Preserved Sheet Elyon Aredeth

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texan (derogatory)
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
➶ Elyoɴ Aredeтн




Full Name:
Elyon Aredeth, Elly
Maritime Altalar

"Information is a weapon I wield with expertise."
Proficiency Points: 30. (+20 Altalar Boost)
+10 Historical Knowledge (+10 Racial Boost)
Elyon knows a bit about what's happened in the past, and how important it is to not let it repeat.
+22 Marshal Knowledge (+10 Altalar Boost, +12 Points)
Elyon has studied this subject endlessly in order to be a great asset to her Lord, Leufred.
+6 Linguistics (+6 Points)
Elyon learned the language of her people with a bit of help from some dear friends.
+10 Blades Combat Skill (+10 Points)
Taught by Leufred, she's gone the way of the sword.
+10 Shielding Combat Skill (+10 Points)
In order to protect herself and others, she was taught by her father.

Body Shape: 9.

Average, low fat

Languages: 2.

Modern Altalar
Protego Shielding
Protego Warding
Protego Shattering
Venator Combustion

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Hair Style:
Let down to grace her shoulders, with her bangs tied back to not get in the way
Skin Color:
A brown shawl and a white sundress with some flip flops. All she needs is a pair of glasses and a floppy hat...

How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
"Oh, please. I've seen scarier boogie-men."
Elyon can look straight up in the face of what she fears most, maybe because she knows that fears shouldn't change her and make her weak. This comes from her childhood bullies. Whenever she was scared of them, the bullying became worse. Now she doesn't allow herself to fear because she knows the consequences.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

"It's nothing, really."
Elyon doesn't try to show when she's stressed out to those around her. To show weakness is to be weak, and Elyon isn't weak. After all of her work to come off as strong, the last thing she wants people to know is that she is capable of becoming overworked and overwhelmed.

How would your character express feeling Happy?

"That's good to hear."
Maybe a single smile. She rarely expresses anything except when truly jubilant. Smiling widely is not an option, ever, no matter the occasion.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?

"So, what if I am a guard? It doesn't make me any less of a criminal than you."
Elyon views the guard as a necessary evil. Spirit, she is one! She finds their laws to be a bit controlling and stupid at times, though, so she's prone to breaking them so she can achieve what she wants.

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

"I don't care what you are, just treat me right."
Elyon treats outsiders with deep suspicion, stemming from her street rat roots and her uncertainty of what she even is. However, she has come to prefer the company of Elves over Ailor.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?

"How odd, you follow your deity around- but at the end of the day, it never really helps. Bizarre, honestly."
Elyon could go either way when it comes to religion, she isn't really crazy over it. Faith hasn't saved her, despite what others have said about their own relationship with their religion. Elyon finds that a bit of luck and hard work leads to reward, not how you're born to and how sharp your ears are.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

"I have seen your tricks before, fiend, and I am not afraid."
Elyon lives and breathes with the Arcane. She faces it and has a reasonable fear of it.

How does your character feel towards their family?

"Let's not talk about that."
The one that left her by herself? It would be an understatement to call it a mere grudge.

What is your character's biggest insecurity?

"I have lost something, but can you truly lose what you've never had?"
Elyon always quietly compares herself to other kids with parents. There is always a want for one that she can feel, and she hates it so much.

What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

"I would like to think I make people laugh. Not at me, but at you."
Her sharp tongue. Many adults find themselves outwitted by her and their faces make her chuckle inside.

What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

"He saved me, so I had better make him proud."
Her master's guidance keeps her from going astray and keep her focused on what's best for herself, and that pretty much keeps her from getting into too much trouble. She doesn't want to ever upset Aurelius, maybe from fear of losing her job or being abused.

What is your character's biggest fear?

"Spirit's sake! Get that eight legged monster away from me!"
The fear of never amounting to anything. She is terrified of the thought of spiders, too.
Choose your Character Alignment
Neutral Good
Choose your Character Personality Type
The Defender
Choose your Character's Religion
Elven Pantheon, 3/10.

Elyon was born in Regalia in the year 289 AC. Her parents were Allestair Aredeth and a female Slizzar using Maritime Altalar as their template. She was abandoned shortly after at the orphanage.

As she grew up, Elyon developed a resistance to the racial slurs she found wielded against her at every turn. After she found she could stand on her own two feet, she left the orphanage entirely and went out on her own.

It had only been a few weeks since she designated herself a street rat that Regalia had its first snowfall. She nearly died that night if it hadn't been for some palace staff who tipped off the guards to her location.

