • Having been a Shendar, Erfaron's skin is a dark ashen grey. After having spent years in the Daendroque jungles and Hallonq, he has become quite tanned for his race. Many burn marks encompass his arms, leaving his hands numb and discoloured. This is a result of his use of fire magic, and his insistence on using one hand on occasions, making his own self burn up. A scar lines the entirety of the left side of his neck, inflicted by the Vice of Dread. The Azure Order tattoos also rest around this area of his neck in a chain-like pattern. Whenever he spies the scar or someone touches his neck, he goes into a cold sweat. There are also lightning scars littering the left side of his face where Gaelthar removed his eyeball. His body is at least somewhat toned, to the best of his ability. Being a Nelfin, he could never reach even half the muscle mass of an Ailor, leaving him a skinny yet somehow muscled figure. The same scars also litter his left arm, which is also missing its hand. A rose and vine tattoo covers the entirety of his right arm and shoulder, even reaching onto his pectorals. Being of the Nelfin variety, Erfaron has stunningly little body hair. In fact, the only visible place is along his abdomen.
  • After leaving the Shadow Isles, Erfaron started to adopt and develop the bright clothes Daendroc, as was required of him. He started out wearing short-sleeved vests and shorts, loose and flowing clothes mostly. Though recently, due to the colder climate in Regalia, he resorts to a scarf and coat, as well as full trousers and boots. With the hotter seasons, he'll switch to something more revealing and unsecured sashes. Erfaron has a couple of signet rings from Hallonq, and some various jewellry that he tends to wear proudly. This comes with the confident ability to defend himself.
  • Erfaron doesn't have a definitive accent related to his common speech since he learned Elvish first. He abbreviates some words such as "its" down to "'s", and trends towards "gonna, wanna, could'a", and various other sentence shorteners. Erfaron can speak Common, Elvish, and hints of Daendroquin; incorporating the latter two into his speech pattern when he speaks Common.

Art made by the ever illustrious @Chiruda <3
Personality and Abilities [Required]

