Preserved Sheet Enzo De Letoirneau

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*lute music stops*
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds






  • Full Name: Enzo de Letoirneau-Celyreos​
  • Age: 30​
  • Gender: Male​
  • Race: Ailor (Champagnard Ithanian)​
  • Main Ambition: Finding a sense of purpose​
  • Sexuality: Bisexual​

Enzo is currently the patriarch for House Celyreos, taking over from his cousin Natasha on her exit from Regalia; No others left in the family willing nor suitable for the role besides him.

He lived the entirety of his youth in relaxation; born into a Ithanian noble house with many sibilings. Unlike most of his brothers, he took a lesser interest in combat, moreso intrigued by the less violent areas of life...

They wish for a romance made aside from being one just for power, yet due to his position is currently unable to do something that he'd consider selfish, having to set an example to the rest of his family to the best of his ability.




Total: 30
  • +15 Statesman Knowledge (+15 from points)
  • +15 Thin Blades (+15 from points)
  • +10 Bodycare (+10 from racial buff)
  • d'Ithanie 10/10 - Native
  • Common 10/10 - Fluent


  • Eye Color: Subdued Blue
  • Hair Color: Light blonde
  • Hair Style: Long wavy hair
  • Skin Color: Pale peach
  • Clothing: Often seen in suits. (Always house colours)
  • Height: 5'8
Physical Build/Body Shape:
  • Physical Stat - 20
  • Build Shape- Atheletic
  • Body Fat - Low



Enzo is usually seen as what would be deemed a typical Ithanian man, his charming words wooing you from the get go and his eccentric attitude adding to the overall flair. The Celyreos ofen carries a laid-back demeanor, something no one would be able to miss. It isn't abnormal to see him with a grand smile upon his features and a wine glass in hand, leading people to believe he's rather approachable. At times, it can seem this chill demeanor is something he uses to hide a deep insecurity, or his own snide opinions.

He has always carried a certain insecurity with to himself, the pressure of With so much pressure upon him, the Celyreos is rather hard on himself, he finds it hard to believe his house will ever return to it's former glory. Being the middle child, Enzo was never prepared to be patriarch in the first place, leading him to be a rather clueless person.

Enzo is a family man, his charming demeanor on amplified by their presence, never failing to show his appreciation to their company; He however holds very high expectations from his kin, always wanting the very best for them, so at times coming off hard on them when he believes they can do better.

Enzo would best be described as true neutral, he does what he sees if the most beneficial for him and his family, by nature he is not a violent or cruel man. Yet if that was in order all for good reasoning, he'd be that way in heartbeat, or so he'd like to think.

In that of Enzo's World view, he's hardly a religious man. If anything, he is most invested in Ithanian culture above this; It doesn't stop him learning and respecting the views of others, however. In the area of his view between himself and commoners, Enzo has never had trouble investing himself in friendly converse with them. A good chat is a good chat, nothing more or less than that.​
- Reminds him of his home, being Ithania. He will always be quick to offer those around him a glass. (If they're of age, of course..~)
Gardening - More specically, flowers. While his brothers and sisters majorly grew up play-fighting with fake swords, Enzo took an extended interest to nature; fascinated by the colour and beauty.
Reading - A past-time that never left him since early childhood; with a diverse taste in fiction and later non-fiction when pulled into the school of Statesman. The perfect escape for the man.

Addiction - The clear achilles heel of the Ithanian, excessively making use of Tabacca, alcohol and on some occasions even Opium in a reckless attempt to soothe himself when times are rough.




Early Years:
  • 276 AC - Enzo is born to Adrienne and Reinard Celyreos

  • Enzo's early-life was nothing particularly interesting. At least not to the majority of his considerably rowdy family anyhow, his brothers and sisters taking more of a liking to swords, ladders and everything in between, whereas Enzo was more of a wallflower; majorly keeping to himself, storybook characters, and the beautiful nature of Ithania.

  • At ten in 286 AC , Enzo was sent off to the school of Statesman by his parents, this was rather unforseen as Enzo had been having an insouciant childhood without such expectations ever bestowed upon him. Yet there he was, packing his bags to go and study politics.

  • When Enzo was fifteen, his elder brother Bastien had gone missing, this affected Enzo greatly. Him and Bastien had always been rather close compared to the rest of them, and to briefly return home and find his older brother wasn't there to greet him, was completely and utterly heartbreaking. The Celyreos returned to boarding school with a heavy heart.

  • In 296 AC, Enzo completes his full education at the school of Statesman after ten years of learning there.
  • 305 AC - Enzo arrives in Regalia, mostly taking things easy, enjoying seeing a majority of his family together at last. Eventually his sister Adeline joined the Nordmark, doing the same in order to watch over her, This whole encounter would run short as just a day later the charter was to be disband, the two trying their best to leave the mess they'd unknowingly joined.

  • Enzo's eldest brother Bastien would later become corrupt, leading a rebellion within the slums and is later killed for it. The two ending their time together on a unfortunate note; with an argument. For a few months Enzo's life was in a rut.. A man out of motivation; shutting himself away from a social-life, any smile worn was usually a poor attempt to disguise his depression held..

  • In 306 AC Enzo was passed the patriarchy. Originally, Enzo had never expected such a thing to be given to him, being the middle child of the second line. He believed that should it be passed to their line, it surely would've went to one of his younger sisters. Yet with the return of purpose for the Ithanian with a headstrong optimism that things couldn't possibly get as low again as they once were. Simply because; he wouldn't allow them to.
  • Within a few months, an age old family heritage is brought to life to Enzo detailing that of bloodlines connecting to both that of Du Polignac as well as Alaire; A house known as De Letoirneau that had found itself lost in the sands of time until the current day.

  • After mutually deciding alongside the heads of the other houses for convergence between their respective houses back into the once powerful De Letoirneau; Enzo very quickly found himself in yet another rut in life, seemingly unknowing as to his place in things anymore, yet again seeking purpose wherever he may find it.

Last edited:
You still have two proficiency points to spend. Either add (in RED) or specify that you're intentionally shorting your points and tag me when done.
Judical proficiency moved from +13 up to +15 with the 2 points.
@Walrusaur_ Could I get a re-review please?

Lil changelog:
  • Updated to the new proficiency system.
  • aged down by 3 years.
  • Asthetic updates.
  • A few recent events added to the Life Story..
  • Even more David Bowie GIFs than last time.
@Walrusaur_ I'd like to have this re-review..

I've changed his proficiencies in ORANGE to be 15 points each.
Thank you! :)
@Walrusaur_ lil bump

-also removed leutz-vix as a language due to the recent linguistic changes.