Preserved Sheet Enkiduu's Eilyn Eikenfi

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Aug 14, 2015
Reaction score
-Eikenfi family catchphrase.

Theme song: Sunflower Road by sillythewilly

Basic Information
  • Eilyn Eikenfi is a 93 year old female Talar Nelfin.
  • Eilyn's family:
    • Azalin and Eyla, father and mother respectively, both deceased.
    • Eikon, daughter, alive.
    • Rhi, son-in-law, deceased.
    • Estyne, granddaughter, alive.
  • Eilyn currently resides in Regalia where she rents a cheap apartment.
  • Eilyn is on a journey of exploration and self-discovery. For most of her life, she has lived with the secluded asceticism of her home and culture. She feels like she's missed out on a lot and so she is making up for it, traveling to experience as much of the world as she can.
    • Currently, she is staying in Regalia, working as a bartender/barmaid, listening to the tales of her customers while experiencing her first winter season.

Visual Information
Body Description

  • Eilyn is 5'8" and about 144 lbs and would appear to be a young adult in her early twenties. She has a fit body, toned muscles with a healthy amount of fat, accustomed to a whole day of light to medium physical activity.
  • She has light olive skin. Her arms and legs would have a couple of scars from old cuts and bruises. The skin on her feet and hands would be tough from labor.
  • She has an average amount of body hair. Her legs would be unshaven and a bit shaggy. Her arms have visible hair as well, though less noticeable.
Head Description
  • Eilyn has a round, triangular face with full cheeks and smooth features. Her face is longer than it is wide like most elves, though less noticeably so. She has an average-sized nose and wide, round eyes.
  • She has teal-green eyes. They have a piercing but gentle look to them. Eilyn's neutral expression would feel like that of a child staring at someone, awaiting a response to a naive question.
  • Eilyn has straight hair that flows down to her mid-back. Her frontal hair is kept tucked behind her ears with some remaining untucked as sidebangs. Her hair is naturally a brunette but she stains it with dark green dyes due in part to her association with the Lothar and her fascination with Yanar.
    • Her dyes are often made with a combination of plant matter (such as woad, indigo, or modrá roots if she can get her hands on them) mixed with fixatives. They usually last a week or two before fading and thus she usually applies them twice a month, leaving some days in-between when her hair is in its natural color.
  • Eilyn has no facial accessories.
Clothing and Accessories
  • Eilyn's normal attire is a simple green shirt with a leather vest and darker green pants. She wears a belt with pouches hanging. She wears fancier things when an occasion demands, usually meaning a fancier vest over her green shirt, or over a fancier green shirt.
  • Eilyn currently wears a barmaid's outfit consisting of a red shirt and skirt, covered by a white, frilled bustier under her usual vest. When outside in the cold, she wears a simply green winter cloak that goes down to her calves.
  • Eilyn may sometimes wear a headpiece made of the small cones and catkins of certain plants stringed together. These headpieces are often freshly handmade. She likes to pick the seeds of her favorite plants and let them disperse as she walks around.