Personality Traits

  • Self-reliant: Erfaron has always known what he can and can't do, how to sustain himself, how to feed himself and how to protect himself, all by himself. He knows what he needs, what he doesn't need, what not to get and what to get. He finds it easy, and it's mostly what contributes to why he despises when people see themselves as "helpless". Most people may see it as miraculous considering his cheerful attitude, but he sees it as a natural, human property. It allows him to live by himself, live off his own money, plan for himself, and keep himself in check. With the recent developments in his life, Erfaron has been truly dedicated to himself, and has decided to rely on no one in an effort to prevent another incident happening to him again. He no longer creates emotional bonds willingly, and feels as if it will only hinder him.
  • Passionate: As demonstrated by his constant need to advance his skill level, to bring his main ambitions and goals about in order to succeed and fight for what he believes in-- Erfaron is most certainly a passionate man. Whether it's through his actions or speech, the Shendar believes in expressing himself through his beliefs. Whether they're chaotically erratic and misstated, or entirely rational and pure, Erfaron's actions have a certain driving force behind him that he's developed through the hardships he's experienced. He certainly may not express it at the worst of times, instead turning to grim determination, he believes in his actions to the fullest extent and has little to no doubts about his further actions. This is in part due to his recent actions and his vampiric infection, giving him a heightened sense of self and superiority.
  • Conciliatory: During his time in Regalia, Erfaron has come to believe that the beings and constructions of the past must be preserved. This applies to people and arcane activities alike. Even those pertaining to evil, downright abyssal or demonic intentions. There are very few, only one person in fact, whom Erfaron believes is undeserving of any form of mercy. Taking a life is exactly that; excluding someone from being able to redeem themselves as he has. To that end, Erfaron is very merciful and refuses to kill unless his own life depends on it. He intends to preserve history, in whatever form that may take, instead of destroying it. Erfaron will choose any option that preserves the most history, then the most life. He feels that if the world is able to remember it's mistakes, it will never repeat them, especially the "bad" parts. While he certainly have no qualms about feeding and pushing someone to the brink of death, he outright refuses to kill or destroy history for no reason.
  • Wrathful: After abandoning his original intentions of staying away from the void and it's presence, Erfaron finally gave into the constant power trip banging at his door. With his possession, he has had a burst of inspiration and vigour, feeling a certain empowerment from the amount of anger he's gained; although this oft leads him off the due course, injuring himself on purpose or in combat and causing floods of various guilt trips over the things he thinks about doing. He can come off as a very violent and aggressive individual, though an inspired and powerful one in equal standing. This trait seems to persist, even with his ex-possessed status. Now with this Umredd infection, his anger is amplified and breaks through his previously placid state.
  • Questioning: As a previous expert mage and scholar of the arts, Erfaron has an undoubted tendency to question the things around him to the fullest extent. It's the main source of his knowledge and how he garners interest on subjects, and while it certainly helps to expand his intelligence and library, not many people seem to appreciate the sentiment. His ability also extends into people, leading him into always asking why and prying into someone's personal life, which more often than not leads into disappointment on his end or strange responses from the other party. Erfaron actually acknowledges he's like this, but continues to do so out of pure interest. He's taken a disliking to weaker or fragile people or parts of history due to his infection, thus leading him to read more literature over people.
  • Enigmatic: Due to the sheer amount of events in his life that Erfaron has gone through, he's fairly complicated with his persona. He tends not to reveal who he is or what he's done to most people unless they already seem to know, which actually makes him quite reserved in cases that involve himself. This could be an extension of his paranoia playing on him, though he believes it helps him maintain relations with most other people, as it prevents him from saying something about himself he really shouldn't. The Shendar tends to deflect any personal questions and directs them towards a goofy, unneeded and strange answer that likely leaves people more confused than they were before.
