Preserved Sheet Enok Santorski

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The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia
Staff member
Mar 22, 2013
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Basic Information (Required)
  • Name: Enok Jorunn Santorski
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor Human
  • Main Ambition: Prestige
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Enok came to the city after a fight with his mother to visit his long unvisited sister, now deciding to mostly stay there over the past month or so. Currently, he lives with his sister and doesn't have a job in Regalia but is being trained as a cavalryman in Drixagh.
  • Enok was born to Inga and Diederik Santorski in 286 AC along with his twin brother Arnbjorg. He has two older sisters, Ania and Lenora (who he doesn't talk about) and several other extended family members. They are Northern and have lived in and controlled Drixagh for a number of years.
  • He wants to find love and settle down into a quiet relationship with another man at some point, and also ensure his sister's security and health after her last marriage situation.

Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Light Blue, left eye is Milky Blue
  • Hair Color: Light Blonde
  • Hair Style: Wavy and tidy.
  • Skin Color: Pale due to Northern ancestry
  • Clothing: Often wears modified Dovrinik fashion and generally likes more upscale Northern dress.
  • Height: 6'2
  • Weight: 167 lbs.
  • Body Build: Strong legs, lightly defined upper body
  • Weapon of Choice: Spear
Visual Information (Expansion)
129.png encomm.PNG enokcomm22222.PNG The_Shadow_King3 comissionHeadshot.png
  • Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more. This description is purely for the head (and by extension neck) alone.
  • Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, weight, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
  • Enok speaks Common fairly fluently, his Northern accent only appearing when he's upset or a bit drunk. He also talks in two different ways, one is a much smoother and cocky attitude which he puts on for a lot of people though with friends and family, a more down to earth and quiet tone emerges. He doesn't know much about other languages beyond the two he has been schooled in, Northern and Common though he's picked up bits and pieces from Alt-Regalish and Ithanian.

