Preserved Sheet Elsa Sundenn

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Head pat weeb
Jun 21, 2017
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York, UK

Basic Information
֎ Full Name: Elsa Sundenn
֎ Age: Thirty-Two
֎ Gender: Female
֎ Race: Ailor
→Velheim Culture​
֎ Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skill Information
֎ Points: 32 (-10 to Battlemed, 22 to Allocate)
→ +10 Mace (10 from Battlemed),
→ +15 Surgery (10 from Battlemed, 5 from Points),
→ +10 Small Shield (10 from Battlemed),
→ +11 Medicine (11 from Points),
→ +6 Alchemy (6 from Points).​

֎ Points: 32 (+5 Culture Boost, 32 to Allocate)
→ +17 Carving (5 from Culture Boost, 12 from Points),
→ +10 Bodycare (10 from Points),
→ +10 Weaving (10 from Points).​

֎ Languages Known:
→ Common (Spoken 8, Written 4),
→ Skodje (Spoken 10, Written 8).​
Basic Information (Expansion)
→ After losing her mother to a sickness, and after dedicating years before she inevitably passed, Elsa set out toward Regalia in search of opportunity and work. This meant that the woman had only just arrived within the capital. The work she sought was that of a medical nature, and as for living arrangements- well, she took what she could get.​

→ Born a bastard in midland Drixagh to Henrique d'Vaud and Ania Sundenn. Her mother was abandoned quickly by her father, though her mother raised her knowing her father's name. Her mother did, however, quickly teach the then girl that she had no place at her father's side. She was raised further in Drixagh, her mother gifting her two further siblings; a boy and a girl, to two other fathers.​

→ Curiosity wished for her to find out more information about her birth father. Otherwise, the woman was content in working her life away. She was aware that one of her half siblings resided in Regalia, and had mailed him to ensure her arrival was not unwarranted. The rest did not know, nor was she aware of their presence.​
Visual Information


֎ Eye Color: Emerald Green,
֎ Hair Color: Dusky Blonde,
֎ Hair Style: Braided (shoulder length),
֎ Skin Color: Pale caucasian with Velheimer tattoos,
֎ Clothing: Practical,
֎ Height: 5'9",
֎ Body Build: Toned.
Visual Information (Expansion)
→ The womans face was butch to some degree. She did not appear feminine; thin lips accompanied bright green, almond shaped eyes and a small, mostly concealed forehead to give for a very plain appearance. The womans earlobes were attached to the side of her head, though she still adorned her left ear with five plain piercings- studs of various metals. Everything was serious to the woman, she was always on edge, and this was reflected by an almost permanent stoic appearance. Her face was host to a many varying amount of nondescript scars about her face and neck. They were small, which perhaps suggested the object used to create such lesions were pointed and small as opposed to blade like. Finally, her hair was, when braided, shoulder length. She wore it braided off to her right side. It was a dusky blonde in colour, and had been roughly cut- so the ends were shaggy as opposed to cleanly trimmed.​

5 studs adorned the womans left ear. The metals were as follows, bottom to top.
(These are elaborated on in the story)

→ Steel, Gold, Silver, Bronze and finally a small stud of black-steel.​

→ The Velheim woman stood tall at five foot and nine inches, with well toned muscles to support her stature. Her skin was a pale pink in colour, and she wore plenty of scars similar to those upon her face. At some time during her younger years the woman had broken her clavicle on her left side and had injured her shoulder. Whilst this was now healed, it oft meant that in times of cold, the old injury ached terribly, resulting in a lack of mobility. On her return to her mother after finishing her schooling, she acquired a typical light-blue tattoo depicting her success. This is wrapped as a half sleeve on her right arm. Over her more adult years the woman had acquired further tattooing. The rest was concealed by clothing, but it extended around; onto her back and chest. They finally continued down her right leg.

→ The clothing of the woman was practical and warm, built to withstand cold weather. She wore thick leather boots and when needed, a coat to match. Normally so she wore a kaftan-style shirt which was secured at the waist with a wide leather belt made to support the bag at her side. Leather accessories were common also- upon her forearms and thighs should she be fighting. When it came to jewelry, aside from the five studs she wore in her hears, the woman was usually seen adorning a golden pendant of Unionism. The Eye of Unionism hung low from a sturdy chain. The pendant itself was quite dainty and beautifully made, but the chain was tougher. It likely was not the original.

