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Embracing Unity: A Call For Understanding Between The Occult And Purists In Regalia


Mar 29, 2023
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To the Honorable Peerage and Esteemed Citizens of Regalia,

I pen these words as Lord Silvain Blanc, bearing witness to the growing divide that engulfs our beloved realm, torn asunder by the conflict between the Occult and the Purists. What was once a mere ember of disagreement has now burgeoned into a raging inferno, threatening to consume all that we hold dear.

My noble house hails from the esteemed Sovereign Ithania, where we have long embraced the mystical arts, recognizing the power and potential they offer to our civilization. Indeed, it heartens me to witness Regalia also opening its arms to the wonders and culture that Ithania has brought forth.

The winds of change sweep through our land, and with each passing day, the Occult gains more acceptance and recognition. The Lanlath, masters of magic, are trusted to wield their skills openly, as long as it is not used for malevolence. The Suvial, with their spiritual connections, are allowed to commune with the ethereal realms, and the Eronidas, skilled necromancers, are granted the liberty to house the undead within their abodes. The brave Narim, defenders of Regalia, find solace in their interactions with the afflicted.

These laws and decrees are not products of whimsy but are borne from an understanding that there exist individuals with the capacity to wield magic responsibly and beneficially. Just as a sword can be employed both for aggression and for defense, so too can magic bring either malevolence or benevolence. The path we choose lies in our hands. Instead of shunning the unknown, let us embrace it, study it, and harness its potential for the greater good.

Yet, even as Purism clings desperately to its fears and doubts, we must not allow this conflict to escalate further on the streets or in our homes. Rather, let the battlefield be the courtroom, where the merits of both sides can be weighed with reason and logic. The purists are losing their grip, their influence waning as the laws of progress are etched into the fabric of our society. Let us meet them with empathy and understanding, for change is the natural course of history, and we must strive to preserve our unity as a nation.
To the Occult of Regalia, know that the noble house of Blanc stands unwaveringly beside you. We shall fight tirelessly to secure your rights and liberties, for as long as you remain loyal to our cherished empire. But let us not descend to the purists' level, resorting to hostility and confrontation. Instead, let us band together, a formidable force too formidable to be reckoned with, while never wandering the streets alone, but in solidarity.
Hope springs eternal, and with unity, we shall forge a brighter future for all citizens of Regalia. Let history remember this period not for strife but for the triumph of unity and understanding.

In solidarity and dedication,
Lord Silvain Blanc​