Archived Enchanters And Alchemists

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Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
I've commented on the idea in another thread, but never brought it to the spotlight. I think it would make total sense for enchanting and brewing to come with their own skill trees. When armoring gets its own special plug in, being not even part of the game originally, and already having an anvil, it sorta saddens me. I used to rely on a friend to repair it, but it seems pointless cause its one of the few options we have for something not involving combat. I care not for repairing my things, for it opens up a job for somebody to be a blacksmith. My point is, in alot of mmo's you're too busy working on what you're interested in. And now that all of my interests are slowing down a bit, i'm forced to learn such techniques to increase my overall power. Agreeable?
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McMMO may be sent as a suggestion to the devs. I've heard that a magic plugin is in the works.

If you want to be an enchanter or alchemist, use enchanting tables and brewing stands.
this seems to be a suggestion regarding mcmmo, which is not developed by cayorion. Maybe suggest this on their bukkit thread?
Peoples views on alchemy anger me...thats all im going to say about it.
Well, if they work on it. It is really stupid, cause u wont be able to get high enchants like you can now. There is no point of this.
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