Preserved Sheet Eraemë Amennen Ondolor Bel Tanaar Ivaëlle

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Scribma Male
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Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are



Basic Information
Allorn: Eraemë-el-Aladh Orrohan Dírtha-Amennen quel Ouorindil-Manath í Aïnelië Addai'ona Rhylo-hassan á Ondolor bel Tanaar-Ivaëlle
Altalar: Eraemë-Elladh Orro Amennen Ouorinath Ainnai Ondolor bel Tanaar-Ivaëlle
Simplified: Eraemë Amennen Ondolor bel Tanaar Ivaëlle
Age: 112 years.

Appears: Mid-20s.
Born: 3rd May, 197AC
Gender: Male.
Race: Altalar.

Subrace: Teledden.

Skill Information
Boosts: Writing Art, Winemaking Art, Theatre Art

Hobby: 10 Hobby invested.
+5 | Writing Art [Hobby]
+5 | Theatre Art [Hobby]
Arcanology: 3 Skill invested.
+3 | Arken Knowledge
Linguistics: 21 Skill invested.
+3 | Altalar
+3 | Suvial
+0 | [ANCIENT ALTALAR] gained.
+3 | Sulvaley
+3 | Sinnayed
+3 | Saan
+0 | [SAMHAL] gained.
+3 | Ithanian
+3 | Katharic
Schooling: 9 Skill invested.
+3 | Eälessa College for Tact (Diplomacy)
+3 | Litántha Allornata (Archaeology)
+3 | Praanistha College of Insight (Espionage)
Roguery: 15 Skill invested.
+3 | Rogue Gift 3
+3 | Rogue Gift 4
+3 | Honed Skill 4
+3 | Government Forgery
+3 | Guard Forgery

Abilities List
Age Control 1
Arken Sense 1
Arcane Mastery 1
Memory Sense 1
Exorcism 2
Servile Collar 1
Shrewd Insight 1
Altalar Master 1
Keen Mind 1
Aish-eia's Union
Rogue Gift 3
Rogue Gift 4
Honed Skill 4
Government Forgery Pack
Guard Forgery Pack
Body Shape:
Shape: Slim.
Body Stat: 0
Calculation: Null.
Body Fat: Low.
Native Languages:
Learned Languages:
[Ancient Altalar]

Visual Information
Physical Traits:
Eye Color: Pale blue.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Hair Style: Grown long, tied back into a long ponytail.
Skin Color: Pale.
Clothing: Traditional Teledden stylings in colours of blue, gold, and white.
Height: 6'1, or 185cm

Personality and Abilities
The Core List:
Moral Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Personality Type: Logician (INTP-A)
Religious Affiliation:

Faith: Traditional Faith of Estel
Piety: 8/10

Life Story
Birth & Childhood (0-12)
Eraemë is born in Tanaar Ivaëlle in early 197AC to Teledden parents as one of three children. He experiences a typical Tanaar childhood; finds his calling in diplomacy and in history early on.

His home-life is dominated by Allorn loyalist Talea Cultist parents, who teach him Allorn Altalar as his first language rather than the commonly used Modern variant; he learns it anyway, as the necessity of a common language is recognised by his parents.

Adolescence & Teenage Years (13-21)

He is enrolled in diplomatic schooling as soon as possible in the Eälessa College for Tact in Tanaar Essaëlle. As a student over the course of three years, he accompanies his mentor over vast distances in the world. Over the course of this time, he picks up Common and Ithanian, both necessary court languages, as well as, to a lesser degree, Sinnayed for meetings with Sihndar representatives, Katharic for visits to the Oscithar Rokhs, Saan for cutting deals with the Plains Nelfin for passage, and Suvial for contact with the Avela states of the Suvial Isles.

Early Adulthood (22-70)

He remains working with diplomatic endeavours until age 30; seeking to expand his knowledge, he enrols in Litántha Allornata in Ol Lavei Talaië, where he is instructed on the history of the Allorn Empire. He picks up Sulvaley as a means of analysing Dregodar remnants more quickly, enabling him to decipher Samhal more readily.

He takes particular interest in the role of the Pantheonic Avatars in history, taking great care to learn their distinguishing identifiers and symbols in comparison to other figures of power. Resultantly, he uses his diplomatic sway to accompany historical expeditions, often into foreign territories.

Later Adulthood (70-Present Day)

Eraemë continues his pattern of career diplomacy and historical dabbling for some time, eventually finding his way to the Suvial Isles on a longer stay. He enrols in the Praanistha College of Insight, at age 81, where he is instructed in information gathering.

This persists for decades, until the Second Walking in 309AC. Seeking to assist his newly-returned Empress and the resurgent Allorn Empire as well as he can, he turns his eyes outwards, to the Regalian Empire of the Ailor, and how relations there may be made to strengthen his people.