Behavior Information
Personality Traits

  • Cheery - Eilyn is a bright and happy person who likes spreading her positive attitude. She likes to smile and isn't shy of approaching others to make them smile as well. She's fairly easily excitable and makes a big fuss over things because she likes being dramatic.
  • Gutsy - Eilyn is pragmatic when it comes to doing things. She doesn't see any merit in procrastinating or avoiding something. She has been known for being impulsive and gets a thrill from taking risks, especially if it's something new or provocative.
  • Stubborn - Eilyn doesn't quit easily if there's something that she's set her mind on. Whether it's an activity she wants to do or a friend who refuses to see a healer, if she's sure something needs to happen, then she'll continue pursuing it until it happens. She can get very narrow minded during these times, even angry, refusing to change her mind and constantly pestering others.
  • Skeptical - Eilyn has been questioning her faith and morality since the later stages of her life. The more she sees and learns of the world, the more her perspective widens and the more uncertain she becomes of anything: the merits of taking a life, the existence of deities, the use of magic. She still maintains certain moral principles that one must abide by to be a good person, but now she only applies it to herself. She's become more understanding of things that others and herself may consider odd or even heretical.
  • Casual - Eilyn prefers a more relaxed and honest attitude towards things. Being raised in a small, close community, she's used to talking very plainly to others. She's amused by the use of proper etiquette and various methods of address among nobility and thinks it all a pretentious joke. She'll play along to avoid getting jailed, of course, but mostly because she thinks it's funny to act all posh and haughty.
  • Lighthearted - Eilyn is a carefree person who isn't serious in both demeanor nor attitude. Dark or heavy subjects such as war or torture make her feel uncomfortable and squeamish, as well as anything harsh or restricting. She hasn't yet learned to handle them so she avoids them in an attempt to maintain her cheeriness.
  • Impatient - Something needs doing now, done, ding! Eilyn has always wanted things done fast. In a way, this adds to, and is partially a reason for, her gutsiness. She'll find ways to cut corners or do things more efficiently. If there are multiple things that need to be done, she'll prioritize but she'll get frustrated that she can't do them all at once. She had to learn to be patient throughout her life as she trained in magic.
  • Restless - Eilyn really dislikes boredom and is always seeking something to do. She's not shy of taking charge and stirring things up if no one else around her does so. Sitting around doing nothing is more of a chore for her, especially if she has to wait for something. Her idea of relaxation is to go out and have fun; she'll get frustrated if no one else plays along, she might even throw a tantrum.

  • Plants - Eilyn grew up in a Lothar clan where she learned to appreciate the many qualities of plants, their natural beauty, their many uses. She has dabbled in herbalism, botany, and other plant-related professions. Among her favorite plants are friendales trees, she is particularly fond of birches.
  • Animals - Eilyn is almost as passionate about animals as she is about plants. The sight of one excites her like a giddy child, especially if it's a small or young animal. Her favorites are felines.
  • Yanars - Eilyn adores the plant beings. She considers them to be the embodiment of all that is good and sweet in the world and would always flock to one if they're around. From a more sinister point of view, one can say she objectifies them as a sort of exotic pet or animal.
  • Traveling - Eilyn is a restless character. She demands mental stimulation and doesn't like staying in one place for too long if there's nothing left to do there. Her curiosity also makes her want to see as much of the world as possible.
  • Conversation - Eilyn loves a good chat, preferable a stimulating one, but idle banter is fine as well. She'll talk about anything with anyone so long as it isn't dark. She likes learning about people's lives, as well as talking about her own.
  • Sweets - Eilyn has quite a sweet tooth. For most of her life, she was satisfied with fruits though when she became adventurous, she started craving more foreign and exotic sweets, including candy, drinks, and desserts.
  • Nicknames - Eilyn seems to have a habit of giving people nicknames. Sometimes she does to as a term of endearment though more often than not it's simply because she finds it amusing. There is a sort of childishness to it that she prefers over using people's actual and less playful names.

  • War - Eilyn detests war for the massive loss and devastating of lives and resources. She personally dislikes it for causing the impoverished state that Daendroc and all the Lothar clans, including her home, are currently in. She feels that the efforts of the living should be better spent in more productive and wholesome activities.
  • Malice - Eilyn is disgusted by acts of malice and people who are involved in such acts. She can't help but see such people as inferior, taking the effort to avoid them. She considers rudeness to be a form of malice as well, though to a lesser extent, and is really put off by it.
  • Inactivity - Boredom is the mind killer. The mind and body must be kept stimulated. Eilyn, impatient and restless, avoids inactivity like a disease, which is a rather apt analogy because she does believe that lack of activity is bad for one's well-being. She'll always try to find something to occupy her time, whether it's walking in an unknown location or inspecting the beans in a bowl.
  • Authority - Eilyn is in a bit of a rebellious phase. She had spent most of her life trapped in her home, restricted to the rules and duties of her culture. Ever since going off on her own, she has felt a sense of liberation, and she does not want to give it up. Regalia in particular, however, is a new and exotic place for her, as are the laws and customs. As such, the wonders of novelty are currently fresh in her mind and she has not yet become accustomed enough to hate them.