→ It was clear by the way that the woman spoke that Skodje was her main language. Even common came roughly to her or rather, it was hindered by a strong northern accent. She often spoke with a tone that gave away little enthusiasm- some might class this as patronizing. It was a voice rather deep for a woman.​
Personality and Abilities
֎ First Paragraph:
→ At a glance the woman appeared calm and composed, not a smile gracing her lips until she was spoke to. When words left her mouth they were often direct and to the point, perhaps patronizing to some extent. With the woman's overall stature she appeared brutish but, this was all a facade. Once opened up, the woman was friendly and kind, generous to some degree to even the greatest of strangers. Despite there being a difference between stranger and friend, Elsa hid nothing from them. She was willing to be honest, and was happy to tell truths no matter their context.​

֎ Second Paragraph:
→ There were two words to describe how the woman felt inside. Confident and determined. There was not a shadow of doubt in her mind that she could achieve her goals and dreams. She knew in her heart that with hard work she would eventually find her place within the world, be that on the field or within a city. The where did not matter, nor did the how. In the end, the final result would all be the same; she KNEW she would reach her dreams. To fill that gap until she had achieved them, Elsa found herself feeling quite upbeat- she was happy to look forward.​

֎ Third Paragraph:
→ An entirely different person was seen behind closed doors. The woman was more open, more honest and so much more kind to those she considered close. She always smiled, and usually always did as she was asked, especially when she was requested to by parental figures or elders. Despite her brutish appearance, she was generally very gentle, and she was also very compassionate. This sort of personality came across when faced with children in general. Whilst she had none of her own, her maternal instincts kicked in when faced by a child, and she usually sought to care for them, or help them. It remained to be seen how Elsa came across to her lovers, as she had not ever experienced it, instead she refused herself the pleasure.​

֎ Fourth Paragraph:
→ Overall the woman could be considered good. Her teachings had raised her with her faith, and she was taught various rules of respect and kindness. These had rubbed off on her, and it meant that she looked down upon those who actively broke the rules. She also had a severe dislike for those she considered corrupt. Men or women who abused their power or money, or indeed people- they were no good in her books.​
֎ Fifth Paragraph:
→ Faith was something that she was now openly willing to boast. The woman was a proud unionist. Having been originally raised on the old gods, throughout her time with her mother she had hidden her true faith. Now that she found herself in Regalia, she was happy to proclaim her belief to the spirit. On nobles, there was a sense of awe usually directed to the peerage; a sense of respect.​
֎ Judgemental,
→ Tied somewhat to her zealous nature and that of her honesty, Elsa was often caught being rather judgemental. She was likely to point out wrong doings of others. This could also be aimed at anothers progression in a task. Judgemental words often used in criticism, of how she could do better and the likes.​

֎ Zealous,
→ Stemming from her teachings in the School of Battlemed, the woman was raised besides monks of the Unionist faith and at a young age her faith had been ingrained in her mind. From age ten and onwards, her religion was commonly practised and she often prayed several times a day. Spirit forbid you slandered her faith in her presence.​

֎ Illiterate,
→ Elsa learned by visual prompts. Her medicine skills were learned by instruction and by practical implementation. She had little use for books, and struggled to read the common language. Skodje, she had a slightly better grasp on, but ultimately she struggled to read and write.​
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
֎ Quirks: When the woman spoke it was often clear that she used her hands. Whilst her gestures didn't usually mean anything, when her lips moved and when words were spoke, her hands did not remain idle. The woman also had a nervous tick- she was a nail biter. This much was obvious if one took a glance at her hands; her nails were bitten down low.

֎ Skills: The woman had picked up a taste for hunting and gathering from a young age. It had been something she had put aside for the duration of her schooling but after returning to her mother aged twenty-three, it was a skill she picked back up.