  • Paranoid: The Shendar has become particularly distrusting of anything and everything he does not know the exact intentions or morals behind. He becomes distantly afraid and nervous when he is alone, cynical and snide to those he does not trust, and a complete downer when it comes to the topic of those who have betrayed him. The Nelfin constantly loses sleep because of this, even to the point where he may become deprived at certain times of the day. It's certainly his past haunting him, and he makes no effort to correct what he believes is a scar from it. This is the only time he believes himself to be failing, due to his superiority complex, and makes him seem to crumble to his knees in reminiscence of his failures.
  • Disrespectful: Even when Erfaron is in the presence of a higher up, he never fails to treads on someone's sensitive spot. Either by choice or by accident, this Shendar believes that there is no line or boundary to be set when it comes to making fun of another person. This makes his life significantly harder, especially when he's trying to appease someone or become their friend. The Shendar always makes a conscious effort to combat this, though it has never worked. He may come off as rude, ignorant or plain insensitive in lighter conversation. Due to his vampiric infection, Erfaron especially despises weaklings and finds them to be a nuisance, further increasing his tendency to ignore social rules.
  • Pretentious: Completely due to his superiority complex through vampiric possession, Erfaron believes himself to be on top of the world. The fact that he recently triumphed over his main goal and now has free reign to do as he wishes, the Shendar thinks that he's one of the most powerful of his kind. Evidently, he is not, and it leads to boasting and overestimation on his part. In combat and social situations, he over estimates his abilities, which leads to him trying to do more than he can in reality. This eventually ends in failure, which is one of the main causes of his wrong-doings and slip ups. Once he does fail, it's likely to relapse onto his paranoia, which causes him more mental stress than not.
  • Agility: While the Shendar has no further capability to improve his physical strength, his lighter build allows him to strike and maneuver quicker than the average fighter. Erfaron knows that with his fighting style he needs to make all of his strikes count, leading him to adapt a certain finesse when fighting his enemies. He's certain of his ability to perform particular acrobatic feats, though this mostly relates to climbing and balancing, borderlining on the very basic of gymnastic activities.
  • Belief in self: Erfaron has always believed in his own ability and confidence, to a realistic degree. He knows what he can and can't do, and continues to play on this. It seems to come off in his demeanor, due to being casual even in some of the more dangerous underground areas of Regalia, or certain heated situations. This confidence does crumble once he knows he is outmatched, however.
  • Knowledgeable: Book smarts. He's always had them, since he began his studies in the Shadow Isles and his time in Hallonq. Erfaron knows a broad spectrum of subjects magical and mundane; he seeks to preserve such information and usually writes everything new he learns in his scriptures, working to memorise them and keep them dear.
  • Willpower: After having faced some of his would-be Gods in battle, Erfaron has gained a prideful willpower to keep moving forward. It's kept him alive at the worst of times, allowing him to take that last step before falling, that last strike before the end, or that last spell to keep the battle brewing. This even comes into play out of combat, leaving him highly tolerant to physical and psychological torture.
  • Anti-magic: While an anti mage is certainly something he never saw himself being, Erfaron decided on this school of magic to be his last. He believes that with his current skill set, it is the most useful school he can pick up, especially considering the frequency of magical enemies he has to encounter on a daily basis. He hates revealing himself as one, and he hates being one, but he certainly has no problem doing it. Erfaron intends to preserve every piece of magical history he can, but he has learned this also requires snuffling out any magic that seeks to do him harm.
    • Current Level: Novice.
    • Note: Currently cannot be used due to vampirism.
  • Depth Perception: Having been robbed of one eye by Gaelthar, Erfaron's perception of an object's distance away from him is very obscured. His perception is thus very skewed compared to the regular Shendar's, leaving him to blunder about at times. While he has become adjusted to the necessity of only using one eye, he will occasionally lose proper focus, especially when struck in the head or in a similar area.