Abilities and Disabilities

  • Nimble, dexterous, agile - Eilyn is a slim elfess who moves with grace. She moves delicately and utilizes all her muscles, keeping herself in balance like a dancer. This gives her a natural gift for moving and dodging. She is able to traverse wet, rocky terrain as well as she can smooth ground. She keeps her body in motion to avoid being a sitting target.
  • Determined, pragmatic, daring - Eilyn is the type of person who gets things done. She's dependable because she's always focused on the task at hand and unwilling to turn away from it until it is finished. She's an efficient worker because she considers all her options and does not limit herself to the same routine. If something isn't working, she'll do it in a different way. She's not afraid to try something new or break old habits if it'll help.
  • Magic, magic, magic - Eilyn is a user of Evergrowth magic whose power is currently at the early stages of Mage level. She is proficient at growing plants, able to bring the seeds of shrubs to blossom in minutes instead of weeks, and those of large trees to full maturity in a few days rather than a few decades. Eilyn is skilled enough to be able to block off an overwhelming amount of emotional feedback from plants. She can control any single plant easily enough without tiring. She can control multiple plants without too much effort and she has the potential to be able to control multiple plants for a couple hours non-stop, though by the end of it she'll be too exhausted to do any more medium to heavy tasks.

  • Lightweight - Eilyn has a small frame, unable to handle heavy weights or labor. Her physical power comes more from endurance than it does from brute strength. She would quickly tire out if carrying heavy armor or items. She can't handle forceful blows either. She's not used to such pain or the resulting disorientation it might cause her body.
  • Reckless, indulgent, impulsive - Eilyn's restlessness and gutsy attitude often causes her to act on a whim without regards to consequences. She's a bit hedonistic, seeking instant gratification whether it's positive or negative. She'll avoid life threatening situations like jumping off a bridge or smacking a noble in the head, but beyond that she's willing to do anything that amuses her even if it could get her hurt or in trouble.
  • Light Combatant - Eilyn has been training in magic for most of her life and as such cannot skillfully handle any weaponry. She's never directly faced any battles either, always fighting from a safe distance, and as such is not trained in dodging or deflecting blows.

Combat Styles
Eilyn's main combat style is to deflect and defend. She channels Evergrowth to have plants ensnare or whip at opponents and keep them at a distance. If possible, she may also use them to fling whatever objects are available. She's unwilling to kill directly, though if the situation calls for it, she's willing to cripple a limb by crushing or smashing. Without her magic, Eilyn would most likely only dodge until an opportunity to escape presented itself. Due to her nimbleness, she'd most likely be successful at dodging attacks from combatively untrained individuals.

Weapons of Choice
Using her Evergrowth, Eilyn's primary weapons of choice would be various vines, climbers, and creeper plants whose long, flexible stems she can manipulate to her will. She commands multiple such plants in tandem, using them to as if they were limbs and fingers.

Her second weapon of choice would be the soft new growths of any nearby trees, though this is more of a personal choice than it is a pragmatic one due to her love of certain trees. For ground based opponents, only low branches or basal shoots would be useful, and even then in a limited fashion due to their relatively short length and less malleable nature. In a serious situation, Eilyn will never play around and her primary method of fighting will always take precedence. Otherwise, however, she enjoys commanding the shoots of her favorite trees in the same way she does with vines.

Without her magic though, she'd likely carry out a long, thin piece of branch to play around with.

