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Played Character Erasmus Bolt

This character is actively played.


chaotic stupid
Nov 6, 2016
Reaction score
stacey's mom's house
Erasmus (Redux) ((Redux again))

< / / Basics
  • Name: Erasmus Bolt
  • Race / Culture: Kathar
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Very. Void-aligned; Magewise
< / / Design

Core Concept:
Born a reject, Erasmus was nearly killed for not possessing Magic at birth, and so he became singularly obsessed with obtaining as much of it as he possibly could. A deal with demons has put him on a timer, but he spends as much of his time as he can getting to know people and satisfying his craving to lead an interesting, comfortable life--even if he's haunted by what he did for power.

Religious Beliefs:

Undecided. He was raised an Evolist, and believes that magic is power, but refuses to buy into the system.


Currently, Erasmus looks sort of like a Tierraveran Ailor mixed with a Fin'ullen: dark skin, long black hair, sharp emerald eyes, and a bright smile. He changes his appearance at a whim, but usually stays recognizably himself. He generally hovers at around 5'10," and prefers to have toned musculature.
Erasmus' unmodified appearance is stark of color. He has pale gray skin, white hair, yellow eyes, and bone-white horns, standing at a ridiculous seven feet tall.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 0
  • CON: 0
  • WIS: 0
  • INT: 0
    • Shapeshift Pack (Kathar Heritage), Wardrobe Pack (Kathar Heritage)
  • DEX: 0
  • MAG: 14 (7 Attack, 5 Defense; True Mage)
    • Magic Bolts, Magic Snare, Magic Trip, Magic Smog, Magic Resist, Magic Cleanse, Magic Bolster, Magic Warp, Magic Isolate, Magic Curse, Magic Shove, Magic Revenge, Magic Summon, Magic Reduce
  • FAI: 0
Pannarokh, Altalar, Common

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
He has a distrust of other Kathar, and prefers to not mention his own heritage unless truly pressed.
He prefers not to use a magical focus, but owns several, including one that seems to be very ancient. He keeps it close to him.
Erasmus has a vested interest in what people's innate desires are, for mostly genuine reasons.
Apparently, for roughly four years, Erasmus resided in a city in Daen and wound up with the title of 'High Warlock of Mazatlin.' He calls himself this constantly.
Erasmus is never far from small demonic spirits. They trail him like ducklings.