Archived Encourage Exploring: Unique Mobs/treasure In Unclaimed Surface Areas

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Jul 3, 2016
Reaction score
I'd love to see a reason to leave our bases and explore the world. I was thinking it might be fun to have certain rare spawns only spawn in the unclaimed-overworld-surface-areas (not dark rooms).

These rare creatures, or treasures, could be announced by the server when they spawn, perhaps giving only a few hints to start with. It would create a treasure hunt style of excitement, and also encourage some pvp between parities when people bump into each other in the hunt.

The world is so beautiful, yet there is little reason to leave ones base, and when you do its just underground mining at mach5 in straight lines ;)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Another fantastic suggestion! To make less overhead for stuff it could even be like recurring PvE events like other RPGs out there. Every 12-48 hours Mob hoard xyz spawns at location in world xyz and there are fun hints from NPCs how to find them its current location. This even feeds into the ongoing discussion on how to bridge the divide between factions players and RPers- maybe even give information to prominent Roleplayers regarding the location and factions players need to Roleplay to find the event! There could be many different difficulty ratings of events and corresponding lore rewards for completion. This would really get people out and about!

The only problem I can perceive is that mobs will generally despawn if a chunk is not loaded by at least 1 player. There are server plugins out there though that can generate a fake player to put in the world to prevent despawning of this nature. I think most of the NPCs on massive are created using this plugin. But then how to get the mobs not to wander to far from the NPC? Maybe procedural generated dungeons to contain them? Loads of possibilities here!
Another fantastic suggestion! To make less overhead for stuff it could even be like recurring PvE events like other RPGs out there. Every 12-48 hours Mob hoard xyz spawns at location in world xyz and there are fun hints from NPCs how to find them its current location. This even feeds into the ongoing discussion on how to bridge the divide between factions players and RPers- maybe even give information to prominent Roleplayers regarding the location and factions players need to Roleplay to find the event! There could be many different difficulty ratings of events and corresponding lore rewards for completion. This would really get people out and about!

The only problem I can perceive is that mobs will generally despawn if a chunk is not loaded by at least 1 player. There are server plugins out there though that can generate a fake player to put in the world to prevent despawning of this nature. I think most of the NPCs on massive are created using this plugin. But then how to get the mobs not to wander to far from the NPC? Maybe procedural generated dungeons to contain them? Loads of possibilities here!
Fist suggestion in case the dungeons become a thing?Epic level earth Mage as the boss?Dungeon dissapears when you take him/her/it down.