After a month of showing symptoms, Elyon finally snapped at the feeling of a vampire and had her first feed. She would later find that befriending and then guilt tripping people into feeding her was a better plan.

After becoming age eighteen and her body still looking like a child, she began to run with the Isldar group who occasionally fed her scraps from meals. She did some favors for them, but her relationship with them wasn't as strong as it had been portrayed. It was this association that had her arrested one night, but after some shenanigans, Elyon came away with a more permanent home and a job as Aurelius Krupp's assistant.

Elyon joined the Greywitches under the urge of Aurelius Krupp, and became a very important asset to their commander, Leufred du Brierust. She served briefly on the war front as both a field commander and soldier. When House Krupp fell she became Leufred's personal secretary. After a few months of doing both jobs, she dropped being a Greywitch and has become his full time secretary. She was adopted into the Aredeth family by Cyrillian Aredeth and he is now her father, even though... her real father is in the same family.
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Cyrillian Aredeth, 9/10
The best Father Elyon could ever hope for.

Leufred du Brierust, 6/10
A damned good boss. He can sometimes get swept up with unimportant things, though.

Aeawyn, 8/10
Elyon considers her the closest friend she has right now.

Constanze du Brierust, 7/10
Oh dear- how would she even describe this?

Saffaen, 6/10
She's known him since she was small. He knows how to twist her buttons... but he also knows who she really is. What she likes. What she can be like. And, he'll always know when she needs his advice most. His sanity can dip, though, and for that Elyon remains a respectful distance away.

Malyrra and Tarnylith, 3/10
She bribed them once to save her father, and haven't broken her trust since. However, they're Kathar, and that's not good.

Merith Wyrmwood, 2/10
Elyon and her are polar opposites. She has no respect for the woman who forces her curse on others and regularly kidnaps the innocent.

Kaze Tanaka, 8/10
Someone she once considered her lover, she found she likes him just as well as a friend.

Lau'rella, 7/10
A surprisingly close friend and bartender.






by the wonderful @Motherland



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Sup there! I'll be picking this up for staff review, expect a reply shortly !!
Hello's! It's review time.

My Review:

Skill Information
  • Proficiency Points: Even though you do not have to utilize your entire proficiency pool, you have an extra 10 points from Altalar aging that you can put towards a proficiency of your choice!
Personality and Abilities:
  • Paragraphs: All of the replies to the prompts are brilliant and describe Elyon's personality very well! However, the required replies to each question is two phrases, please skim over your replies to make sure each completes what is required.
Life Story:
  • Birth: Unfortunately, the Isldar race is very exclusive and untrusting of all races including their "Elven cousins". An Isldar Dragon Priestess that carries out the duty of protecting their religious knowledge would not take in an Altalar orphan. You may either change Elyon's race so that you do not have to change her life story, or change her life story and keep the Altalar race.
Make these changes in blue and then tag me!
Life Story:
  • Birth: Unfortunately, the Isldar race is very exclusive and untrusting of all races including their "Elven cousins". An Isldar Dragon Priestess that carries out the duty of protecting their religious knowledge would not take in an Altalar orphan. You may either change Elyon's race so that you do not have to change her life story, or change her life story and keep the Altalar race.
If I were to make her Half Altalar and Half Isldar, would that be acceptable?

Edit: Also, the first point you brought up the additional Altalar boost. I had used that in bodycare but I will label my proficiencies better so it's more clearly seen.
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If I were to make her Half Altalar and Half Isldar, would that be acceptable?
Again, an Isldar Dragon Priestess would not involve herself with anything Altalar related due to the Isldar race being exclusive. Please rethink the concept of this character.
@Katiesc changes made in orange. I also changed proficiency again to better fit something that has happened while in rp.
@Katiesc I added modern altalar in, should I also put in linguistics points for it or is it okay since she's an altalar
@Katiesc I added modern altalar in, should I also put in linguistics points for it or is it okay since she's an altalar
If one of her biological parents taught her the language then she has access to Modern Altalar as a free language. However, if she doesn't have a parental influence to have taught her (since she grew up in an orphanage) then linguistic points will be required.
@Katiesc aged her up to 33, changed proficiency a bit and did a bit of fine tuning. Changes made in red.
@Katiesc updated to new lore, changes in red (just removed the old traits and added them to marshal)
@Katiesc second time is the charm, changes made in orange (just got rid of statesman and added points to marshal, changed throwing to shielding)
Oop, sorry! Everything looks great, Goldi!

@Katiesc aged up, prof changes made in orange. also tiny tweaks in life story, nothing major