Preserved Sheet Emerthas Jouhari

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The Watcher
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
The Mitten


"They say that I'm dangerous; like everything I touch falls apart."


| Rockstar | I'm Gonna Do My Thing | Wanted Man |
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Emerthas Athnyn Jouhari
    • Nicknames include: Mutt, Halfling
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Altalar - Qadir Mutt
    • Strong Altalar genes edge out Qadir.
Skill Information
Proficiency Points: 14 Used
S T R E N G T H | 5
→ Duelist Pack
→ Frenzy Pack
→ Unyielding Pack
→ Pursuer Pack
→ Cheap Pack
C O N S T I T U T I O N | 4
→ Counterplay Pack
→ Ironheart Pack
→ Recovery Pack
→ Bruteforce Pack
W I S D O M | 0
→ Dimenthist Wisdom Pack (Teledden Buff III)
D E X T E R I T Y |
→ Parkour Pack
M A G I C |
→ Materialism Pack (Teledden Buff I)
C H A R I S M A | 1
→ Diplomat Pack (Teledden Buff II)
→ Saboteur Pack
F A I T H | 0
→ Arcane Invocation Pack (Teledden Buff IV, Illusion Based)

Racial Abilities:
→ Sariyd Gift 1
→ Sariyd Gift 2
→ Sariyd Gift 3
→ Sariyd Gift 4
→ Home Enchant 2
→ Home Enchant 3
→ Home Enchant 4
→ Honed Skill 1
→ Honed Skill 4
→ Common
→ Modern Elven, Mother tongue
→ Faraddi, Father tongue



Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Hazel brown/green
  • Hair Color: Dark, walnut brown
  • Hair Style: Shaved to near bald, with a scraggly attempt of a beard.
  • Skin Color: Medium brown
  • Clothing: Typically dark colors, consisting of tough leather at the shoulders and forearms and a deep red sash at the waist.
  • Height: 5'11

→ Alignment | Neutral Good
Personality | ISTJ | The Logistician

Religion | Unionism
1 / 10 | Acknowledgement of the Spirit.


  • Ahdathia Runvanthir; Mother | A woman who he misses the sight of. Emerthas would consider himself a momma's boy, had he actually been around his mother the last forty or so years. He misses her greatly, unknowing of her foulness towards Taliandra.
  • Radeyah Jouhari; Father | The man Emerthas looked up to his teenage and adult life. He travels along the road only solidified his relationship with his father, taking some of his bitter traits along the way- Which he has yet to figure out so.
  • Taliandra Jouhari; Sister @katiesc | The one Emerthas protected most. He acted like his own father towards Taliandra to ensure her safety in Regalia, much to her dislike. However, the two managed to run around and cause light havoc in the slums, to which Emerthas always enjoyed.
  • Aedarharon Jouhari; Brother @Sebbysc | The once-prime target for teasing. Emerthas sees himself as Aedarharon's mentor in the ways of life- Likely to his annoyance. However, the Mutt still looked after his younger brother.
  • Khadija Jouhari; Half blooded sister @Ryria | Emerthas has conflicting thoughts on Khadija, namely due to both her eyes and choice of magic. Hearing word of his sister as a demon mage, who bad enough was already a Silven, brought Emerthas even more a confliction on his thoughts on her. On one hand, she is blood related to Emerthas and he cherishes it- Yet, her choices have lead him to be irritated.