  • Elder - The elf elder who was Eilyn's mentor. Eilyn never learned his true name, he said it was "Treebeard" but she didn't believe him, preferring to call him "Old man".
  • Anima Vendit @Anima_Vendit - A curious man she met during her early days in Regalia. He's a poet who shares similar intellectual thoughts and feelings with her.
  • Koopa Fangore @Simple_Enigma , Ryuk Wateror @gallowglassjr , Barris Grizgate @Furry_Panda , Thinex @Thinex_something - A group of friends she happened to have made in the tavern. The bunch of them seemed to have formed some sort of club together.
  • Argo @SuperKamiWarlock - An elf that Eilyn had a one night stand with during her early days in the city. Eilyn considers that incident to be a steppingstone in her freedom from her Lotharic asceticism. They're casual acquaintances now and she sees him often in the tavern and around.
The crew of the Sun's Vigil:
  • Relveth Vinthracia @KrakenLord01 - "Thunder-elf", Captain of the ship.
  • Louis Lebeau @Azazaa - "Apey", a nickname originally given by Skorktak. So called "Chef" that once served her hot chocolate that had too much salt in it.
  • Skorktak Ckess @The Unknown - "Bugman"
  • Aeron Cullas @StereoTurtle - Nickname pending. Right now he's either "knife-ears" or "thumbtack" due to his lanky appearance. Apparently has a thing for her. She finds his aggression entertaining and passively provokes him just to get a rise out of him.
  • Rand Kholin @HoidOfTheNorth - Apparently also has a thing for her. Vomits a lot. Nickname pending. Most likely something vomit-related.
  • Nalani @Squeaker555 - The Yanar, the only thing keeping her sane on this ship (nah jk, not jk). She's aware of the other's affection for her so she teases them by constantly hugging Nalani in very suggestive ways.
  • Othercrewmates that Eilyn has so far not yet directly interacted with sowwy
Eilyn's Yanar Collection:
  • Estyne Eikenfi @Enkiduu - Eilyn's granddaughter. She teased the Yanar often but she loves her dearly. They were forced to part when their clan changed and haven't seen each other since. They are both currently in Regalia but by strange happenstance have never crossed paths with each other.
  • Lodornal Pekelo @Rinus - A Mer Yanar she met in the tavern while with some of the above group of friends. Eilyn took a liking to her immediately. She finds the Mer seedling interesting, especially for being an explorer of sorts. They've hung out a few times and Eilyn considers her a friend.
  • Niantha Aalvira @Eccetra - The Yanar who owns the apothecary. Eilyn met her while browsing there and made some more visits. They've seen each other a few times here and there and while Eilyn doesn't know Ni that well, she considers the rather fiesty Yanar to be a casual acquaintence.
  • Lynne Soleil @Ragnio - A Yanar she saw sleeping in the Nenya grove. Apparently Lynne was born under the Nenya, something which makes her highly regarded to Eilyn. The little Yanar does seem shy and naive though, almost like a child, which Eilyn finds adorable.

Life Story
Eilyn was born to Azalin and Eyla in 210 AC in the secluded Eikenfi Lothar clan. In the dense forests of Daendroc. Her father was one of the patrolmen for the clan who taught her various survival skills. Her mother was an herbalist who encouraged Eilyn's love of plants. She learned the ways of the Lothar from both her parents and the rest of her clan. Eilyn was a lively child who liked asking questions about what everything did and how they worked. She was a little explorer who ventured out of the clan's borders and found a thrill in wandering into caves.

Her curiosity and budding adventurous spirit caught the attention of one of the clan's more eccentric members, an elderly and reclusive elf. When she was 8, the elder had approached Eilyn to investigate her more closely, often asking her questions and testing her character. Eilyn was a bit confused at first; though the man was no stranger in the clan, his sudden interest in the young elfess was pretty odd. She humored him though, especially since for every inquiry she answered, he returned the favor with greater, fantastical tales of the world at large. Plus, her parents didn't seem to object to their relationship, though she noticed that they were quite reserved about it whenever it was brought up.

As their talks continued, Eilyn noticed that they became more serious and difficult to think about. The elder would give her moral dilemmas and question her beliefs, often vexing her by pointing out contradictions in her own words. Eilyn was both frustrated and intrigued. Sometimes, though, it would get too much and she'd start feeling distressed by the conversation. She'd avoid the elder for days or weeks, and he wouldn't pursue it further. Inevitably though, she'd lighten up and come back with a wisecrack remark and their talks would resume.

