Elsewhere & Otherwise - A Theatre Group


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A dozen pamphlets find themselves to the notice boards of Regalia, each hand-written and signed on the bottom by Adrienne.



Elsewhere & Otherwise

a theatre group

Proudly presents itself to the Regalian audience for the first time.


What are we?

A group of performers dedicated to the concept of l'art pour l'art. Elsewhere & Otherwise caters for all tastes: from the simplest collections of comedy volumes to the most epic of tragedies. We aim to provide the bite of culture anyone in the capital craves for their daily lives. Happiness, compassion, empathy, sorrow, love, devotion - without these, man is but a blank page in history.

The performers of the group are volunteers: we are not motivated by financial gain, for we all have our professions and pursuits outside the mask as well. As such, any performance will be free of charge, though the donations are appreciated (which in turn will be used to finance charity). We come from many backgrounds, the one thing we share is devotion to the Empire, its culture and the art of entertainment.

There is no direct hierarchy in the group apart from the founder breaking stalemates of votes, discussions or arguments. All members are considered full and are provided room to express their opinions and to provide their contributions.

Currently affiliated are:

Adrienne d'Ortonnaise, playwright; director & actress @Channing_Tantrum
Lycette Fillia-Ombre; opera soprano @Erzly
Gochnipunchni; advisor & actor @super_enderman
Sylviana Cerdici, last-resort actress & soprano @Tiber_


What can you expect from us?

Elsewhere & Otherwise performs comedies and tragedies: short and compact, only the necessary dose of culture for the day. Topics wary: exploration of the daily life, the miseries of men and women, the ridicule of complexities and the critique of our inner imperfections. However, the theatre group will always be bound by these prime tenets:

1. No play will depict the Emperor, for no actor can match such majesty.

2. No play will criticise Unionism or any of its denominations, for the belief in Humanum nourishes our hearts and unity cannot be sundered by satire.

3. No play will criticise the Nobility of the Empire, for they uphold our laws and lead us to a better future.

4. No play shall criticise soldiers of the Empire, for they protect our safety and sacrifice their blood for culture to flourish.

5. No play shall insult, nor should any play provide clear satire of concrete people. For the matters of politics belong with those who practice it, and not with the entertainers.

Furthermore, the group will also be bound by the secondary tenets, mostly defining our submission to Imperial law:

1. No play shall depict characters openly defying Unionism, unless their role is to provide a beneficial counter-example to Humanum.,

2. No play shall involve props that don't abide Crown City law. This includes any weapons, any connotations of alchemy or any item infused with dark magics.

3. No play shall involve costumes that fully conceal the actor's identity, for the audience has the right to know who acts a certain role and the Regalian Identity Law has to be respected even on stage.

4. No play shall involve nudity or excess vulgarity, for culture is supposed to educate and not de-construct.


What do we perform?

Elsewhere & Otherwise will perform two kinds of plays: classics and originals. Classics will be performed regularly without preliminary announcement other than a ten or five minute call, whereas premieres will be performed in the outside threatre on a pre-announced day.

Classics are adaptations of Ithanian, Dressolini and Dorinn dramas, whereas premieres are obviosly authored by Adrienne d'Ortonnaise (or any future playwright to join the group).


Classics refer to actual adaptations. I enjoy lifting real-life classics into fantasy worlds. In cases of classics, proper reference and tribute will be given OOC to the original authory. Classics involve a collection of Monty Python sketch adaptations as well as other famous groups, adaptations of classic comedy movies like those of Leslie Nielsen or Charlie Sheen and adaptations of historical drama. These will always be arranged to last between 3 and 15 minutes in length, whereas the self-written tragedies may be far longer.


What's on schedule?


The Lusty Allar Maid series (11 short plays)

"When a lowlife businessman employs an Allar maid and every mundane situation seems to bear an innuendo."

The Godiche Series (3 plays)
"When an eccentric Ithanian gentleman decides to become the best or first in everything: the only speaking kangaroo, the blackest mage of black magic, the legendary Monster of Montania or simply the best painter that ever lived."

The Bureaucracy Series (1 play)
"When monsieur Godiche finds trouble paving his way in Ithanian bureaucracy, be it through acquiring a pet-fish licence or purchasing five minutes of argument."

The Ellador Series (1 play)
"When monsieur Godiche visits the utopistic kingdom of Ellador. Things seems to be the same as in Regalia, though infused with lots of dark humour revolving around the crude traditions of the non-Ailor."


The Tragedy of Castello di Calibri (Opera, upcoming, planned)

"When an incident of poisoning pits relative against relative, friend against friend and trust against the instinct for survival within the bounds of a dark Dressolini castle."

The theatre group gladly performs during events, or in private for nobility. Contact Adrienne d'Ortonnaise if interested.

The Conquest of the Skies (Opera, upcoming, written)
"The Conquest of the Skies is an epic commemorating the first Ailor-captained transcontinental flight between Anglia and Ithania as an epic struggle between man and the elements. Follow the crew of this airship as it struggles against an unearthly storm with a simple goal: the conquest of the skies."

The Tower Of Ríë (Opera, on schedule, performed)
"The Tower of Ríë is an opera-epic telling the tale of the liberation of the Ailor slaves from under the Elven Empire and their first connection with the Imperial Spirit."


How can you join?

Pen a letter to Adrienne d'Ortonnaise, 1st Cathedral Square, where you describe your ambitions, goals, abilities, motivation and possible contribution. Fear not, most applicants won't be judged based on a single letter, but a relaxed interview.

We are especially looking for:
- A composer
- A possible secondary playwright
- A seamstress or tailor for costumes


OOC Information

We are actors, yes. And we stage plays, yes. Where's the fun in it? Simple, you won't have to write much, just perform. And when performing, you are allowed to alter lines as you see fit. That is how we each add our own character's personality to the play, even. Furthermore, scripts have very little emotes in them, which allows for the individual actors to extend, alter and create their own versions. Yaaay! So what's in the lot?
1. You will be provided scripts, unless you want to write. That's welcome too.
2. You may alter the script (to make it better) or play it as it is. Matters little.
3. We perform regularly. The goal is not to have a fortnightly event announced, but to have a play every day, or every other day. These are short, require little effort and because we involve adaptations, there is an almost endless supply of variety.

You can also hire us for a private performance or to perform during an event. Splendid!​
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Current performances:

Currently, the group is performing the Godiche Series, the Ellador Series and the Bureaucracy Series in the Regalian tavern, with permission from the proprietor, Warren Howlester. You can catch a play if you hang around Regalia between 3pm and 6pm EST.