Preserved Sheet Emíl Dragović

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Filthy Casual
Mar 29, 2018
Reaction score

Emíl Dragović

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Emíl Vladimir "Kazachok" Dragović
  • Age: 55
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Vladno Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To attain a sense of purpose; To carve his name into the annals of history; To promote the Vladno spirit and his own ideologies; to make copius ammounts of money.

Skill Information

Proficiency [55]

  • Commerce: 10 (+10 from Points)
  • Espionage: 10 (+10 from School of Vilestate)
  • Forgery: 10 (+10 from School of Vilestate)
  • Syndicate Contacts: 20 (+10 from School of Vilestate; +10 from Points)
  • Unarmed Boxing: 25 (+25 from Points)
Culture [55]
  • Architecture: 20 (+20 from Points)
  • Dancing: 15 (+15 from Points)
  • Bodycare: 15 (+20 from Points)
  • Literature: 5 (+5 from Points)

  • Vladno/Mirnoye (Native)
  • Common (Fluent)

Visual Information

  • Eye Colour: Bright greyish blue
  • Hair Colour: Brown
  • Hair Style: Traditional Vladno Chupryna
  • Skin Colour: Warm Ivory
  • Clothing: Vladno Sharavary (wide trousers); embroided sash; a highland tessaliy fur coat
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Body Build: Burly, Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: Fists, Brass Knuckles

Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Emíl is a man of extremes. He can go from insulting someone, or even fighting them, to displaying great hospitality and companionship towards them. He often invites someone to a drink, and keeps good, humorous company. The Vladno cultivates brutal honesty, and will let people know what he thinks of them, but knows to maintain calculated behaviour when expecting to gain something out of someone. To strangers, he will often seem bold and brash, while hearty and trusting.
  • Second Paragraph: Emíl is deeply skeptical, always analysing people inquisitively. He actively thinks about the reasonings for their words and deeds, feeling a need to understand their every action. When he cannot do such, he is unnerved and feels exposed. The inner machinations of his mind are constantly developing schemes as to how to turn people against themselves. This behaviour is rooted in his Vladno upbringing, an unforgiving and cut-throat society, in which every mistake is instantly punished. Because of this, he feels the need for control in every situation, and is untrusting towards people he cannot understand.
  • Third Paragraph: If Emíl shows hospitality to strangers, he treats his close friends like brothers and sisters. He will often engage in bantering and scheming. While around friends, his brash behaviour only increases, sometimes even making him seem a nuisance to strangers. While still unstrusting of actions he can't understand, Emíl does not carry the constant need for control over social situations whilst around his friends, and will more often admit to having made a mistake, and apologize for such.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Emíl acts solely in the interests of him and his. He is firmly convinced that the ends justify the means. He will commit minor or major evils if he deems them as a nescessity, but takes no pleasure in them. He is cunning by nature, and manipulates his peers to attain his way. Despite this all, he believes firmly in the Etosian principles, and tries to follow them to the best of his ability. When he fails to do such, or when he sees himself forced to commit a misdeed, he soon seeks out a priest of the faith, to have his sins absolved.
  • Fifth Paragraph (Optional): Emíl is a nationalist, a zealous etosian unionist, a sexist, and a promoter of social-darwinism, and with that the embodiment of the Vladno spirit. He believes in the racial superiority of the Ailor, and doesn't hesitate to show that. He has a deeply rooted love for his motherland, despite its cruel nature, and shares the common Vladno views of a woman's role in society. He will refuse to break bread with Shendar and Elves, but still believes that other races can redeem themselves by assimilating themselves fully in Ailor communities and openly repenting their origin.