  • Missing Left Hand: Plain and simple, Erfaron's left hand has been cut off at the wrist. Due to its pinch between burning lumber and a boulder during the unseating of Freya Lo, Erfaron's hand had to be removed via sword. Needless to say, his left arm is almost useless because of this action. He cannot perform any proper tasks with his left arm, save for hooking onto something or punching with the stump. The end of his arm is extremely sensitive and prone to pain, something that seems to persist throughout the arm as a whole.
  • Plainly Weak: Erfaron has been weak since childhood. Being a frail and sickly boy, and his consistent training in magic, the Shendar's muscle mass was no match for any other physically inclined person that crossed his path. While this has definitely improved with his recent muscular training, the grey-skinned Nelfin suffers from anything besides what he was trained to. Heavy lifting and endurance are not his strong suits, leaving him stranded if either of these obstacles are in the way.
  • Dissonant: Despite being connected to many and meeting a variety of people, Erfaron has found no one he can truly connect to, and believes that this feat is impossible, bar a singular person so far in his life. He thinks that this door is closed for him, choosing to put all of his belief in one person has led him to never trust another as much as he trusted them. This causes Erfaron to constantly turn those away who get too close to him, though maintains what he considers to be a meaningless friendship with most people.
  • Nervous Wreck: After his excursion with the Vice of Dread himself, Erfaron has been left with a deep paranoia that stems from his related fear of being alone. He can shroud his fear and disbelief when in public, feeling it better to hide such things in the presence of others. However, his dreams and overthought hours are plagued with the thought of Dread returning to the city. When alone, he gains a brief cold sweat, going as far as to make sure every single part of his house is lit up and visible before calming himself. This puts him in a push and pull relationship with his friendship, wishing for someone to be there yet believes he can never get too close; a chasm he attributes completely to Dread himself.
Personality and Abilities [Expansion]
  • When Erfaron is confused or intrigued, his remaining ear will wiggle for a brief period of time.
  • After becoming nervous, the Shendar kneads his hands together in an attempt to calm himself.
  • While the Nelfin is at rest, his hands drift towards his midsection and seat themselves either on his sash or his belt, commonly hooking his thumbs underneath the fabric or leather.During times of contemplating or thinking, this Shen usually places one hand to the back of his head as if to scratch an itch that isn't really there.
  • As the Shendar has lived on his own and in the wilderness for a menial number of years in his younger life, he learned to prepare food for himself in an effort to conserve funds.
  • Similar to the above, the Shen also learned how to cut his own hair, even adapting the skill to do so to others.
  • In order to prepare himself for the rest of his century long life, Erfaron picked up the habit of sketching to be able to sate some of his inevitable boredom in later life.
  • During his time sewer dwelling, Erfaron has learned how to perform basic stitching. This is mostly from the experience of having it performed on him, leaving him completely inexperienced in the medical field. However, he understands how to cauterize, stitch and bandage to some amatuer degree.
  • The act of burning and creating fire is something of a wind down activity for the Shendar, feeling a close resonation to it due to his past activities as a fire magi. Though the element brings forth some tragic memories, the good outweigh the bad, leaving him basking in the glow of a fire place more often than not.
  • One thing that the Shendar can possibly be bribed in, using even small amounts, is sweet food. Cakes, sweets and any sort of unsavoury baking food always seems to leave him wanting more.
  • Despite leaving his life in the Shadow Isles behind, Erfaron feels a close place amongst their song and dance traditions. Music seems to be a rare sight in the city to him, causing him to enjoy and revel in the tune, possibly dancing along; wherever it may be.
  • Due to his own social class and early experiences in the Holy City, the aristocracy of said city constantly leave Erfaron annoyed to almost no end. Not once has he been able to sympathise with one closely, bar a particular Kade teenager, whom he doesn't seem to interact with anymore. The tight clothed and golden embroidered higher ups leave a sour taste in his mouth.
  • Sour foods. Perpendicular to his love of sweet foods, the act of consuming anything with even a hint of a sour taste leaves Erfaron reeling in disgust. While the taste of pure sourness leaves him completely dumbfounded, it can be tolerated when mixed with something stronger. Regardless, the taste of these devilish foods leaves Erfaron wiping his tongue.
Relationships [Optional]


