Preserved Sheet Eragon Vassellac

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Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
Lenorilian Empire
Full Name: Eragon Linton Vassellac ("Eragon")

Age: 25 years

Race: Ithanian Ailor

Gender: Male

Sexuality: - - -

Skill Information (Required):

Total Points:
15, 10 are subtracted due to Vampiricism

  • +15 Thin Blades Combat Skill (From total points)

  • If Eragon loses Vampiricism, +10 Rogue Training since the total would be 25
Body Shape:

  • Physical Stat: (15 Thin Blades Combat) + (0x2 Athletic Training) = 15

  • Low body fat

  • Common

  • D'Ithanie/Ithanian (Learned from growing up in Ithania)

Culture (Required):

  • Bodycare Training (+10 from Ithanian Ailor)

Special Traits/Mutations:

  • Default Alais--not a mutation, every Alais has it--eyes do not turn red, even while feeding; skin is irritated but does not burn in sun; Alais can only feed off of Noble blood

  • Feeding Lust (Alais Bloodline)

  • Feeding Pheros (Alais Bloodline)

  • Enchanted Kiss (Alais Bloodline)

  • Feeding Delight (Alais Bloodline)

  • Unturned Feeding (Alais Bloodline)

Visual Information (Required):

  • Eye Color: Blue

  • Hair Color: Black with white dyed streaks

  • Hair Style: Classy headband holding hair up and swept to the side

  • Clothing: Red or green expensive fabrics covering chain mail

  • Height: 6'

Personality and Abilities (Required):

  • Eragon is perceived as smooth and suave by strangers. Eragon tends to strike people as noble and genuinely full of integrity. This tends to rub off partially because of Eragon's vampiricism mutation of feeding pheros. Eragon is, however, rather young compared to others at 25 years of age. He strikes others as ambitious and possesses a sense of alacrity to get a job done in order to get a promotion.

  • Eragon tends to secretly scheme and does so from a sense of paranoia that he will lose his vampiricism, as the plague has tainted his mind. He especially feels uncomfortable outside during the day or (but still comes across as suave) when he is in the company of others who are eating, again, due to his vampiricism. Eragon sees himself as a master manipulator, hidden behind a mask of nobility and false integrity. Eragon is very good at covering his motives and intentions up, however.

  • Eragon is truly genuinely less manipulative when it comes to his friends and family. He tends to have very few friends and loves few. If he did have a lover, he would probably lose some of his desire to manipulate, as he would feel a sense of security in another person coming mutually to his defense. It is likely that if he did have a lover, he would at first be very reluctant to wield his vampiric abilities because he would feel uncomfortable gaining someone's love sheerly through this manipulation. At the same time, if a lover did open up to Eragon, Eragon would ask his lover's consent to use his abilities. In this sense, Eragon does have an internal drive towards integrity that the plague has not driven entirely from him. What is interesting about Eragon is that he does not lose his charm with strangers, it is just that his motives towards strangers are different and masked, as he views them as potential involuntary blood donors.

  • Eragon possesses a sense of morality that shifts depending upon the individuals in question. Eragon tends to view his family members or friends as friends and family rather than blood donors. Eragon tends to view strangers as blood donors more often. On the other hand, Eragon has deep innate desires from the plague to convert those around him to vampiricism, though he does not even realize that he has these desires yet or will develop them. Since Eragon is a developing character, it is possible that his vampiricism will increasingly taint his mind and drive him away from his integrity, such that he becomes only a manipulator who cares about creating an empire of vampires and sources of blood.

Life Story (Required):

Eragon grew up in Ithania, learning the art of light swordplay from his father, a master with the rapier. Eragon grew to internalize a sense of integrity, honesty, and justice as fairness from both his mother and father. Ultimately, both parents were of noble blood and Eragon was following in their footsteps. As time passed, Eragon developed interests in rogue training. He began to surround himself with masterful manipulator thieves in the noble courts, who had found that he had a knack for sneaking around, discontented with his life.

Eventually, Eragon's parents managed to find out about him stealing and taking after the thieves. His parents confronted Eragon, who tried his best to explain his discontent with his noble lifestyle. This development served to trigger a sense of demoralization in Eragon's father, who responded by heading out into the wilderness to hunt, as was his passion. Eragon's father came upon a dead deer in the forest that was still suffering from claw marks raked along its flanks. As Eragon's father drew closer, the deer raised its head to him and he realized that there were pairs of puncture wounds on the deer's neck. But it was too late. In a great tragedy, Eragon's father was attacked from behind by the feral vampire that had killed the deer. The vampire, realizing by that she had little chance to survive if Eragon's father drew his rapier, proceeded to kill with fearful instinct.

Upon Eragon's father's non-return, Eragon believed that his father had fallen into danger. Eragon plunged into the woods, carrying the dagger that his father had gifted to him for his 10th birthday. Alas, Eragon found himself captured by a group of vampires hiding in the woods, including the feral one that had killed his father. The feral vampire managed to lay claim to Eragon, as she believed that she was entitled as she had killed his father, judging by the scent of father and son's blood. She had him tied up inside of her wagon, feeding him with cooked deer meat. Ultimately, she bit him several times to feed herself and as she grew more cogent, Eragon turned into a vampire, his bloodline curiously causing him to only have the ability to drink noble blood.