Preserved Sheet Emily Troisieme

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Sep 5, 2017
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"We need to pray, now. And whatever happens,
whatever you may see or hear,
keep your eyes forward and don't stop praying."

Sister Oana, God Ends Here


▪Name: Emily Troisieme
▫Full Name: Emily Zan Troisieme
▫Nickname(s): Zan, Emma

▫Verbal Address: Revered Mother or Mother
▪Age: 62
▫Birthday: February 3rd
▫Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

▪Gender: Female

▪Race: Ailor
▫Culture: Deandroque
▪Sexuality: Celibate

▪Preferred Weapon: None Screaming

▪Inventory Information
A water skin
2 small sandwich bags which were sometimes full sometimes empty
Bobby pins
An eye of unionism necklace
A book with the ten creeds
▪Position in Regalia:
Emily has been transferred to the Nonnatean chapter house in Regalia. Working under the spirit as a reverend mother for only about a year now, as she accessed to reverend motherhood only about a year ago. Earning it later then most of her peers. She has a home, though she is never in it. Spending most of her days at prayer and giving out her wisdom.
Emily didn't use to be called Emily, growing up in a small farm town outside of a Daendroque city. She was the only daughter of 8 brothers. Only getting through that by sticking very close to the spirit. She prayed everyday, and one day, heard of the Nonnatean order. Quickly moving to Calemburg and at age 19, would be taken into the order.
▪Secondary Goals:
She doesn't have any. Simply wanting to help others and be guided by the spirit.

"I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart;
I am, I am, I am."

Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar


▪Proficiency| [ 70 Total ]
8 Society Knowledge
Unionist Culture
Ailor Culture
10 Medical Sciences
20 Culinary Arts
9 Thread Arts

10 Visual Arts (Hobby)
5 Bodycare Training
8 Unionist Sanktism Skill
▪Body Shape
▪Physical Stat: 0
▪Body Shape: Average

▪Body Fat: Average

▫7/10 Fluent, Not Literate
▫7/10 Fluent, Not Literate
▪Sanktist Script
▫10/10 Fluent, Literate


"Sometimes I can feel my bones straining under
the weight of all the lives I'm not living."
Jonathan Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


▪Eye Color: Brown

▪Hair Color: Light Brown

▪Hair Style: Pinned up behind hood

▪Skin Color: Light tan

▪Clothing: Her Nonnatean Robes

▪Height: 5'6
▫Weight: 147 lb
▪Facial Features:
Emily has a big round face with big rosy cheeks. Her lips were full and a light pink, completing her rosy cheeks. Her eyes were also round like her face. Being a brown. Her face was all a bit tan and warm colored. The skin itself would be wrinkled from smile and strict prayer. You wouldn't be able to see anything else except a couple leftover strands of hair that aren't tucked behind her hood. Which would be an over curled brown.
▪Body Visualization:
Emily kept all of her body under a hooded cloak that goes down to the floor and a black dress. You wouldn't be able to see anything under the stress as it went down to cover her black boots. Her hands were smooth to the touch and looked very small and dainty. This would only be observed if she wasn't wearing gloves.
▪Fashion and Accessories:
Emily wears a purple cloak that fades to black in some places. This covers her entire body all but her hands. Which were usually kept in gloves. Her dress of course had pockets for all the items she carries but if someone asked her for something, she would simply give it.
▪Sound and Tone:
Emily has a light and soft voice. Only love could be heard coming from it. When giving advice it sounded motherly and sweet.
▪Face Claim:
Aubery Plaza, The Little Hours

"'Dear God,' she prayed,

'let me be something every minute of every hour of my life.'"
Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn



▪Character Alignment:

Lawful good
▪Personality Type:
Unionism, 10/10
Emily is very softhearted. It is easy for her to listen and pity everyone and everything. She's to empathetic for her own good sometimes. Always willing to help everyone and everything if they ask for it.
Emily is also very predictable. Always in prayer as she was still learning how to reverend mother in her own way. If not in prayer, she is out helping people who ask.
9 Creeds:
Emily has all 9 unionist creeds memorized by heart.
Not being able to read or write:
Emily never needs to know how to read or write as the only things she would have to read would be the unionist creeds memorized and writing is useless to her.
Emily even though she is always in prayer, has many skills. One of them being cooking. She can cook basically anything if she has directions. But she usually bakes, loving baking more than cooking.
Long prayer:
Emily has prayed for weeks at a time. Praying until she has to eat or drink and then she is right back to praying. After over 40 years of this behavior, she is very good at long prayer.
Again, even though she spent 40 years basically only praying. She does still have some other skills. Being skilled at painting people and items. Usually painting lily pads and ponds. Or huge stain glass pieces she sees in churches.
Emily also spent many years quilting for people in need. When she was allowed to be a reverend mother, she went out and gave out her quilts to people in need. Now she makes 2 or 3 a year, handing them out for winter.
Warm Bread
Warm Quilts
Pretty Paints

Chap stick
None Known

"One sees clearly only with the heart.
Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."

Antonie Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince


▪Part Ⅰ
Born in the year 247 AC, Maria Alejandra Vargas Arroyo Ruiz Rodriguez Vargas Guzman Garcia was born. Being the youngest of 9, having 8 older brothers. Her mother was a seamstress and cook while her father farmed out on fields with all 8 of her brothers. Maria was kept inside with her mother. Learning cooking and praying 3 times a day.
▪Part Ⅱ
As she became a child, Maria became completely and utterly involved with the imperial spirit and unionism. Holding it ever so close to her heart. She put it above eating and sleeping sometimes. Always questioning and 10 commandments and the rules. Always having questions for her parents which they couldn't answer as they knew very little about the spirit themselves.
Her mother Mia, Mamma Mia, would push her towards other activities to keep her busy daughter distracted from her questions. Lauren due to this became an amazing cook, learned to take care of her body, became a medic and learned how to treat wounds, and then quilting. She also became fluent in common.
▪Part Ⅲ
Around the age of 18, Maria learned of a group of women. The Nonnatean Order. She learned they were located in this place called Calemburg which had one of the orders holding places. Slipping out from her home at night with her book of unionism and a necklace with the eye of unionism on it. Catching a ride with a farmer who was passing through the area, and off the girl was to Calemburg.
When she got to Calemburg, Maria investigated the Order and watched them from afar for about a week or two. Finally getting enough courage to speak to them about it. Speaking to a woman who called herself Susan. She was sweet and took Maria in. Explaining to her the rules. By the end of that day, Maria was no longer Maria. But Emily Troisiemei.
▪Part Ⅳ
Emily would spend 41 years constantly praying until she couldn't anymore. The White Chapel becoming the only thing she knew. While in those years in Concilly, she became enlightened and adopted her own praying practices. After the beginning of each one, she would sit with bread and water in front of her in a criss cross position, continuing her prayers with her veil over her face.
▪Part Ⅴ
After the years which seemed like a blur to Emily, she was announced to be Revered Mother. A great achievement after over 40 years in almost constant Concilly. She then would be sent off to Regalia as the Chapter house there seemed to be falling sort of staff. Leaving behind all her friends, she got on a boat and went to arrive and meet the other Revered Mothers and Nonnatean of the Regalian Chapter.
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"You and I are more then friends.
We're like a really small gang."


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