  • Marth - Elven Truendil
    • Erfaron's beloved cat. After much insistence from a particular set of friends, the Shendar caved in and began to take care of the orphaned cat. Marth is about two years old already, a full adult, and takes to the streets more often than not. Erfaron still feeds him and gives him whatever attention he desires, finding comfort in just having the animal around. When feeling guilty, depressed, conflicted or any range of negative emotions, Erfaron will turn to his cat for comfort.
  • Earáinë Draylas - No Longer Human - @Chiruda
    • While she still remains a close and honoured memory in the Shendar's mind, Rai, as she was known to him, is long deceased. Her death was what seemed to cut whatever romantical ties he had or wished to have, including his lack of general emotion from his life. Erfaron only seeks to avenge her death by almost any means necessary, augmenting his abilities, body and mind to better suit this purpose. She is by far the person who has influenced his life the most, and who will continue to influence it for the foreseeable future. She is the only person Erfaron truly learned to love, and continues to do so even from her grave.
  • Wilfre Vaendit - Anti Magi Compadre - @Grinning_Greaser
    • Out of all the people he'd least expect to befriend or come to trust, it'd be Wilfre. An anti mage and someone who seems to have violent tendencies is someone he'd usually like to avoid. But not in this case. Erfaron feels a certain sense of dedication around this anti magi, and does most of what he can to protect him. In fact, there's almost nothing barred off. Erfaron has thrown himself in front of a raging Dra'lonais for Wilfre, and would happily do so again. While his affection for the Altalar was short lived, Erfaron sought him out after Rai's death. He is the one who taught him the beginning's of antimagic, and Erfaron continues to carry on his tradition of being a masked Magivore.
  • Nadiyya Al-Tufayl - Distant, Lost Friend - @Muffins_
    • Erfaron confided in Nadiyya many times when she regularly walked the streets of Regalia, and misses the Qadir dearly. The topic of her seems to put him on edge however, since he is unsure of her fate. Though he is confident in that if she was as good as he thinks she is, she would have made it out of anything alive. He clings into this hope in the possibility he'll see her again at some point.
  • Kyou Tokudame - Intricacy Laced Interest - @Lumiess
    • Despite Erfaron's insistence to stay away from any romantic feelings for the time being, he can't help but find some sort of interest in this Chi'en-ji. He feels like she could be a source of physical comfort, though he wishes to stray away from her in order to keep her safe. The Shendar secretly believes that he could become closer to her in time, but that time is years away, if not decades-- perhaps a century.
  • Enaerynwen Nhadhrinsyr - @Rhuyne
  • Llewellyn Yraudhen - @Khemostar
  • Chen Jia - @ChensSpaghetti
  • Karim Azhar - The Vessel - @TheBioverse
    • Erfaron believes Karim to be the next incarnation of his inner, outer and all encompassing demons. He embodies the one who first struck fear into his heart, who continued to torment him, and then took everything he had built up away from him. After burning Rai, he believes that Karim has some saving to do. His hate is all but burned out, and if he were to ever see the man again, he believes that his best bet would to be to pull him away from Dread's clutches in order to save the man beneath the skin.
  • Amelie Belrose - Infallible Protectorate - @SlyChung
    • While Erfaron certainly still opposes Dread and all of his machinations, he believes that the men and women that he touches are all but puppets, and their strings can be severed. In the same sense, as an Umredd, he respects the power that Dread may hold. Thusly, similar to Nancy, Erfaron finds Amelie to be a strange light in the darkness. Their main label is "friends with benefits", though Erfaron draws the line at love, he believes that they can be more than just the average friend to each other.
  • Gaelthar Daessalia - Former Mentor - @TyrolleanEagle
    • Erfaron despises the Virtue of Justice. He was the one to show him that the Attribates are only base on a single principle, and that they will only ever be based around that same principle. He sees them as unfit to wield the power that they do, and thus has great scepticism towards them and their spawn. He is the main reason that Erfaron wishes to expand his knowledge of the hidden subject. Gaelthar Daessalia is his greatest enemy, and his greatest inspiration all bundled up into one.
Life Story [Required]
On the 17th of July, 254AC, the sixth child of Feynrith Draylas and Naevys Elanil was born in the eastern Shadow Isles, like the five siblings before him. It was a beautiful spring night, and Naevys was surrounded by friends, families and surgeons alike. The birth was as clean as can be expected in this age, and even after multiple births, Naevys was able to pull through. Thus, a new member was added to the Draylas clan. However, it was noted a few years after the birth that Erfaron had not been chosen by a voidling, like his siblings before him. Rushed recommendations for Erfaron to undergo a ritual while still in his infant state were directed towards Feynrith, though they were dismissed. Feynrith had decided that Erfaron would become an insurgent, a spy and scout. Someone to take information from the outside world, and hand it back to the tribe for analysis to help with the coming void invasion. And thus, this was his goal.