Life Story

Birth and Younger Years
Emerthas Jouhari was born to Ahdathia Runvanthir and Radeyah Jouhari on March 23, 254 AC in the wilderness of Daendroque in the minor-state of Bastierra, alongside his father's caravan on the way to their home. He was the first child of Ahadathia and Radeyah, of many more to come.
He spent a large chunk of his toddler life, up till the age of 6, confined within his home. His mother thought of him as the adventurous type to wander off- This only strengthened it. Throughout his young life, Emerthas was expected to stay within the village boundaries and pick up the occasional small job to earn his keep. This proved, for Ahdathia, to be quite fruitless as the young boy would find himself straying too far almost too often.
Through his early adolesence, Emerthas developed his father's work ethic: The young boy was notable among the young kids for being athletically gifted, and managed a reputation among said children as a worthy worker. This later would catch the eye of his father, Radeyah, who was in and out of the lands on his travels.
Some months after Emerthas reached the age of 12, his father Radeyah took Emerthas out along on one of his rides, unknowing he wouldn't return for tens of years to come. The young Jouhari left his mother with a short goodbye, something to stick with him throughout his life. The boy trekked across Daen with his father's band, only to be dumped off at a notable friend of Radeyah's- His father had taken a dangerous contract, and Emerthas could not be worked with. Waiting months on end, Radeyah did not return.
Teenage Years of Development | The Birth of a Merc
Radeyah's notable friend, known as Valan, kept care of Emerthas before up and leaving his home, pulling Emerthas with him without any notice. He kept Emerthas in the dark for the short weeks of travel to the City of Daenshore, the duo settling in the city. It was from here that Emerthas began to properly learn how to branch out, make connections, and find the right people he needed to make the next step in his day.
Months later, the reason was unveiled. He ran into his father, Radeyah- In an entirely new crew. The men Radeyah rode with were all seperated or slaughtered in ambush, leaving his father on his own to meet in his agreed positon with Valan. Emerthas hitched back on with his father immediately, joining the mercenary crew. It was from here Emerthas began his basic training- To survive in this world, you need to be ready to take pain; and inflict it.
Emerthas spent years with his father at that, taking on skills befitting of a mercenary all while experiencing the different parts of the world- All the good, the bad and the ugly. People died, and Emerthas buried them. He learned to accept losses early on, and learned how to manage a contract well- And make sure it gets done.
Later Adult Years | The Cycle Continues
Underneath his father, Emerthas blossomed. He developed into a man ready to handle the world, but also developed poor traits. He grew prideful, and also took on a more realistic, grounded view in life to approach situations. He rose in ranks within the internal structure, and developed skills in both blade and fists.
It went all too well. Disaster was destined to strike, and so it did- A contract gone wrong lead to a massacre. The men who stood with Emerthas were cut through like paper mache in the rain, leading to a bloodbath in the backstreets of a local village in Daen. In the end, Emerthas laid among the dead but managed to wake up. He managed to drag himself from the carnage, only to find his father's body- And realized he was alone in the world for the first time. Similar to his father before him, he lost the men he worked with; The cycle continued.
Now the age of 25, Emerthas developed in a lone-wolf kind of figure. He handled solo contracts, devolved into a mindset which lacked trust for any individuals outside his own self, and grew bitter at the world around him. His life turned into a repeating mess of events that lacked purpose. He ran into his fair share of otherwordly monsters, abberrants, and creatures in his journeys- He grew more experienced in his solo runs, soon learning more into the likes of Sanguine and Werebeasts of the world.
With years passing, Emerthas took on smuggling missions- They paid well. This turned out to bring him to a new portion of his life, leading him into the back docks of Regalia. From here, Emerthas found a new purpose- He found his lost family, and grew attached.


Last edited:
kill stealer :(((((

Excellent work! No discrepancies found, Happy Roleplaying!
what a nice thread wow. aesthetics. i wonder who did those. amazin.
  • Aged up to 29.
  • Switched up proficiencies.
  • Added a new spell, as well as swapped one out.
  • Rewrote Life Story somewhat, due to the Jouhari's swtiching from mercenary-origins to that of on the sea.
Changes made in this color, @Bagley_ !
  • Addition of School of Darkwald- Oath Breaker.
  • Switched up proficiencies.
  • Removed two spells.
  • Rewrote Life Story somewhat, due to the the need of addition of the Schooling, and how he became an Oath Breaker.
    • Small addition of nicknames.
Changes made in this color, @Bagley_ !
  • Removal of Magic.
    • Backstory,
    • Proficiency,
    • Removal of 'mage' related terms to describe him.
  • Fully updated to the new format.
    • Aged up to 38.
    • Proficiencies edited.
    • Personality redone.
    • Backstory fleshed out.
@Roleplay Staff , my reviewer isn't Lore Staff anymore.
  • Aged up.
  • Proficiencies updated in light of this.
  • Changed his whole backstory due to a change in family background.
  • Hello. My boy is ready for another round. I misjudged my view on the character. He's back to what he should be: A grounded character.
  • Aged down to 32.
  • Proficiencies edited accordingly.
  • Life Story removed any mentions of the Darkwald life.
app so old its got a funny rating
Skill Information
Proficiency Points: 50 Core, 10 Hobby
→ +16 Blades Combat, (+16 from Core).
→ +15 Unarmed Combat, (+15 from Core).
→ +10 Perception, (+5 from Core & +5 from Scripter).
→ +10 Musical Arts, (+10 from Hobby).
→ +5 Bola Combat (+5 from Core).
→ +3 Sleight of Hand Pack, (+3 from Core).
→ +3 Rogue Gift 1, (+3 from Core).
→ +3 Rogue Gift 4, (+3 from Core).
→ +3 Affliction Knowledge (Honed Skill 1)
3 Points over.