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Played Character Engel Vogt

This character is actively played.


Dec 20, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Engel Vogt
  • Race: Half-Asha
    • Half Calder Ailor
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Woman
  • Occult: Voilenigme Vampire, Void Mage
Core Concept
Engel was born a gifted mage but later pursued more noble studies (as she saw it) in the field of mundane medicine and science, a learned healer who was dedicated to her craft. Fairly conservative, her Wirtem tenets were dismantled in one fell swoop by a lone and spiteful Ithanian vampire, infecting her during a drunken haze at a work-related party. Although the details of her curse's origin are foggy, she has taken to the new persona with fervor, disregarding her values to immerse herself in Evolism and theurgic research.

She reviles Onu, Gahan, and Ravaal.​

Appearance Information
Engel is greatly attentive to her appearance, dressing in an ostentatious and overly fashionable style no matter the circumstance. Her delicately combed ginger hair is styled with large bow ribbons, and her freckled skin is porcelain smooth thanks to the assistance of alchemical treatments.

She is just a bit above five feet and has some extra weight owed mostly to a stationary lifestyle. Her red eyes masquerade as a light hazel and her facial features are soft, but an analytical or even judgmental resting expression harshens her round visage. She complements her eyes with sharp eyeliner and precisely plucked brows, with no shortage of glamorous but brooding eyeshadow.

Differentiating herself from Ailor, she has feline ears matching her orange hair, and a fox-like tail to match. Naturally, she grows more hair on her limbs than most women would due to her Asha heritage, but prefers to keep this shaven off.​


Strength - 0

Constitution - 0

Wisdom - 2
  • Enchant Protect
  • Enchant Bolts
Dexterity - 0

Arcane - 6
  • Chem Cleanse
  • Chem - Technique Parry
  • Chem Feeding
  • Radiant Push
  • Radiant Relocate
  • Radiant Shield
  • Sinistral Corrode (Legacy of Magic)
  • Sinistral Mindvex (Legacy of Magic)
Faith - 6
  • Hex Defense
  • Hex Plot
  • Hex Sapper
  • Hex Choice
  • Hex Parasite
  • Hex Guide

Anglisch (Terrible Calem accent)
Ibeth (Not a fluent speaker, used instead for spellcasting - she is a keen listener though)

Plot Hooks
  • Independent spirit: Around the age of twelve, her seafaring father perished in a shipwreck. As if Engel was doomed for tragedy from the beginning, her mother met her end only a few years later. She spent a year in foster care and found droll work in accounting before she could live on her own.
  • A born mage: Much to her Asha father's dismay, Engel was born occult and never given a chance at true purity. She honed this magical talent with guidance in her late adolescence from one Vannevar Rostwilde, paying him from her own coffers for his tuition costs as well as room and board.
  • Well-studied: Leisure does not come naturally to Engel, taking extreme efforts to ensure she could live a comfortable and fulfilling life. This was recognized by an academy in Anglia who offered her a sizable scholarship for her attendance. She has recently graduated with a doctorate, studying mundane medicine and alchemy- no need to study the occult any longer.
  • Unethical experiments:
  • Anti-elf and anti-Estelley:
  • Tolerant otherwise:
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