Personality and Abilities (Required)
Personality Traits

  • Cocky - The young Northerner is a very cocky teenager, precocious in how he sometimes acts by occasionally crossing lines of the fun of it. He enjoys to bend the rules to have his fun sometimes, and freely believes in acting first, punishment later. His jokes also, sometimes cross a line and when he was younger, he was always scolded by his mother for it. This also makes him a bit more unorthodox in his planning, sometimes going for a straight and simple approach rather than something too complex. So far, here in the city, he's been scold-free but it's probably only a matter of time until he says the wrong thing at the wrong time.
  • Jovial - Enok is a very joyous and jovial person, always grinning, laughing and jesting at and with others. He also cracks his own jokes from time to time and will often try to perk up those who seem overserious or sad. He has always been like this since he was young, deeply contrasting his often silent and serious brother. If his joy-filled mood ends however, somethings is probably very wrong yet he always tries to start it up again and restore himself to normal, at least on the outside.
  • Honorable - Enok is trained in Northern tradition ways, so the ideas of honor and family values are deeply ingrained in his mind. While in a fight, Enok keeps in clean and doesn't often take dirty shots unless angry. This also carries over into conversations or actions, he won't take advantage of someone else or prey on a mistake they make, and if he does so, he normally tries to apologize in private afterwards. He will also stick by his family members and true with a Northern ferocity.
  • Hotheaded - The young man can be quite hotheaded sometimes, exploding into anger if the situation has cause for it. Normally, this is triggered by emotional situations in his life but can also be from events in the wider world. While he enjoys to try and keep a laid back, calm demeanor on the outside, he can sometimes falter and grew irritated if something isn't working for him. Often, after he lets out this steam, he calms down a lot and can be very maleable to others, normally conceding to their point of view.
  • Blunt - Enok finds that truth is the best medicine and so rather than being delicate, sometimes he can come off as rude, offensive or careless. This trait of his has earned him a few slaps in the face over his life, though it's kept with him and evolved alongside his cockiness into a wildly offensive combination. He sometimes follows up his statement by saying "Kidding!" though this is infrequent and solely depends upon the situation and the person he's speaking to. He also has a tendency to state the obvious, bluntly and probably to the annoyance of companions sometimes.
  • Caring - He's a caring man, despite his flaws, and always wants to try to do what's best for people. He cares for not just his family and friends, but also for most other Northerners, seeking amiability with others. At heart, he can be a sweet person to anyone really who he deems as good and just. He shows this sweetness in a variety of ways, from cutting back on his more cocky persona when he's with family, to trying to be more serious around them all. He also enjoys to talk to others and learn about their problems, offering to help them in any way that he can if he discovers any problems in their life.
  • Legs - As he trains to be a cavalryman, Enok has developed his leg muscles a fair amount to ride moth saddled and bareback on horses. Thus, he uses his legs in hand to hand fighting a lot, sweeping and kicking at his opponents if his spear is lost. He's also done a lot of footwork and it's hard to trip him up with the legs.
  • Loyal - A common trait overall found in many Northerners and warriors, Enok often takes it one step further. His family, he would willingly die for, his friends he'd defend in a second without a thought and his follow soldiers, he'd fight with til the bitter end in war. He takes betrayal very seriously and so with his traits of caring and honor together, form his loyalty.
  • Personable - Enok is a very personable person who enjoys socializing and mingling with people. A party person, he seeks connections in life with a variety of people using his upfront personality to try and connect through laugher. If that doesn't work, he often tries a more low key approach of formality before proceeding right back into his bubbly attitude. He tries to make himself as easily accessible as possible to be spoken and related to so can be a man for everyone.
  • Left Side - Enok possesses a half blinded eye on his left side, which is something he's had to live with for his life up to now. Vision out of it is not entirely obstructed, but fuzzy and lighter. However, this still makes it hard for him to reach without looking, even if he knows where an object is, to wield weapons in his left hand and properly see.
  • Childish - Enok, while occasionally capable of acting responsible, dislikes doing so and simply enjoys to have fun, make jokes and have a good time. He can also however, be a jealous, whiny person if he's not given what he wants and while sometimes he can easily play this off of him having fun and just playing around, he can be quite bratty sometimes.
  • Fierce - The young man's ferocity is more often than not a bad thing if faced. Such intensity when trigger makes his reckless and impulsive and so if in his loyalty he defends people, it may not go very well. Also, he often bottles up his anger until he lashes out in verbal fists due to his hotheadedness.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Describe your character's talents, their inherent abilities that truly set them apart from the common population of Aloria. These talents are the kind of abilities other people would want to go to your character for to teach them. These are things they haven't specifically developed, but have a natural affinity for.
  • Men - Liking men far more than women, he enjoys being around them way more than women, though some women can be exceptions. Beyond enjoying to just get a peek at their physicality, he's also more at ease with them as he's been around men most of his life. He often seeks friendship before he'd consider anything romantic with any of those that do accept his friendship as he'd rather have a male friend than a male enemy.
  • Riding - Do what you love for a living is something Enok exemplifies. He finds riding an exhilarating experience, the speed over the earth, the beast beneath you carrying you forward at this speed and the wind whipping fast as you move along. Beyond doing his drills and learning fighting from atop his mount, he often just likes to go for more leisurely rides out in the wilds of Drixagh near his family's estate.
  • Celebration - Party is the summoning word for Enok as he enjoys that and celebrations of all kinds, usually anyway. He enjoys having fun and obviously, parties are an easy place to have that as well as talking to other people. He also can enjoy the quieter events, though it's mostly helped along by him drinking a good bit, as he enjoys his spirits a fair bit.
  • Lesser Races - Enok, being brought up in Regalia as he was and to a Northern family where strength was valued, has been taught to at the very least dislike the lesser races. The Naylar all rank here as well as Dargon, and a few others. He hasn't actually met any of them yet but for now, he will still treat them as beneath him.
  • Snobby People - The young Northerner cannot stand snobs and those who consider themselves better than others for no reason beyond their own apparent high birth or skills. Sometimes, such arrogance from these people is justified yet Enok still doesn't like them. He is of the opinion that those people like that need to share their knowledge with others. In terms of the high born, Enok simply feels a good political trouncing would work though a bit of roughing up, he wouldn't object at all.
  • Pink - The colour holds enormous disdain from Enok as he sees it as the ultimate symbol of weakness. People wearing pink he almost always refuses to talk to and if he does, he'll be hard on them, not his usual charming self. This came after a particularly rage-inducing prank by some of the other boys when they glued a pink dress onto him and he was forced to go through town from the house he'd been at to his home to get it removed, fuming all the way.
Relationships (Optional)
Ania Santorski - @MantaRey - House Head - Enok hadn't seen his sister in a good 2 years before he came to Regalia, but to her, she was still the same old fierce warrior he watched as a kid. He loves to tease her, joke with her and drink with her, trying to make up for lost time. Due to recent actions, he has started to silently question his sister's ability as a family head due to her seeming radical behavior.

Arnbjorg Santorski - N/A - Twin Brother - "Arni" as he's called when Enok really wants to get at him, has always been Enok's near polar opposite. A generally colder and more silent individual, Arnbjorg was a prime object of Enok's mischievous ways when they were younger. He doesn't see too much of his brother nowadays but likes to think their relationship is good even if, maybe, it isn't.