Around the time Eilyn was 12, the elder finally decided to show her his secret and the purpose behind all the conversations. They walked to a more sparse area of the forest, towards a lone tree in the middle of a field of grass. It was a nice day then, patches of grass shining in the sunlight that filtered through the canopy. The elder turned to the young elfess and raised his arms. Suddenly, the entire field started sending up new plants which blossomed with flowers. While Eilyn stood there, amazed and dumbfounded, the elder continued on to the tree. With a wave of his arms, the roots moved, revealing a recess underneath. He beckoned Eilyn inside.

Inside, the elder showed her an old tome. He asked her if she was ready to become one of the keepers of the powers of Estel, a magic user of the art of Evergrowth. Eilyn knew the gravity of the situation, her eyes transfixed on the ancient tome, fear penting up, but she didn't back down; she accepted.

Eilyn's initiation into an Evergrowth mage was the clan's public secret. Aside from a discussion with her parents on the same night of her acceptance, no one questioned the large amounts of time spent with the elder and she didn't talk about it with anyone else either. Eilyn had her first taste of a mage's isolation. She would often question her decision, especially since learning the fundamentals was slow and dull, but it became routine to her and she learned to be patient. The memory of that wonderful day in the fields kept her going.

At the age of 18, Eilyn started to learn to communicate with plants. She had learned to be patient and to meditate. By now, she was well taught in the ways of magic as well as the religion of Estel and her duties as a Lothar to stay in and protect the clan. She was excited and determined to fulfill her duties. She reached caster level by the age of 30. She became proficient, able to grow small plants and moving them to her will, as well as starting to grow trees.

A few years later, the elfess started getting restless. She started thinking about her long life ahead and what she would end up doing with it. The adventurous spirit she had in her childhood had resurfaced and she wanted to do more than protect the clan. She felt she had seen all that she could see, explored all the areas that she could explore, done everything activity that there was to be done. To the disappointment of her parents, she didn't want to be tied down with a family either. To her, the clan was a gilded cage, well hidden from the outside world, subject to stagnation. She wanted to break free and see what lied beyond the forest she knew.

She pestered her mentor about it and for a while he adamantly refused. Eventually though, the elder relented, believing that perhaps she would finally settle down after a journey. He arranged for the both of them to travel to a nearby clan. Eilyn was excited at the journey but disappointed in its result. All in all, their destination was simply another Lothar clan, just like the one she came from.

To the frustration of her mentor, she refused to go back home, wanting more. They had fought bitterly over it. Eventually, the elder relented again, though this time not without a bit of retribution in mind. He once more arranged for both of them to travel, but this time to accompany a group of Unquale as they raided an orc encampment. The elder hoped that the experience would scare some sense into her. And indeed it did. The sight of the ferocious beasts fighting with the elves and the exposure to brutal death and violence on both sides traumatized the elfess. Her naive ideas of a wonderful world beyond her clan shattered, Eilyn agreed to go back home, silent the entire way.

Eilyn became a bit of a recluse after that, focusing solely on training her magic. For a time, she seemed to have lost all her spirit and liveliness, sulking at the fact that she was forever doomed to remain stuck in the same place for the rest of her life. She became rather curt to others, especially to her mentor, showing the bare minimal of manners and speaking only when necessary.

Her mood started to improve when she found and treated an injured wild kitten. She didn't really care for it at first, expecting it to run off once healed. But the kitten took a liking to the elfess and stayed with her. Eventually Eilyn accepted the kitten's affection and returned it as well. Having a dependant of sorts rekindled her livelihood and she opened up to others again, being more sociable and cheerful, even to her mentor. Once more, she felt positive about life and finally learned to accept her duty as a Lothar to stay and protect her clan.