Erfaron spent most of his early teenage life in the Shadow Isles, learning to speak Elvish and Common alike, and starting his expansion into fire magic at the age of fourteen. Traditionally, he would have learned how to use the stereotypical Elven bow or close quarters combat. However, from a young age, Erfaron was always seen as frail or sickly. His body was in no condition to begin such training, and it was dictated that learning magic was the best course of action. He would get more utility and use from it than physical strength. Thus, his fire magic studies began.

Erfaron was also taught basic survival skills. What berries to pick, what not to pick. This came in handy from his travels to Hallonq from the Shadow Isles, but this knowledge quickly deteriorated- he had no use for it in a city. By the time he was 36, he was sent out from the Shadow Isles to make the trip. He met a fair few people on his travel through central Daendroc, and quickly learned that he wouldn't be readily accepted. He started off small, but his social skills quickly snowballed in this environment. Using various traders as a way to gather supplies and routes to cities and small villages, Erfaron made his way across the world, as was expected of him. For four years he passed through places such as Havenreach in Ithania, Daenshore in Daendroque and certain cities in Teled Methen, relaying his scouting through a set of void-loyal spies told to him by his tribe. Though he eventually reached the eastern Daendroc shorline, and in turn, Hallonq.

Erfaron spent ten years in Hallonq. Only the first two was he actually doing his job of collecting information, compiling his mental stockpile of fortifications, weak spots, army numbers, etc. And he promptly forgot for the next eight. He'd become converted. Ryo Sylralei, the first Talar he'd met that actually seemed to accept him, introduced him to the Faith of Estale and it's teachings. Ryo was a very cheerful and fun-loving Elf, someone who made a strong impact on Erfaron's personality and attitude towards life today. He taught him to be carefree, not to dwell on the past and always try to make fun out of every situation. Due to the criminal nature of Hallonq itself, it was not long before he became savvy of the opportunist nature and its implications. Especially after one too many wrong turns. Erfaron learned from this experience. How to defuse certain situations, understand people's motives, and what their goal is. He didn't become affiliated with any single gang, but rather made a decent profit off of hiring his service. Turns out a lot of crime lords want something burned easily.

However, this lifestyle couldn't be left as is. There had to be something that turned it around, and Ryo was it. Simply due to the nature of Hallonq, Ryo was caught in the crossfire between two large rival gangs. He hadn't even chosen a side between them, in fact, Erfaron believes he tried to make peace, for some stupid reason. Ryo was killed in the exchange, and Erfaron doesn't even know the details of the death- only that he saw his body, and he knew. He thought about adopting the name of Ryo, but that isn't something he'd want, or that Erfaron would do willingly. Instead, he tried to carry his morales with him. He decided Regalia would be the next location. Besides, the Shendar had to be getting suspicious of his lack of communication. Erfaron hadn't heard or spoken to them in years. Regalia would be a safe haven, if only for a while. Thus, the decision was made, and into the breach he went.

After having the hardest of times at the city gates, including the implied "race taxation" that he simply knew didn't exist, but paid anyway. Erfaron made his way into Regalia, and promptly began speaking to almost everyone he saw, hoping to make some sort of high-up friends. This brought him to the situation he's in now, and hoping to climb even higher.
Recent Developments

