Preserved Sheet Ennio Di Toreno

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Local dwarf
Aug 1, 2019
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Basic Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Full Name: Ennio di Toreno
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
  • Sexuality: Yes
  • Preferred Weapon: Pavisa crossbow

Skill Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list. Also be sure to use a bolded header to separate Culture Points from Proficiency Points and languages.

Total Points: 40
  • Heavy bow combat skill: 20
  • Shielding skill: 10
  • Quick blades: 5
  • Blunt combat: 5
  • Ceramic arts: 10 (From hobby skills)
Body Shape
  • Record the Physical stat here, the calculation is found here: 20+10+10=40
  • State the Body Shape your character has here: Strongman
  • State the Body Fat your character has here: Built body fat
  • Dressalo (10/10)
  • Alt-Regalian (7/10)
  • Common (7/10)

Visual Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Eye Color: Brown eyes
  • Hair Color: Black hair
  • Hair Style: Short cleanly kept
  • Skin Color: White tanned
  • Clothing: Simple traveler clothes
  • Height: 5'10

Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Defender - A reliable hard worker that is altruistic in what he personally deems as greater good
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Unionism (9/10)

Life Story (Required)
Ennio was born in city of Toreno in lower class family of ceramicists as a third born son. It was a heavily religious family, which influenced Ennio's early life drastically. It influenced his views on his place in the world and places of others, mainly 'lesser' races and 'heretic' religions. His early life was filled with being teached the craft of his parents, very very common visits to church his family had and sometimes playing with other kids of his age. During this time, the young Ennio's mind was continuously radicalized by priesthood and his family, forming the boy with sense of superiority and need to prove one's worth in the face of spirit. This continued till he reached of 14 years of age. He attempted, as many others, get into Scutari commune, mainly pushed into it by his family, who wanted to gain respect from this and the young Ennio was accepted. He then spent ten years in training, learning every aspect of being Pavisa crossbowman, use of their legendary crossbow, heavy shield and daggers for self defense.
After and during graduating the school, Ennio spent most of his life in skirmishes and in battles against other cities on the archipelago. This school and after school era is seen kindly by Ennio, forging stronger and more plentiful friendships than he could as young child, getting taste of victories and losses, getting liking to the war and stopping caring about lives of his opponents, as the victory of his city was more important. This life continued till Ryker Lampero took over Vultaro. Ennio, who hated idea of non-Ailor ruling Vultaro, was against Ryker's attempts from the start, despite disliking Tristan, he prefered inept Ailor ruler over Nothorc one. So when the time came for Scutari communes to unite in a last ditch effort against this usurper, he luckily has taken this call. Sadly, forces of Nothorc won against righteous forces of the Vularo. This has shaken the world for Ennio. Seeing that his homeland was under non-Ailor rule, he has decided that he will leave for north, going to visit land of those that civilized his ancestors
Ennio reached lands of New Regalians, serving few different minor lords and city mayors, learning their language along the way. He was disappointed, while their unionist zealousy was liked by him, their 'less' sotisficated culture, their lacking cuisine, culture, literature disappointed him. Everything seemed subpar in his eyes to Dressolini equivalent, aside from their military might. So after eight years of getting to know the culture and servitude he left for the holy city of Regalia in an attempt to find what he seeks, land of holy, land of culture, land of his dreams
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Hello! Only peer review, not staff. :)

Choose your Character Personality Type
  • Logician
Can you go into more depth of what Logician means to your character? Would make it somewhat easier!

Life Story (Required)
Ennio was born in city of Toreno in lower class family of ceramicists as a third born son. It was a heavily religious family, which influenced Ennio's early life drastically. His early life could be described as mundane. He was teached craft of his family and at free time playing with others of his age, till he reached of 14 years of age. He attempted, as many others, get into Scutari commune, mainly pushed into it by his family, who wanted to gain respect from this and the young Ennio was accepted. He then spent ten years in training, learning every aspect of being Pavisa crossbowman, use of their legendary crossbow, heavy shield and daggers for self defense.
After and during graduating the school, Ennio spent most of his life in skirmishes and in battles against other cities on the archipelago. This life continued till Ryker Lampero took over Vultaro. Ennio, who hated idea of non-Ailor ruling Vultaro and having been part of last battle against Ryker, where Scutari communes united against the Nothorc but lost, has decided that he won't remain in his homeland anymore and left for north, going to visit land of those that civilized his ancestors
Ennio reached lands of New Regalians, serving few different minor lords and city mayors, learning their language along the way. He was disappointed, while their unionist zealousy was liked by him, their 'less' sotisficated culture disappointed him. So after eight years of getting to know the culture and servitude he left for the holy city of Regalia in an attempt to find what he seeks
For someone this man's age, the life story seems a bit too short. Try to add in most unforgettable memories, add a few sentences if possible!