Inga Santorski - N/A - Mother - His mother has always had the iron hand and gentle touch in his life, sternly scolding and punishing him for being his mischievous self. She's also been kind and caring for him, as she doesn't care that he likes men despite his initial hard backlash against her, she understands that it was his fear that drove him. They still do talk about the things he said though and work through them when he goes home.

Diederik Santorski - Deceased - Father - Enok had a pleasant relationship with his father, never truely reaching a deep bond due to his father dying before Enok might have been more able to relate and speak to his father. However, he still liked the man and respected him, and so on his grave he vowed to be the greatest son he could be and a good family member.

Henryk Santorski - N/A - Distant Cousin - A distant cousin, Enok has met the man a few times and generally finds him a likable and pleasant man to be around. Like with others, he enjoys to harmlessly tease him and know what's been going on with him. Hen's experience in the city was horrifying to Enok and he has since been leery of his sister and other cousin since then.

Izaak Santorski - @Slonky - Cousin - A cousin with a very troubled life, Enok has mostly stayed away from the other. While Izaak knows about his liking of men and supports him and Enok equally encouraging Izaak to see himself as handsome, the teenager stays away from the hulking family member. His violent tendencies have causes issues in the past.

Lidvin Haagen - N/A - Best Friend - A slightly older boy by a few months, Lidvin has been Enok's one consistent friend for over 5 years of their lives now. Defending and then helping him against a few of the other children at the start of Enok's more advanced training, they became fast friends. The two are similar in demeanor and over that time, Enok has developed a crush on his friend. But feeling like it wouldn't work, Enok has never told his friend about the feelings or even cautiously explored much with him. Their friendship is strong however and Enok doesn't want it to end anytime soon.

Carol Swann - N/A - Former Fling now Friend - In his younger teenage years, Enok was very conscious that if he didn't court anybody, he thought people could start talking. So for about 3 months, he hung around a young woman, Carol, aged 15, who Lidvin said had a crush on him. This was true of course but throughout the whole experience, he felt off and eventually told Carol the truth. She had known something was up with him, but not that, but promised to keep his secret. He mostly goes to her for advice or just to talk.

Peter Steinbaum - @Party_Penguin27 - Friend - A year older than Enok, he encountered him in the Park and eventually, he was accused of not being fun by the person as a joke. Enok proved him wrong however and they became fast friends. However, this friend liked both men and women, turning the relationship into a semi-sexual one, continuing until now. Enok visits Peter with some regularity and hopes to continue to remain his friend as he continues on in life.

Edoardo Di Orazio - @Vellisar - Friend - The Dressolini man is a well like companion by Enok as they enjoy many of the same things. Meeting in the Noble Lounge, he greatly enjoys the others similarly upbeat attitude and personable nature.

Warren Coen - @Brycea111 - Friend - Enok finds Warren an older, albeit Ithanian version of himself. Both seem rather cocky and flirtatious, which originally caused Enok an internal conundrum but has since stopped. He once trained with Warren who helped improve his combat skills with a sword however that endedand while Enok still hopes they can remain friends, he is unaware what Warren thinks.

Fenic Cervants - @NariTheKamikaze - Friend - Enok met Fenic while he was in the Vigilant Shields and despite his original slight fear of the much bulkier and stronger man, became friends with him quickly once they started speaking. Enok and Fenic have both left the order now and so often spent time together at Fenic's house or out drinking somewhere.

Percy Ravenstad - @iMcMuffins - Nice enough person - Having met Percy a few times, Enok doesn't know too much about him though he is grateful to the man for helping to save his sister from Bastian. He hopes to hang around the noble and get to know him more.

William Coen - @BillyWantHam - Sister's Friend - He's met William several times now as he serves in the Cobalt Order with him, and while he doesn't dislike William, he knows the other dislikes him. This has made him rather nervous around him.

Jannik Sinclair - ? - Someone his sister supremely dislikes, Enok kinda just shrugs that off and occasionally interacts with the man.

Jared Kade - @LumosJared - Assisting his sister in chasing this character down at the Sorenvik summer festitivies, he was shocked when his sister pushed the Kade off of a 10 foot drop and into a table below. Realizing it was a Kade, Enok grew worried immediately and panicked about the family's prestige before he left the scene. He has tried to stay out of the way of Jared ever since.

Disliked Persons

Cedric Bancroft - @MonMarty - Rude Ex-Prince - Enok was aware that his loose following of the Old Gods pantheon would cause problems for him in the capital city of Unionism but was a little annoyed when Cedric told him he "wasn't even worth the breath to speak to" due to his faith. Since than, his rare runins with Cedric mostly have him scrambling to depart and leave the rather irritated with him man alone.