  • In his time staying at Regalia, Erfaron continued to persist in his childish ways and indulge with many unsavoury characters in order to establish an understanding of the cities inner workings and society. Though due to his rapid development, this phase ended quickly, the facade of his childish appearance quickly faltering to make way for something much more sinister. The discovery of the Attribates pushed him to drastic actions.
  • And in his attempt to climb high, he may of just fallen lower. As he is now a student of Felaben, Erfaron sought to redeem his people and bring retribution to the deserving. But in his blind fury, Erfaron lost most of his more criminal friends for obvious reasoning-- punishing them as they stepped out of line. Though every time he looks back on his past and realises how happy he used to be, he slips away further. Ignoring Felaben's orders and going to lengths so he can enjoy himself are commonplace, increasing the tension between the two.
  • This tension reached a quick boiling point, resulting in the loss of his left eye as he confronted Felaben and caused his wrath to set on him. Though he put up a good fight and caused a wound in return, Erfaron ultimately failed in his attempt. He hastily made a dedication to find a way to return the world to as it was, to seal away the Attribates. Though this seems like an endless task, and as Erfaron watched his relationships crumble around him, he persists. Irfan's constant torment only gives him something to push himself against, his ego inflating to an irrefutable size. Though, it is very close to bursting.
  • With the recent purple bubble relinquishing Regalia of it's blue sky, Erfaron strives to find out the magical energies at work behind the event. He believes that even after it subsides the magical effects will continue to linger and he can study them to the point of either harnessing it's power or deciding it too dangerous to be used.
  • With the Silveirall crisis coming to an end, Erfaron believes that this goal has been met. While he will continue to interact with the ex-Silverts regularly, he finds that this chapter of magical influence on the world has closed. It's only drawn his interest towards the machine, and in turn, the Seraph, more. Thus, his studies are now geared towards the elusive race and their understanding of the plains.
  • After a coming to a head with his own internal conflict, Erfaron disregarded the warnings he had given himself when he finally came to Regalia. With a bout of excess magical use exercised by his own hand in seclusion, Erfaron gave himself into the rage he had against his own persons and those who he opposes. Feeling that a stronger connection to the Void will give him more power, Erfaron gained a parasitic compulsion in the form of a Wrath possession. He intends to exert this power in anyway possible.
  • While witnessing the death of Earáinë, Erfaron made a silent vow to utterly break the man who he believed killed her. With a heavy heart and to combat the antimagic his foe wields, he relinquished his fiery gift and his possession at the age of fifty through exorcism provided by the Azure Spire. The Nelfin has begun training his body, pushing it to the limit that it can go, inspired by complete and utter revenge.
  • Then after searching for her, and dedicating about three months of his life to her well being, Erfaron finally found the love he was looking for. They spent all but about two nights together before she was ended again-- except this time in front of his own eyes, with her body disappearing into the void. Erfaron knows who perpetrated this act, and his main and only goal is to better himself and act out his revenge on the one who took her. At fifty years old in October of 304AC, he started studying antimagic to better combat his foe.
  • After burning Earáinë's body, Erfaron believes that his mission is complete. With a certain spring in his stem, and enjoying his vampiric power, he intends to keep reaping the havoc he can create in the Regalian underground to fill in the time.
  • During Freya Lo's reign and dethroning, Erfaron's greed seemed to get the better of him. While he was looting the second story of a store, Erfaron was entrapped between burning rubble. His hand had to be cut off, and as a result, he has become much more physically useless. He can't find much solace in himself, so his dependency on others is at an all time high.
Last edited:
I hereby claim this character for reviewing!

I Like how you did life goals, but you need to add one specific goal of any sort, minor or major. It needs to be something to drive him to generate roleplay, as opposed to joining in one someone elses'.

Boisterous is more like, loud and upfront. You described it as if he's always happy, so refine that one way or the other.

Good job on making self compliant a personality trait, not a strength. That's not easy, so I like how you talked about how it impacts his perception, not what he can do. That said,

Frugal lacks what I Just praised you on. More detail to specifically how he sees the world, and functions in it, given the trait. Same for Quirky.

Add a fourth weakness of any sort.

Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done @Pebbles__

Erfaron Draylas is... : Under Review!
[holds up hand] c-can i
i wish to be on this relations
  • Re-formatted into the proper template.
  • Updated relationships. Somewhat.
  • Applying for expert level fire magic.
do me a peer review k thnx @PonyoWantHam
Greetings, @Pebbles__! My review:

1. You may wish to update his main ambition. To my knowledge, his devotions have changed.

Other than the single point above, I cannot say that I can find any glaring lore inconsistencies or grammatical mistakes. I would only comment that you update all necessary information with regards to his fire magic (such as the strengths section), and update his relationships when you have the time. Tag me when you have made my edits. Pending!
What a good lad. Don't worry, we will get Dr. Doom. Also. You'll know what this is.

  • Changed 'clumsy' weakness with 'depth perception'.
  • Updated visual aids, aesthetics and appearance.
Requesting a re-review @TyrolleanEagle
  • Added in wrath voidling possession.
  • Shifted personality to reflect this change.
  • Extended life story section to explain feelings/reason for possession.
Requesting a re-review from whoever (not sure who to tag at this point).
  • Added in wrath voidling possession.
  • Shifted personality to reflect this change.
  • Extended life story section to explain feelings/reason for possession.
Requesting a re-review from whoever (not sure who to tag at this point).
Approved, again.
-Removed permissions that are gone due to IC events, requesting for revocation.
-Updated personality and life goal to reflect these changes.
-Cleaned up the visual information to also reflect this.
-Shifted strengths/weaknesses section to bring this out.
-Reviewers note: These are written as if Erfaron is at the peak of his physical training to avoid me having to update this all the time.​
-Also added onto the personality expansion.

