Preserved Sheet Erak Landvik

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Suck it blue!
Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score
Erak Landvik Character Application

Basic Information (Required)

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.

  • Full Name: Erak Albin Landvik

  • Age: 32

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ailor, Northern - Seltai

  • Main Ambition: Survival and fame in battle

Skill Information (Optional)

  • Style: Swordsmanship

  • Level: Warrior

  • Source: Nordskagian military
Visual Information (Required)

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.

  • Eye Color: Green

  • Hair Color: Brunette

  • Hair Style: Short with a single braid to the side. And a medium length beard.

  • Skin Color: Northern Pale

  • Clothing: brown leather jerkin over a grey gambeson he can easily and does put armor over. Usually the chainmail he wears on day to day basis. As well as a red cloth over his shoulders for warmth and a small amount of protection.

  • Height: 6'6"

  • Weight: 235lb

  • Body Build: Mesomorph.

  • Weapon of Choice:
    Arming Sword
    and Shield, Fists.

Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Erak has red war paint of the left side of his face, as red is the primary color off his family. He usually only has this on either when back in Nordskag or in the sewers but will sometimes wear it on the Regalian surface.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits

  • Stubborn: "It's my way or the highway" Erak is iron willed. In certain circumstances he will even push his opinion, or the way he wants to do things even if he knows it's incorrect. Just to prove a point. If he turns out to be wrong in his thinking, he will most likely come up with something else and try to push that opinion over someone else's.

  • Driven: "It just may be the last thing i ever do" Erak will do his task or he will die. Simple as that. This is partly the reason people find him to be trustworthy. If someone tries to keep him from doing his task, he will either push them out of the way or cut them down. Depending on the urgency.

  • Confident: "Don't worry, i got this" He is very confident in himself. Be thinks his abilities are a level above what they really are. In some cases they are, but often he will get things done somehow.

  • Sarcastic: "Ah yes, you must be a genius" Erak has grown to be a very sarcastic man in his years of service and living in Regalia. This has gotten him into plenty of trouble with those who don't catch the sarcasm, instead thinking he insulted them. And with sarcasm just being hostility disguised by humor, it has added to Erak's hostile exterior.

  • Protective: "Don't worry, i won't let them hurt you" Erak will protect anyone he cares about. From his mother to his dog and everything inbetween. If anything tries to hurt them in any way, they'll feel his wrath.

  • Quarrelsome: "I do not argue a lot!" After years and years of being around his fellow hostile northerners, Erak has become quite quarrelsome. This can drive people away from him, as most don't enjoy getting into fights all the time. This has, however, helped his love of fighting as many fists have been thrown because of his arguments getting out of hand.

  • Hardworking: Growing up in the harsh Nordskag environment, Erak's become a very hard worker. From helping build homes, to helping craft weapons and armor. Erak will never back down from some work. He especially enjoys out working the other Ailors.
  • Swordsmanship: After years of training and battle, Erak has grown a fondness and an aptitude to sword fighting. He started out at home with his father teaching him what he could. Later he would join the military and perfect his technique.
  • Brute Strength: With Erak growing up with work of all kinds, he was very strong even as a child. Later with the addition of military training and bar brawling, he learned how to tone his muscles. This has helped him look intimidating to many, as well as very strong.

  • Alcoholic: Erak has a special way of coping that involves a lot of alcohol. After the death of his parents and murder of his wife, he has been coping with in for years. Because of this, he will drink when ever possible, not thinking before throwing in the coins. This drinking has caused his liver to be severely damaged, causing him to become exhausted much quicker than normal. After about five to six swings from his sword, of differing energy expenses, will tire him out. This will cause his blocking to become less effective and his sword strikes to be much worse in placement and level of force. It will take around a half minute for him to regain his energy.
  • Uneducated: As Erak's family was no where near wealthy, and have no noble members in their family. As these are the only way to get an education, Erak was no exception. He is as intelligent as the next guy, but he can't do simple math and can't read. This has proved as a large disadvantage, especially when paying for things as he has to trust the seller of the item to tell him the correct price and tell him he counted the coins correctly.
  • Misogynist: Growing up in a male dominated society, Erak has took to looking down on women. He believes they are for cooking, cleaning, and children care. He's had many a fights over it and quite a good number of slaps. At one point he wouldn't follow a female's orders in battle unless instructed to by a male.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)


  • Fighting of any kind. Sword, fist, verbal, etc…

  • Drinking with others. The atmosphere of it all. The rudeness that everyone just laughs off. He loves it

  • Cowards are one of the things that just grinds Erak's gears. Either stand up for yourself or take it like a man

Life Story (Required)


  • Erak was born to Björn Landvik and Agna Adelsköld in 277 AC at a village in Nordskag

  • As a child Erak watched the men of his village go to war and began counting the days until he could begin training

  • For ten years after he counted the years until he could leave his boring life in the lumber village of Laudal. He would "practice" sword fighting with the other boys of the village using sticks

  • =Teenage years=
  • Once Erak was sixteen he joined the military, volunteering to be a Tvangruppe. The proud military of Nordskag