֎ Snow,
→ Elsa loved the cold. Specifically, the snow. She was no ice queen, but she loved nothing more than to wandered the world in inches if not feet of snow. There was something calming, something beautiful about snowfall. It reminded her of better, more relaxed times.​

֎ Working,
→ If she was not working, she was not happy. The woman had to be doing something productive, even if it was socializing; meeting new people and making new bonds. Sitting idle was not something she was found doing unless there was a serious reason.​

֎ Ale,
→ Something strong, something dark and something bitter. She was by no means an alcoholic, but ale was something she enjoyed at usually every meal. Less so with her lack of funds and her relocation to Regalia, but no doubt she would remedy that. She had acquired the taste at a young age with a friend, and had since never stopped.​

֎ Wine,
→ Too girly a drink and usually too sweet. Wine was too fancy for Elsa's tastes. The glasses it was served in were often dainty, and it was the drink of nobles- not hardy women looking to warm their bellies. She did not enjoy the fruity tastes either- they were far too complex for a drink.​

֎ Heights,
→ Elsa happily wished to keep her feet on the ground. The soil, and not on any platform or ladder or stair… It was a fear she could not ever explain. Perhaps it was simply due to lack of exposure but, heights were still something she avoided with a passion.​

֎ Flirting,
→ The woman had not ever taken a lover. Neither romantically or physically, she simply did not wish to. She found the process of flirting and courtship awkward. She could not understand why people enjoyed such a thing, and she was liable to be rather rude to those who attempted it of her.​

Arn Renouf [NPC],
→ Perhaps her greatest friend and a man she would not ever forget. Elsa had attended the Battlemed school with Arn though he had been removed for noncompliance. His departure had left a hole in Elsas heart and, even though she did not know his whereabouts, she wished him well entirely.

Bjornolf Sundenn,
→ Elsas oldest sibling. Bjo was a few years younger than her, but usually felt the need to protect his younger sister. He had recently came to Regalia, and Elsa was enjoying giving him a hard time.

Hamelin d'Vaud,
→ Her brother from another mother, literally. Hamelin had caught wind of her arrival to Regalia after she had sent him a letter. He aided her in finding her place in the medical scene.

Samuel Ryder,
→ The silver tongued captain. He talked too much, asked too many questions, but she was happy for his company at quiet times.

Taveric Yurkier,
→ An Isldar she had met at the Alchemia. He had come to them for medical aid, and Elsa had grown quite the protective nature for him. He had become perhaps her first friend in Regalia.

The Sorenviks
→ For varying reasons, Elsa had come to know the Sorenviks. She had grown close to Brynjar, and saw Gryft as close as a brother.

Oskaar Irvainvik
→ A unionist Velheimer who resembelled her old flame terribly so. The two were well on their way to develop a relationship.
Life Story

"A wrong does not make a right. In this instance however, I was wrong."

֎ Age 0 to 10
Elsa was born after a regretful night shared between her mother, Ania Sundenn and her blood father, Henrique d'Vaud. Not for one day did her father remain before he left her mother alone to face the consequences. In time Elsa was born, and was raised with her mothers name. To the public, her father had died.
Within time her mother blessed her with with the first of her two siblings. Their father did not remain either.
As a child she enjoyed the freedom that came with living outside of a city. She was able to explore the surrounding forests and grasslands (or, snow plains,), and from an early age she enjoyed trapping small animals, such as rabbits and mice.
Her true love made surface at the age of five, where she was able to shadow a local "doctor" of sorts. A medicine man who used a combination of alchemy and needle and thread. She took to being his assistant, so to speak. A runner who carried about his bag and such when ever she could.
Through this doctor she was introduced to a carving teacher. A nondescript villager who showed her the art of carving and woodwork. This was to be the hobby she enjoyed most of all.
A few years later and Elsa was blessed with another sibling and finally, at the age of ten, Elsa was given the opportunity to join another villagers child her age to travel to Regalia, to the abbey in which she would learn Medicine and combat. The School of Battlemed. This villager, further down the line, would become someone quite dear to the Northerne girl.

