Preserved Sheet Emerich Lambaer Ravenstad

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
The Nippy North
Roleplay Guilds
Estel Temple (
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Emerich Lambaer Ravenstad
  • Age: Forty Three Years
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor Leutz-Vixe
  • Main Ambition: To find glory in Military Conflicts, and to expand the realm of his Ducal Holdings
Skill Information

  • School: School of Leadership
  • Level: Scholar Theatre Commander
  • Source: Regalian Academy of Leadership
Language: (1-10)
  • Common: 10
  • Leutz-Vixe: 10
  • Daendroque-Parcal: 10
Visual Information

  • Eye Colour: Dull Blue
  • Hair Colour: Muted Ginger
  • Hair Style: Clean Shaved
  • Skin Colour: Fleshy Pink
  • Clothing: Simple Tunic, traced by plated braces, and boots
  • Height: 6'ft'2
  • Body Build: Average
  • Weapon of Choice: A small, uninteresting dirk, stored on his person.
Personality & Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Emerich can be seen to be a very serious and blunt individual to most, holding himself in a austere manner. The Noble is virtually opposed to the idea of fun in the normal sense, only really smiling when facing Regalia's foe on the field of battle, or when riding down a wild hog or a doe on the back of his hunting horse. Emerich can come across as withholding or cautious when dealing with strangers, and as such is difficult to form friendships with. The Noble, despite his average build, attempts to exert a sense of intimidation to those around him, carrying an aggressive, angered expression with him at all times.
  • Second Paragraph: Emerich carries a strong sense of duty, in his Military career. The Noble considers warfare a matter which lends him importance, and prestige, at least in his own mind. Emerich often feels a great dullness, irrelevance, and frustration in times of peace, and longs for conflict on the global, or local stage. Emerich finds annoyance in his current inability to further his family's name, given his Father's downfall, and senses a vulnerability in this. The Nobleman is afraid of failure, and relishes in victory.
  • Third Paragraph: Emerich often retains relationships based around the idea of duty, and service. To his father, he served as a son, though beyond this, his relationship with the old man never ran deep. Likewise, this idea follows with the rest of his kinsmen, and rarely fluctuates. Friends revolve around the idea of alliance, in the political nature, and to the balded Leutzman this is all that matters. Emerich in a modern sense, could be seen to be anti-social, or unwilling to forge trusting friendships, beyond his political games.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Emerich's Morality revolves around the idea of strength. Weakness calls for destruction, and the quality of strength calls for reverence. The Noble's linear outlook on morality has always driven his Military Career, and pushed his political agenda. The Nobleman also carries a great sense of duty, and oath-keeping, something which has carried his moral compass throughout childhood. Emerich could be described as a Neutral entity, in terms of a moral scale.
  • Skillful Huntsman: Having spent many of his idle hours in the pursuit of wild game and revelry in Hinterlandish woodland, Emerich has gained a particular talent at hunting over his years. The young lordling has traveled the width and breadth of the Archipelago in pursuit of challenging game, even taking to the seas to lands such as Trollar in daring Noble hunting parties. As such, Emerich carries an array of knowledge on creatures within the Northern Hemisphere, along with a knowledge on how to track and kill such beasts.
  • Talented Marshal: Having served in most Regalian Conflicts spanning the previous decade, Emerich has garnered an in depth knowledge of Regalian Theatre Doctrine. The Ravenstad can be said to hold a fast thinking, and tactical mind when presented with a Military conundrum on a theatre scale. This fast thinking problem solving can often seep into other aspects of Emerich's life, such as politics and statecraft.
Life Story

  • Emerich Lambaer Ravenstad is born 261AC. to Albaer & Violette Ravenstad, within the Duchy of Falas du Lyon, the oldest of four children.
  • Emerich, in accordance with Ducal Tradition, is entered into The Lyon Fold's Palatial, courtly life at a young age. The young boy would shadow his father for much of his days. Emerich was quite often subject to severe beatings at the hand of his mother, who took a stauncher stance on rearing children than his ambivalent father.
  • After the birth of his younger brother Abraham, at age ten Emerich was shipped off to The Kingdom of Lusits to study under a foreign blood-relative, and paternal cousin to his Lady Mother. Over the space of his teenage years up until the age of seventeen, Emerich was tutored in Daendroque-Parcal, hunting in the Lusits Forests, and experiencing the finer arts of Lusits court culture.
  • At the age of seventeen, Emerich was sent to the Regalian Academy of Leadership, to begin a long lasting Military Career. The young Ravenstad studied in the field of Tactical Command, excelling in his studies up until the age of twenty-seven. All of these years would primarily be spent within the Academy itself, bar field experience.
  • Having missed participation in the Drachenwald Crisis by a mere six years, Emerich entered Military service as a tactician during the turmoil of the Regalian Pessimism. During this time of slow expansion, and inner revolts, Emerich partook in a number of internal conflicts throughout the Archipelago, from a tactical tent.
  • At age thirty-five, Emerich advanced to the School of Theatre Command. Once more, the man returned to the Academy of Leadership, taking the grasp of larger Theatre Tactics, and the doctrine which his forefathers had passed down.
  • The junior Theatre Commander took part in the tactical planning of a number of conflicts spanning his nine years of active service: The Ranger Crisis, Hadravian War, 1st Songaskian War, and Battle of Curag. Upon reaching the age of forty-three, Emerich would then take on the mantle of a fully fledged Theatre Commander.
  • During the year of 305 AC. Emerich took the seat of Falas du Lyon as Duke, following an abdication by his father. The Duke would immediately strip down the finery of his Palace, and aristocratic subjects, spending most of the Ducal coffers on troops, and militaristic ventures. His Father not having been seen for many a month after the coronation of the bald lord.