  • For four years he trained next to his fellow recruits to become a Tvangruppe, accomplishing this goal at the age of twenty

  • At the age of twenty Erak entered the Chrysant War. By this time the war was in it's second year

  • For five years Erak fought desperately against the Essa Empire and it's Allar soldiers. This has made him the man he is now, much of his personality having changed as a result of him fighting in the war

  • After the war, at the age of twenty-five, Erak went back home to his family

  • Only two years after his return home, Erak's father dies with his mother following close behind. After the murder of his wife, Alda Landvik, just three years later, Erak decides to head to Regalia for a new beginning

  • Erak is currently thirty-two and has been living in Regalia for two years. He's been living in a house on and off, taking to the sewers after his most recent home was taken away after he could no longer pay for it
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Peer Review Incoming
Visual Information.
Weapon of choice - I believe the lore compliant Carolingian sword is the dragenthäler.äler
Height - Whilst the tallest an ailor can be is 6'6", I believe they come from Anglia. Although it could be compliant you might consider lowering it an inch or two.

Personality Traits.
Add an extra sentence to 'Confident' and 'Protective'
You seem to have six positive personality traits, this should be swapped to three positive and three negative or maybe two positive, two neutral, two negative. Or either combination so long as it is equal.

Add a sentence to each.

Add a sentence to each.
Consider adding a physical weakness to balance Erak's brawn.

If you need more direct help feel free to contact me on skype! :D
Bumping up again
Here is my review!
  • Tvangruppe is not a school of fighting, it is the name of a division of the military in Nordskag. Training in the military can be a source for learning a fighting style but not a fighting style in and of itself. The physical fighting style for this hasn't been defined on the wiki yet, so you are free to just call it swordsmanship or something.
  • As a Northerne your eye color choices are green, blue, or brown. Based on your brown hair and your hair style choice, you are probably Seltai so that means blue eyes. If this is the case also specify this on your race as well. Review here and be sure though.
  • All of your strengths are worded more like extra personality traits. Any that you can't live without, move to the personality section and then replace them with more ability based things. For instance, your swordsmanship is probably a strength. Usually people will have a physical/combat strength, a mental or emotional strength, and a social strength of some kind.
  • Aggressive or Rude I don't find really weakens him because the character is apparently designed to get into brawls. Having a weakness that is simply intended to trigger your character's desires doesn't really weaken you. Replace these two. Make sure one of them is some sort of combat/physically oriented weakness.
Make some edits and then tag me @TheOverseer__
My mistake. skim error. My main point was they can't be gray

I added alcoholism, and uneducated to weaknesses. As well as swordmanship and brute strength to strengths. I changed the style of fighting to swordsmanship. I added Seltai to race ("Ailor, Northern - Seltai") And i made his eye color to green.
All the changes look good except there is still no physical or combat oriented weakness. You could possibly use Alcoholic if maybe heavy drinking has damaged it liver to the point that he is more prone to exhaustion. Using a big heavy blade like a Dragenthäler, I imagine this would mean that your character would be offensively incapable after 3 attacks with this weapon. This could guide your combat in a direction that makes you lean more toward fist combat, effectively counterbalancing the strength of having military grade training and brute strength besides. In a fight, you could get a few big attacks in and then your character would desire retreat to recuperate.

I changed the weapon to arming sword as i realized how impractical the former was to use on foot. I also added a poorly healed wound to weaknesses. I was wondering if misogynist should be a personality trait?
I think misogynist probably does weaken you in a social way, because there truly is a lot of powerful women that playing this out will get you in trouble with. If the attitude is properly portrayed your character is very likely to harm himself socially, which qualifies as a weakness. I still think your combat weakness has too much of an out built into it though. It basically says that if he blocks with a sword it will hurt, but then says as a result he will not block this way, effectively nullifying the weakness. For it to count it actually has to routinely weaken him whenever you enter combat. Give the combat weakness a little work and then retag me.

I took your advice and added the liver damage after taking away the injured arm as a weakness
I am fine with the weakness, I just want to see the trigger and consequence for the exhaustion a bit more defined. Is it after 3 attacks? 5 since the sword is lighter now? Would becoming exhausted be more likely to decrease your defenses? or your offensive capability? Some mixture of both? Maybe go get in a fight with your character later and feel out what balance could be struck here to allow enough freedom to do battle how you do, but also bring some sort of objective end to it in a reasonable amount of time.

I think i fixed the weakness. But could you explain what you mean by bringing some sort of objective end to it in a reasonable amount of time?
I personally love CRP, and I know lots of people do too, but in my experience watching most people with CRP, it usually turns into cancer after an hour or so. Having this sort of weakness makes it so that it is more like a real battle where even at the start of the battle you are thinking of how to end it as well. If this weakness is played well this heavily combat based character can get into spats and skirmishes and have some fun with some CRP, but it helps prevent long drawn out battles (Where the cancer usually happens. Lots of peoples weaknesses are engineered for this)

That being said, I find that the weakness is clearly defined now, so this is good to Approve!