→ Born a bastard to Henrique d'Vaud and Ania Sundenn in Drixagh,
→ Mother raised her alone with little to nothing,
→ Aged three her Mother gave birth to another bastard,
→ Found a passive love for hunting as a child; playing in the fields and forests etc,
→ Aged five she began to shadow a local "doctor" with interest in surgery,
→ Found a carving tutor,
→ Aged seven her mother had another child,
→ Sent to regalia to enroll in battlemed school aged 10.​


"This will test your faith and your dedication but love, you will do me proud."
֎ Age 11 to 20
From the beginning Elsa believed she would struggle. Surrounded by the abbey men; the monks who would be her tutors, she felt threatened. Her faith would be tested and she was right. She was made aware that it would simply be best for her, should she wish to succeed, if she adopted the unionist faith. So that is what she did.
A good handful of uneventful years of learning passed at the abbey. When it came to combat training, Elsa decided that she would keep memories of the first few battles that she won, to prove to herself and her mother that she was good enough. That she could do this. She did this in the way of piercings. The first five sparring matches that Elsa won, she kept from her victim a piece of metal. It was usually taken from their belts or a stud from their leathers, or even a coin. The young woman acquired these gradually over time, and had each melted and formed into a stud she could wear in her ear.
The monks at the abbey taught Elsa how to read and write common. She was a slow learner, and even after ten years did she not feel fluent in the language. She had reverted to speaking Skodje to her Northerne companion at every opportunity. She could still hold conversations, could still write though albeit her handwriting was poor.
In total, it took Elsa six years to acquire the studs. She was not combat oriented and instead much prefered to work on her medicine skills. At the age of seventeen it was noted by those that tutored her, that she could still not read, and she seemed to have no interest in it at all.
Sometime in between all this, Elsa had said goodbye to the young male she had originally arrived with. He had refused to convert to the unionist faith, lying to the monks about his dedication, and they had not taken kindly to his deception. Surprisingly, Elsa took this quite hard. Although she refused to admit it, she had taken quite a liking to the young Velhiemer. It was around this time that the now woman decided that she had little to no want for companionship. It was simpler, in her mind, to stray from it. It was easier on the heart.
After passing her schooling at the age of twenty, Elsa opted to remain at the Abbey doing… much the same as she had done for the last ten years, to show her thanks and dedication to the monks who she considered her family.

→ Taught unionism and converted,
→ Acquired the studs in her ears; five in total. Each was a spar won against students of the battlemed school. Each is made from a metal taken from the other student; usually from their belts or studs in leather etc,
→ Somewhat learned to read and write,
→ The child she travelled with to the abbey originally was removed,
→ Finished school aged 20. Remained in the abby for another two years before returning to drixagh.​


"Be better than I will ever be. Stay true to your dreams. Stay true to your heart."

֎ Age 21 to Current
When Elsa returned to her mother's home in Drixagh it was as though nothing had changed. Her two siblings remained, helping their mother as she grew older and older. The young woman was quickly aware that she had to hide her newly found faith from her mother, so opted to praying at night only, unless she had privacy elsewhere. She rekindled with her hobbies and her hunting, and settled down for a comfortable year or two. Her mother also offered to teach her weaving. A skill all women needed, she said.
Afterwards, her mother had her sibling went off to start their own lives, which left for Elsa to be the caretaker.
Eventually, after some more comfortable, uneventful years, Ania passed away from sickness and old age. This left Elsa alone. She had not ever married and equally had no children to care for. So with the skills she had, she bidded goodbye to her siblings and their budding families and set back off for Regalia.
On arriving at Regalia it was here the woman realized that she had neglected her learning. The common language sounded so foreign to her hears, her mother having not ever spoken a word to her during her ten years home. Elsa realized that she had made a mistake, and was going to struggle here.

That is where we are now.

→ Kept her unionism faith a secret from her mother. Helped her siblings take care of her mother. She went back to hunting,
→ Mother taught her weaving,
→ Siblings went off to do their own thing,
→ Elsa stayed with her mother as the eldest, to take care of her in sickness and old age,
→ Her mother died when Elsa was thirty,
→ Elsa made her way back to Regalia two years later.​
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Do you wanna build a snowman?