Life Story (Required)
Enok was born to his parents Inga and Diederik on the third of January in 286 AC with his twin brother Arnbjorg. Growing up, he was a very mischievous and tricky child, playing games of hide and seek as soon as he could walk and run, always escaping people's grasp to go running off. He never did this with his sister however, who he affectionately called "Ani" for several months as he grew older. He often watched her fighting with fascination and excitement by all the clanging, bashing of swords. His brother meanwhile, was ever quiet and a bit boring to Enok so he always tried to spice things up with funny quips and laughter. As he grew into a boy, Ania was gone and his father went to go put a sword in him and his brother's hands. But he denied it and asked instead to go into riding and spearwork.

While early on, sword fighting had seemed interesting, Enok strangely grew bored by the sport and instead chose to more examine the horsemen his father had around. His father, knowing that Enok's path lay elsewhere, handed him over to these horsemen to train him while he went on training Arnsbjorg. Some might have taken it as favoritism and after a short time, Enok did but this patched up over time as he slowly saw that his father was simply giving Enok the right tools he needed that he himself couldn't offer. When he was old enough, he was sent to Reither Lycée des Calemberg where he met and made his only friend for many years, Lidvin, who had come with him anyway due to being the son of a baron nearby.

Lidvin helped him out, being a few months older and ahead of him in training at the time. The two spent more and more time together. When his father died, he briefly mourned for him but promised to always be the best son a father could ask for and went back to his studies and training hard. The chaos Lenora caused did cause a stir though Enok and Arnsbjorg avoided it all, going to visit relatives on the far coast of Drixagh. He also had to be pulled from the military school due to the poor Typhonus-Santorski relations. When the two brothers returned, they supported their sister Ania though she soon left with some of their relatives. Enok went back to his training, staying at home this time. However, his mother had noticed the way he sometimes looked at Lidvin.

She talked to him about it one night, asking for him to tell her the truth and be honest. All his joking in the world didn't help as she stood there and batted off the attempts he made to make it seem like those things were nothing. In his fear and anger, he suddenly lashed out as his mother intensely, allowing all the small things over the years to suddenly balloon and explode at her before he stormed off. Feeling such guilt, he chose to run from his problems, showing up at Ania's door in Regalia suddenly with a smile, but soon, he both told her he liked men and why he'd really come to the city. Since his arrival, he hasn't really been noted for anything and he flies under the radar thus far. But after a scene he caused in the Pleasure District of the city, he has been sent away for a month by his sister while she ensures his mess doesn't get out. With her permission, he now attends Aestar Military Academy in Anglia to learn more military skills.
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Hello @The_Shadow_King3, please @tag me when you are done with the edits! Without further delay, here is your review:

  • While the personality traits aren't bad by itself, I think they are incredibly stereotypically bland. If you want to, you could try finding some more unique traits that aren't shared by 80% of the nobility, but it's just a tip, not an edit request.

  • Enok's strengths are similarly very bland. Try finding some more interesting ones.

  • I feel in general the character is a bit flat. We only temporarily see small glimpses of his responses to outside stimuli, like his deviant sexuality and Lenora's actions, but they are finished within one sentence in the backstory. Perhaps these factors more intensely shaped his personality and views of the world? Perhaps this would help make the character more interesting.

All in all I don't have much to add other than to say that in my view, the character is a bit dull and stereotypical. I'm going to accept it, but I've pinned up the tips above for further development.
Hello @The_Shadow_King3, please @tag me when you are done with the edits! Without further delay, here is your review:

  • While the personality traits aren't bad by itself, I think they are incredibly stereotypically bland. If you want to, you could try finding some more unique traits that aren't shared by 80% of the nobility, but it's just a tip, not an edit request.

  • Enok's strengths are similarly very bland. Try finding some more interesting ones.

  • I feel in general the character is a bit flat. We only temporarily see small glimpses of his responses to outside stimuli, like his deviant sexuality and Lenora's actions, but they are finished within one sentence in the backstory. Perhaps these factors more intensely shaped his personality and views of the world? Perhaps this would help make the character more interesting.

All in all I don't have much to add other than to say that in my view, the character is a bit dull and stereotypical. I'm going to accept it, but I've pinned up the tips above for further development.
Thank you @MonMarty, I will develop on these things as you ask, however is my character still in review or is there a forums error that accidentally changed the title to Review In-progress?
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Minor edits made regarding education to better define his probable knowledge set.