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Played Character : Eranor Suviirn

This character is actively played.


Aug 24, 2024
Reaction score
eranor hs.webp
Eranor "Era" Suviirn
Age: 18
Race: Kathar (Beguiled Cult)
Religion: Evolist
Gender: Genderfluid (He/Any)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hobbies: Reading, Cooking, Drawing

Physical Appearance
Eye Color: Gold
Skin Color: Dark gray
Hair: White, long braid
Height: 6'3
Body Type: Lithe
Additional Features: Usually has gold makeup under left eye resembling thunder
Usual Attire: Black jumpsuit and dark purple robes around body, tied around waist with white and gold ropes. Typically, he will wear anything purple and revealing/cropped.

Eranor was initially raised in Kathar society, being orphaned immediately after his birth and raised in a Future House until he was 8. He struggled to get along with the other kids and was often picked on since smaller and more nervous than other kids when he was young. What she didn't have in strength he made up for in agility and magic, being lucky enough to be a proficient mageborn. A little after his 8th birthday, someone had come to his Future House and saw him outrunning and blasting magic at a group of kids trying to pick on him. The Kathar was impressed with Era's ability and was quick to adopt him. Little did Eranor know the Kathar that adopted him was a mercenary. They trained him in magic, combat, and weaponry, and made sure he knew what the world expected him to be like as a Kathar and what people would say or think of him. They also took him on missions with him and trained him to be a killer, something Eranor gained proficiency in but always wept about in the night. He didn't enjoy seeing the work his guardian did and he utterly detested being part of it. When he was 16 his guardian finally relented and instead of making Eranor go on missions with them, he was to stay isolated in their home to train and study instead. Eranor was grateful but he had constant nightmares of the people that his guardian had killed, taking his past anxiety from bad to awful. Luckily he befriended a few spirits in his home and with them he was able to grow into his awkward and quite frankly nerdy self and not be made to feel like he was doing something wrong, a feeling he wasn't quite used to. The spirits warned him to keep up the appearance of a stoic Kathar around others, but it was hard and his true self always slipped through the cracks. His guardian tried to help him at the very least maintain the appearance of a normal Kathar with their own more harmful methods, but even that didn't quite help him. Eventually, his guardian got tired of attempting to teach him so at 18 they decided it was best for him to leave the house and gain his own experience.

- Kathar power cannot be denied to them. If anyone uses an Ability/Mechanic that would force them to use Radiant instead of Sinistral Magic, they still use Sinistral anyway.
-Kathar can change the alignment of any Spirit to that of Void, so long as the possess/own/control the Spirit. Void Spirits are always symbiotic for them also.
-Kathar are not affected by the mental characteristics or changes of any Affliction or Affinity and are always in control of their own mind from them.
-Kathar are able to look at a person and intuit their Corruption Desire, with OOC Consent. Then, the Kathar can act towards this goal.
-Kathar can use subtle vice-heightening curses on those within Emote Range, heightening their Pride, Fury, Avarice, Corruption, Rejection, or Hedonism.

Proficiencies and Abilities
[10/14 Used]
Attack Stat: Dexterity
Defense Stat: Magic
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 1
- Technique Parry

Constitution: 1
- Status Endure

Intelligence: 1
- Safeguard Pack (Magical)

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 3
- Ranger Hook Shot
- Cutthroat Target
- Ranger Splash

Faith: 0

Magic: 6 (4 points used)
- [Free] Magic Bolts
- [Free] Magic Bolster
- Magic Snare
- Magic Curse
- Magic Cleanse
- Magic Warp