Middle Adulthood
For the next few years, things were quiet. Eilyn continued raising her cat and practicing Evergrowth with her mentor. Around age 46, she was well on her way to Mage level when misfortune happened. Her mentor started suffering from dementia partly as a result of his magic, becoming more unstable as time went on. He would babble incoherently and forget how to do everyday tasks. He started wandering off into the forest to cover himself in plants and use his Evergrowth without sense or purpose.

Eilyn had to take extra care of him and clean up after his actions. She was constantly afraid that he might hurt someone, including himself. Finally, one day the elder went completely rogue, losing touch with reality, running off and using his power wildly. Eilyn had no choice but to contact the Unquale to hunt him down. When they brought his body back, it was badly scarred from both the injuries he received during his derangement and the battle that had to take place to bring him down.

Eilyn mourned deeply for her fallen mentor. Her melancholy was made worse by the death of her cat shortly after. She fell into despair and stopped practicing her magic.

EIlyn slowly regained her zest as she took up other activities. She fell in love with a childhood friend and started a family. New life replaced old as she gave birth to a daughter and her parents passed away some time after. Throughout all this time, she couldn't completely keep herself away from Evergrowth. The call of the plants all around beckoned her. At first she was still discouraged, instead wanting to focus on her family. The longest she lasted without using it was a few months as she took care of her infant child. But inevitably, she returned to regularly practicing Evergrowth.

Late Adulthood
After receiving a grandchild, Eilyn started becoming more restless again, and she knew it. Perhaps without her mentor around, she no longer felt chained down to the clan. As before, she felt that she had done everything there was to be done, especially now that she had a family to take her place. The possibility of leaving her clan, traveling on her own to wherever she wanted, seemed real. The trauma of her one and only experience leaving was extinguished, she felt curious about the world again.

Ironically, the decision was made all the more easier when misfortune visited the clan. It seemed that the clan, and all of Daendroc, was becoming more troubled. Talks of increased orc raids, the spread of Essiphuale, and rumors of human occupation, among other bad news, were rampant. The clan started adopting the ways of the Unquale, sending out scouts to patrol their forest. One day, a scouting party had returned with major losses, including her husband and son-in-law.

The reason was never made clear but the clan went to chaos after that. Leadership was passed on to more radical members who had the intent of converting to the ways of the Unquale. The Lothar, they claimed, were a dying culture. A large portion of the clan couldn't accept the changes and split off to find safer havens. Eilyn remained for some time out of duty to help restabilize her home. She had made up her mind about leaving, though, and after what remained of the clan seemed to be able to handle themselves, she slipped out quietly.

Newfound Youth
The elfess spent a year wandering Daendroc, traveling from one Lothar clan to the next. During this time, she slowly realized that she was in possession of a newfound freedom. For the first time in her life, she felt truly free, free of duty, free of responsibility, free of all the cultural restrictions that she had spent her entire life abiding by. Eilyn was meek and hesitant at first, but soon she learned to indulge in the pleasures of life.

The Lothar clans were not enough to satisfy her newly discovered appetite though, and she knew she would have to do something more with her current life. She decided to leave the continent of Daendroc altogether, perhaps go somewhere with a far more different environment. Around this time, the Human-Elven War began, restricting travel and forcing her to stay in Daendroc a little longer. She had no stomach for war and remained hidden in the various secluded clans. It was certainly a very dreadful time. She would await news from anyone on how the war was progressing, how far it spread, and which side was winning. One could say that Eilyn's destination was chosen by the winner, after the war was over, she decided to go to Regalia. Her choice was probably a mixture of fear and admiration for the Empire, that source of knowledge and power that had subjugated her homeland. She figured it would be a great change in scenery, sufficient for her restless spirit.