Life Story

  • Emíl was born the youngest son to Drago Vladimir Bogdanović and Zlata Babikova, under the open sky, in the outskirts of Thessalos. His parents were Kazack, Vladno travelling people.
  • His childhood was mostly uneventful. He never knew a sedentary home, always living in tents and carts. The Kazack are travelling mercenaries, and he grew up in an environment in which fighting and brutality seemed only natural.
  • Drago was harsh to his children, but Emíl loved him nonetheless. It was from him that he learned to punish harshly but fairly when he was wronged.
  • At age 9, both his parents passed away from a disease that ravished their community of Kazacks. Many others died aswell, including many children, which were weaker and more susceptible to disease, and therefore most of his childhood friends. Emíl chose to remain in Thessalos, where he was soon scooped up by guards and stuck in a state orphanage.
  • Soon, Emíl was discovered by the spymaster of a local underground crimeboss, who made a dishonest living by dealing in counterfeit coin. The headmistress of said orphanage was his cousin, and told him how Emíl would swindle his peers out of their daily rations, and manipulate them into stealing for him. This Spymaster, a man by the name of Boris Stralovski, saw great promise in him, and took him in, with the intention of training him into his assistant. And so, Emíl was introduced to the cut-throat world of Vladno crime and politics.
Teenage Years:
  • Emíl spent all of this time working for and learning from Stralovski. His main duties consisted of keeping record books, aswell as destroying them when it was due. This period of his life was largely uneventful, despite a growing interest in the other gender, which led him to commit a few misdeeds, such as sneaking out at night to climb up to someone's window.
Early Adulthood:
  • This period of Emíl's life was characterized by a growing interest for the ways of his father, and his father before that. This cultural inheritance had never much interested him before, but now, his Nationalist ideologies began to develop themselves. Suddenly, this connection to a crimeworld, with a complete disregard for many of the values his father thaught him, made him feel deeply ashamed. And thus, he distanced himself from it.
  • He got rid of his groomed attire, and moved to Mlyat, where he took up the life of a dockside construction worker. Here, he lived in a shared house, and learned values of community and comraderie. He slept in tightly packed bunks, ate a pauper's food, consisting mostly of wheat paste and potatos, and worked like an animal. Life was harsh, but he was happy here, as his comrades shared his views of the world, and because here, among the simple folk, he found the Vladno spirit in it's truest, undiluted form.
  • Emíl soon made friends with a few fellow Kazacks, which had settled in Mlyat. They worked oddjobs, carrying crates at the docks or carrying logs for the constructions, but they were no paupers. They were wealthy, often bosting with jewerlry and expensive drinks. The source of their wealth were the underground boxing rings, hosted in the cellars of dockside pubs, to which Emíl was soon introduced aswell.
  • The heavy work and the wheat and potato diet made him into a strong, burly man, and this sort of fisticuffs soon became a habit, which soon resulted in a few scars and a crooked nose.
  • Emíl often met with his comrades, to discuss nationalist ideologies, the role of non-Ailor in society, among other things. One time or another, the topic even fell on the far-fetched conception of a society in which all are the same. This helped to further develop his view of the world.
Present Days:
  • The Vladno was, although feeling at home among the honest workers and simple folk, eventualy overcome by an unfaltering notion that he didn't belong there, as much as he hadn't belonged anywhere else before that. He soon packed his few possessions, and his comrades wished him godspeed, as he set out on his own, on some sort of ill-conceived quest for purpose.
  • Emíl travelled around alot, never settling anywhere for longer than a tenday. He kept himself fed by taking day labour and oddjobs in the villages he passed, and slept in barns when he was allowed to, or under the open sky when otherwise.
  • Eventually, Emíl met a Regalian burgher in an alehouse. They cherished eachother's company, and bantered togheter. The man told him where he was headed, and Emíl was amazed, having never heard of such a diverse place. Despite his racist beliefs, he was intrigued by this, and did not turn down the man's invitation to travel with him.
  • Once they had arrived, their paths split appart. Emíl very soon met Lord Radoslav Bolshekov, a nobleman, hailed from his own homeland, which would soon become a cherished friend to Emíl.
  • Not much time passed, and Emíl swore his fealty to Lord Bolshekov, whom promoted him to the Voyevoda, the War Leader, of his personal army, the Druzhina. Emíl had never learned military tactics, or to wield military weapons, but Bolshekov saw natural inteligence and raw potential in Emíl, aswell as a like-minded individual.

Recent Years:

  • Emíl's friendship and loyalty to Radoslav Bolshekov remained fierce and lively throughout the years, even as their slave trade organization fell to ruins in legal territory, on account of the gradual liberalization of Regalian law. Because of this, the two were forced into loopholing and acts of dubious legality to continue the lifestyle they had grown used to.
Last edited:
I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within 24 hours.

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Since Emil has his proficiency in unarmed boxing and a cavalry sabre, please make sure his weapons of choice reflects this!
  • I'd like to see at least one more sentence added to the third personality paragraph explaining how his demeanor differs around friends and family. Does he have any family left? Would be ever be vulnerable around friends, or does he still keep up his burly and hearty demeanor?
Please mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're finished!
  • Editted weapons of choice to better reflect proficiencies
  • Added a personality aspect to second personality paragraph
  • Added to third personality paragraph to further illustrate his behaviour among friends/family
Changes marked in green

Did some edits to my first ever character, to make him fun to play again: Aged up him, changed the proficiencies up a bit and added some to the backstory. @Eccetra