Archived Enderpearls: A Problem, An Idea And A Statement.

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Every footstep you hear without a source...
Nov 26, 2012
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your nightmares.
Alrighty! So, as you all know by now, there have been several threads concerning Ender-pearl nerf/replacement/removal. A bunch of ideas have been tossed around, including a cooldown, race/class limitation, and even a whole new siege plugin. So, I'm here to express what I've caught.

A problem. Ender-pearls render almost all proper medieval defenses obsolete, and they sort of screw up roleplay, allowing any sort of folk, ordinary or not, to disappear and appear somewhere else at the blink of an eye. This seems sort of odd, right? I mean, in real life, my aunt can't just teleport wherever the hell she wants, nor can I, nor anyone I know for that matter.

An idea. Instead of Ender-pearls teleporting you, that could be disabled and replaced with a ability to temporarily climb 3-4 blocks, like a spider would (Pretty sure this is possible, as I've seen it done in other plugins), and every time you stand on a solid block, it resets, so you can climb further up if you find a ledge to grab on to. This effect would last for, say, 45 seconds, and for the duration of the effect the player would be surrounded by the Enderman particles, this would help distinguish the difference between Pearl-climbers and spider-hackers.

My pathetic excuse for this to fit into lore: As w all know, Endermen are really the demons from wheretheheckinstan (No proper name for it I don't think), leaking out to destroy/corrupt and generally make the world go boom. When you kill them, their soul solidifies into a soft stone, which can be shattered and rubbed on one's hands to make them sticky enough to climb most surfaces for a short while.

...Like it?

Finally, my statement, which is more of a quote than anything.

Guidelines on Magic

Forms of magic not possible include, but are not limited to:
  • Instant death or resurrection spells. Cheating death is not possible. If it was attempted, instant death is the result.
  • Waking up spells or altering the comatose state of another.
  • Mind control spells or anything related to the mind
  • Altering or increasing the defence to the veil connection of another person or your own
  • Making stuff appear or disappear from thin air (limited transmutation is possible but not to the point where you turn dirt into gold)
  • Summoning, for example fire or water from your hand (it always needs a conduit like a sword or staff and high forms of focus)
  • Visions of the future
  • Teleportation
  • Immortality (even temporarily)
For all those who say EnderPearls don't mess up roleplay, I'd like to see you argue with that ;)

PS: Thanks to MonMarty, I never thought I'd say this, but for once your lore actually helped me instead of making me rage :D
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I agree with your "non-rp" problem here, but Ender pearls are a useful addiion to minecraft. Also, changing game mechanics to match lore is much more time consuming and requires mug more work than changing lore to match game mechanics. Plus, this suggestion would screw up anticheat the same way bloodlust did.
I had an extremely lenghty discussion with Cayorion this morning on wether we should alter base minecraft functions to suit the lore, or the other way around. We didn't come to an overly apparant conclusion in either direction, but in general I think coming up with a lore explanation for the ender pearls is better than changing the way pearls work, as it implies we have to alter minecraft's base mechanics which involves plugins, which are time consuming to make right now.

Custom RP names and /me commands in local chat are higher up in the todo list, so I think it's more useful to make a suggest to suit enderpearl teleporting to lore.
I had an extremely lenghty discussion with Cayorion this morning on wether we should alter base minecraft functions to suit the lore, or the other way around. We didn't come to an overly apparant conclusion in either direction, but in general I think coming up with a lore explanation for the ender pearls is better than changing the way pearls work, as it implies we have to alter minecraft's base mechanics which involves plugins, which are time consuming to make right now.

Custom RP names and /me commands in local chat are higher up in the todo list, so I think it's more useful to make a suggest to suit enderpearl teleporting to lore.
I was on the wiki for the 1.6 update and it said ingame names will be able to be edited but not your actual account name. So would i be necessary for a names plugin?
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