*Sprites by @Crugnor via
Last edited:
I am reviewing this character!
  • How about some specifics on Enkiduu's goals? I get broadening the horizons, but something you can work at when you log in would be ideal, for your sake and mine.
  • Too many personality traits, not enough attention to detail! Narrow it eight, and make them 4-5 sentences each. Consider each trait vital to who Enk is, and how you portray them in character. Think of the eight traits that define -you-, the writer. Hard to narrow right, we're all quite complex, and so is a character, if not moreso, given their somewhat idealistic. Anywho, writer jarble. Do the thing.
  • Um. Is her description a joke? I hope so. Tag me when you're done @Enkiduu
Progress: Pending!
Once you've completed Jared's edits, tag me. I will be continuing his review. @Enkiduu
@Jared4242 @Shayin
  • Made her goal more specific.
  • Edited her personality traits.
  • Yes, indeed, that was a joke. "female Talar Nelfin" already sounded so wordy, I couldn't resist going a step (or ten) further :P.
Alright! Here's my review!
  • How does Eilyn dye her hair? What does she use? How often does she have to do it to retain its color?
  • Why does Eilyn like to travel? The distinct characteristic about Lothar is that they love to remain in one spot. Explain why Eilyn is different and cannot stay in one place. Was she inspired by some traveller who told her tales of the outside world? Did she leave her tribe due to issues with the other Lothar?
  • If Eilyn is a Mage level in Evergrowth magic, how is this not a strength? Please add this in somewhere in the strengths.
  • Being lighthearted is not a weakness, moreso a double sided blade in that respect. She can get by just fine being happy happy happy. Find something about her personality that puts her in uncomfortable or unfortunate situations that will force her to do something she doesn't like.
  • Evergrowth Magic cannot make a branch suddenly malleable. Evergrowth magic influences what is there; It does not create what isn't. Asking a tree to bend its branch like you describe in the "Weapons of Choice." If I could control another person's mind, would I be able to command their forearm to just bend and grow as I please? The tree branch would snap and the tree would likely hate the caster.
Life Story:
  • The Lothar never traveled. They were content in their seclusion, using Unquale travellers and rangers as messengers between known clans. Furthermore, the Lothar never went on group raids. That is the embodyment of the Unquale, who were all sworn to hunt the Orcs. The Lothar, on the other hand, just sat in their groves and meditated and cared for plants.
  • Why would there be a group of Evergrowth mages? It is time consuming to teach one or two at a time but finding a group of Evergrowth mages just "there" would be next to impossible.
  • The only kind of Elf that hates magic is a Drow. The Talar pride themselves in it immensely and find it to be their only strength. The Unquale seldom use magic but when they do it is tolerated. The Lothar enjoy magic but their seclusion has resulted in hardly any exposure to magic unless someone within their clan was a mage. In that case, knowing of more than one form was rare.
  • It does not make sense for there to be any anti-magical orders in Daendroc, more specifically with Elves at their head.
  • Who are the "other mages" that Eilyn reported her master to?
  • Once more, there is no such thing as Lothar militarization. If you mean to indicate that the clan began being more and more like the Unquale, eventually turning into Unquale and joining them, then say so clearly.
Hope these help you expand on your character a bit! I await your edits.
@Shayin Thanks for the review! Really helped flesh out Eilyn and I feel like she's a more concrete character now. Anyway I've made some rather massive changes:
  • Added more detail to her hair dying.
  • In regards to Eilyn's desire to travel, I feel that even though the Lothar culture as a whole is defined by remaining in one spot, Eilyn as an individual is a restless person who doesn't like being stuck in one place. Her story has been changed to reflect this trait and how she reacts to it within her culture.
  • Evergrowth added to Strengths.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses changed, please re-review.
  • I should have clarified that she controls the malleable new shoots of the branches, not the branches themselves. Anyway, massive edits to her use of Evergrowth to be more practical.

Life Story

  • Rewrote her life story to more accurately reflect Elven cultures.
  • Rewrote major parts of her life story, effecting her dislikes and her current goals.
  • Yes, indeed, the clan was turning into Unquale. Could've sworn I explicitly wrote that exact thing down but it must've been on a previous app.
Relationships updated, haven't directly RPd with some of you so yeah. Excuse me if I forgot any RPing as well.