Throwing back into the 'Needs Reviewer' tag.
I think I'm doing that too much. Oops.
-Removed permissions that are gone due to IC events, requesting for revocation.
-Updated personality and life goal to reflect these changes.
-Cleaned up the visual information to also reflect this.
-Shifted strengths/weaknesses section to bring this out.
-Reviewers note: These are written as if Erfaron is at the peak of his physical training to avoid me having to update this all the time.​
-Also added onto the personality expansion.

Throwing back into the 'Needs Reviewer' tag.
I think I'm doing that too much. Oops.
Re-approved, edits are acceptable.
>" i dont like character theme songs"
Update (the relationships strike back):
  • Shifted alias.
  • Updated race to include vampirism.
  • Updated main ambitions.
  • Updated visuals to reflect vampirism + full body suit.
  • Updated personality to reflect life events and more stress. (thnx bio)
  • Added in the "Anti-magic" strength, as well as a level tracker.
  • Updated relationships.
  • Added in a new life story section to explain said changes.
Re-approved, edits are acceptable.
Update (the relationships strike back):
  • Shifted alias.
  • Updated race to include vampirism.
  • Updated main ambitions.
  • Updated visuals to reflect vampirism + full body suit.
  • Updated personality to reflect life events and more stress. (thnx bio)
  • Added in the "Anti-magic" strength, as well as a level tracker.
  • Updated relationships.
  • Added in a new life story section to explain said changes.
Please tag the reviewer whenever you do changes to a character application like this. Also, colour the changes so it's easier for us to see what's now different at first glance. Anyway:

Please tag the reviewer whenever you do changes to a character application like this. Also, colour the changes so it's easier for us to see what's now different at first glance. Anyway:

A small note: Due to new information @TcareyWasTaken, can you please specify in the life story what age he started to learn his magic at as the minimum is 14.
A small note: Due to new information @TcareyWasTaken, can you please specify in the life story what age he started to learn his magic at as the minimum is 14.

Not sure which one you want me to specify, but I did both anyway and coloured them in this purple. Both new pieces of information are in the life story spoiler, and in the end point of the life chronicles section. I also specified when was exorcised on the second to last bullet point in the recent developments section.

I hope this specifies enough! @The_Shadow_King3
Application updated in order to fit with the vampire overhaul. All changes marked in this purple to indicate them. Requesting a re-review due to major personality/strengths shift!

  • Gaelthar Daessalia - Former Mentor - @TyrolleanEagle
    • Erfaron despises the Virtue of Justice. He was the one to show him that the Attribates are only base on a single principle, and that they will only ever be based around that same principle. He sees them as unfit to wield the power that they do, and thus has great scepticism towards them and their spawn. He is the main reason that Erfaron wishes to expand his knowledge of the hidden subject. Gaelthar Daessalia is his greatest enemy, and his greatest inspiration all bundled up into one.

Still on top.
Changes made to reflect the latest progression;
  • Updated weapon of choice (humorously).
  • Replaced a weakness to reflect the loss of his hand.
  • Added in a recent development for the progression.
All edits in this colour.
Other changes that weren't marked;
  • Pictures/gifs in all the spoilers.
  • Updated visual description.
Changes made to reflect the latest progression;
  • Updated weapon of choice (humorously).
  • Replaced a weakness to reflect the loss of his hand.
  • Added in a recent development for the progression.
All edits in this colour.
Other changes that weren't marked;
  • Pictures/gifs in all the spoilers.
  • Updated visual description.
Remains approved.