Preserved Sheet Elsie Bagshaw

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Jul 29, 2016
Reaction score


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"A smile in the right circumstance may prove to be more valuable than gold."

☆❥ Age: 20
Gender: Female
☆❥ Race: Ailor

Half-New Ceardian, Half-Ithanian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
☆❥ Preferred Weapon: Rapier

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Total Points: 25

☆❥♕ Knowledge
+5 Linguistic Knowledge

☆❥♕ The Arts
+8 Threads Arts
+4 Theatre Arts
+3 Musical Arts

☆❥♕ Combat
+5 Thin Blade Combat Skill

☆❥ Physical Stat: 9
♕ Body Fat: Average

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☆❥ Common: 10/10 (taught in childhood, native tongue)
d'Ithanie: 6/10 (taught by father at a young age)
☆❥ Leutz-Vixe: 10/10 (taught by mother)
Alt-Regalian: 9/10 (studied since childhood)

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☆❥ Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
☆❥ Hair Style: Soft curls, usually twisted up and pinned in elaborate styles.
Skin Color: Alabaster
☆❥ Clothing: Finely made, modest full-length dresses.
Height: 5'6"

☆❥♕ Elsie has a fair, round face with dimpled cheeks and a youthful glow about it, usually coming across as quite innocent and naive based on her appearance alone. She smiles easily and often, and her entire expression lifts when she does.

☆❥♕ Her body is of average proportion, though a bit more on the muscular side, giving her noticeable curves around the hips and legs. She stands straight-backed with good posture and walks with even strides at a leisurely pace, never too quick or unbearably slow.

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☆❥♕ Lawful Neutral: A lawful neutral character typically believes strongly in lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules, and tradition, but often follows a personal code in addition to, or even in preference to, one set down by a benevolent authority.

☆❥♕ The Campaigner: Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others.
Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate.

☆❥♕ Unionism: 9/10, Elsie participates gladly in Unionist practices and lives up to the standards of its teachings. However, while she believes in the Imperial Spirit, her belief is not as fervent as it could be.

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☆❥ Dancing
♕ Meeting new people
☆❥ Her family
♕ Soft colors


☆❥ Loud arguments
♕ Holding grudges
☆❥ Skimpy clothing

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On June 14, 287, a quiet summer's night in La Portée du Paradis, Elsie Madeleine Bagshaw came into the world, welcomed by a loving pair of arms. Her mother, a young New Ceardian woman from Bracklewythe, had planned only a short stop in the city when she fell head-over-heels for an Ithanian merchant. The two married quickly, and soon afterwards, discovered they were to have a child. By the time this was realized, it was too late for the woman to make her return; Elsie was born in the picturesque locale before being whisked off at only a few weeks old to the family home. Her father, madly in love with his wife and newborn daughter, left everything and followed the pair to Bracklewythe.

Being born into a wealthy family of the upper class, the child was afforded many privileges from a young age. Elsie's parents took the time to have her properly educated starting when she was small, teaching her a variety of skills and languages. She took most quickly to swordsmanship and would spar with the local children, telling them she was going to be a guard one day. While her parents never discouraged her interest, they steered her toward more 'ladylike' activities, believing she would need to do so to attract a wealthy suitor in the future and thus carry on the family line.

When Elsie was still quite young, shortly after her younger brother was born, her father unexpectedly passed away. Her mother was heartbroken and went into a state of grief. This left Elsie to put aside her childish inclinations and look after her siblings, essentially raising them in her mother's stead. Elsie matured quickly and learned to be a leader. After a few years of mourning, her mother took charge of the family once again, deciding it was time for a fresh start; she moved herself and her children to Regalia and began work as a tailor.

As a teenager, Elsie apprenticed under her mother, learning how to sew and design clothing. While it'd been hard for her to leave her home, she had a bright outlook on life and tried to make the most of it. In her spare time, she practiced dancing and dabbled in music, which became her two biggest passions; swordsmanship fell to the side. Her dreams of becoming a guard have subsided as she's grown older, giving way to more realistic aims. (She still holds personal goals close to her heart; this includes her somewhat childish notion that she'll be able to marry for love.) However, she recognizes these as mere fantasies, preferring to keep her focus forward toward more tangible outcomes. She is determined to bring fortune to her family name above all else, using her charm and affability to forge connections with individuals of higher status. Putting the sake of the family over her own wishes is something she's done many times in the past and is fully prepared to continue doing as she enters the labyrinth of Regalian politics.

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I've yet to see any Bagshaws, but I've definitely heard of them. I look forward to seeing Madame Elsie Bagshaw strutting her stuff and diplomatically ensnaring those around her. Let's jump into the review, please make all edits in Dark Blue!
  • Elsie's Physical Stat is actually a solid 9, due to her Theatre Arts proficiency points. (Theatre Pts / 2 + Thin Blade = 9pts).
  • Life story: Does Elsie still hold any childhood notions of becoming a guard? Does she ever practice her once natural talent in swordsmanship?
  • Clearly she has some strong goals of bringing fortune and diplomatic ties to her family, however, does she have any personal goals of her own? Buried deep- or does she perhaps simply not have the time to entertain these. Deliberately or else wise.
I'm glad to see she dislikes holding grudges. I can only hope that I don't give her anything to hold one for in the RP to come! Tag me when those edits are complete! @Clewii
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