Preserved Sheet Elros Of Turent

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Jul 16, 2012
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Viva La Republic!

Elros. Blade of Turent.
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Elros
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Alt-Regalian)
  • Main Ambition: Wealth

marty commision.png
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Hair Color: Brown and Ginger
  • Hair Style: Short
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Wanderer's Armor, leather, gray-blue sash, partial armor.
  • Height: 5'9
  • Body Build: Ripped
  • Weapon of Choice: Arming Swords and Daggers (Dual Wield)
  • Secondary Weapons: Extra throwing daggers, Bag of Sand
  • Inventory: Lockpicks, Rope, Decorative Turall Dagger.
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Elros is generally seen as an easygoing young kid, very out of place in the noble company in which he often finds himself. While goofy, when it comes to politics he can be spiteful and argumentative, even in the face of breaking proper manners. When confronted on this he can be ashamed, aware at times how childish he seems. Still, beneath the generally zany exterior is -some- sort of intellect, but just how deep it goes isn't outright clear to the usual observer. The first time one meets Elros, they would likely see a wise-cracking, over-confident youth.
  • Second Paragraph: Elros was somewhat traumatized by his failures in the initial state council. So many people died because of one piece of legislation. Due to this, he will always try to be as fun and positive as he can, but inside he is suffering over his perceived failures. Anyone that gives him approval or affection will win him over at once, due to the self-loathing and worry he constantly struggles with. Further, Elros gets very antsy and insecure when in a position of leadership, seeing potential failure as a death nail in his legacy. He so very much craves power and -doing- things, but has been taught the painful cost it can have; you're responsible. That dynamic is still present even as he backs off from noble work.
  • Third Paragraph: Elros has no blood family to speak of, but he has a strong kinship to anyone who came for the School of Turall. Any freelance students earn his ire however. Around his Turall family and his close friends, he will be as laid back as he is in public, but more prone to flights of serious discussion, sharing his worries and weaknesses. He met Garret Ames during a few training sessions and struck up an immediate want to prove his superiority, which he failed to do on multiple occasions at the School itself. Lucas de Scanabro was also a friend of his toward the end of his tenure, the two sharing more drinks than the young lad ought to have. He is always trying to find new friends, and in particular, is trying to reconnect with Turalls.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Elros could best be described as a Neutral Evil soul. You have to look out for number one. In particular, he has little use for laws and regulations. Elros certainly thinks himself just in some way, and will even appear to trend upwards to Chaotic Good, but ultimately he will save and benefit himself before another, by any means necessary. From dirty fighting to dirty deals, he is not above anything when it comes to gaining power.
  • Mighty Mighty Man: Elros can dance, balance, run, sneak, parkour, and fight exceptionally well for a man his age. While he is not yet a match for Champions in his field, Elros is always looking to copy the tricks and styles of others and makes frequent trips to Turall to ensure he can continue his study. His ability to fight with daggers and arming swords, as well as the dirty tricks that are common among Turall keep him alive and fighting. This, combined with this abilities to run, jump, land, and sneak better than most makes him a more than competent fighter and young man.
  • Gift of Gab: Elros loves to write and speak. He is rather skilled with the written word and makes use of essays to make himself known. When that fails, Elros has found he's skilled in making deals. He tries to charm and to persuade as often as he can, but is not above intimidation if needed. Nowadays, this Charisma is used to seek employment and finish contracts for the School of Turall. This talent of his gives him the edge when it comes to persuasion, intimidation, and general charisma.
  • Rogue: From sneaking to pickpocketing, to lockpicking and information-gathering, the young man is no stranger to a criminal's life. When he cannot find mercenary work in a town, he will turn to common thievery to get back up. While a decent Blade, he also prides himself on the more criminal tasks given to him.
  • Drugs: Perhaps more a weakness, but Elros has taken to the use of Cryostims for both Medicinal and Drug usage. This, combined with a love for Kaffee, has turned him into a very experimental young man. More often than not it results in him being -very- out of things when he tries to relax and can result in the odd mission where he has to complete it while drugged off his gourd. Still, he knows his way around his dirtied, on-it's-last-legs Cryostim, and makes frequent use of it to heal himself and give himself an edge in combat.
  • Insecurity: Elros is still obsessed with legacy, but has become utterly afraid of gaining power to the point he'd be in charge of others again. The paperwork boredom, the lives lost when he did make an important decision, it resonated with him. Running away from Regalia was neccesary, but now that he's back, he becomes so much more comfortable with rogue and mercenary work. In a way, he knows this could lead to a brighter future, and given the implications of what responsibility that will entail, he is terrified to make deals. Conflicted.
  • Disease: Elros is currently diseased. While the long-term effects of this disease have yet to be known, for the forseeable future he compulsively itches and claws at his own skin. He has forced himself to bear leather and clothe over his body, so as to not rip his skin open. And yet, he must work through the disease. As a result, he can be seen trying to work, often losing fights in a fit of shaking, so tempted is he to scratch and so weak he has become. Living with the disease and working as a merc -with- it has proven near disasterous, to say nothing of the mental toll.
Life Story (Required)
(Age 1-10) Elros was raised in Turent, calling the local orphanage his home. He never knew his parents. A hooded man raised young Elros, moving him from house to house at a very young age. Beyond these frequent moves, the first thing Elros recalls is the hooded man leaving and not returning. Poor Elros turned to the streets and lived as a young beggar. He always felt eyes on the back of his head, as he begged, conned, and stole what food he could. Further, a young Elros always saw the richer folks in Turent walk by him every day, and while the faces occasionally changed, the colors of their clothing did not. He felt a vile hatred for such, and even as a youth felt rebellion was needed to remind these fancy people what it felt like to be powerless.
(Age 11) At age 11 he expertly snuck up on a Turall Expert in an attempt to pick their pocket, thinking he'd get some payback on these wealthy elitists. Rather than arrest or kill the boy, this Blade ordered him to run alongside him. If he made it all the way around the city's walls, he would adopt the lad. Elros ran, and completed it once with struggle. The Blade ordered him to make the run several more times, until hours later, the boy collapsed. He was brought into the School of Turall, and trained from there on.
(Age 11-21) Elros makes many friends in Turall, including Garret Ames and Lucas de Escabano, on their occasional visits. Elros hears of some wars sparking up in the Empire and seeks to keep himself informed about it all. He begins to write and make speeches to the woe of his classmates, who often chastised him for distracting from blade work. As he progresses through Warrior and into Champion training, he begins training others and seeking new techniques.
(Age 21-24)

Elros trains in Turall towards Champion status for several years. Towards his 24th birthday, he takes a chance visit to Regalia as a small break and ends up trapped for the Lo Occupation. He fights in the Battle of Rothburg and participates in the Diets to determine the New Government. After a brief run on the Old State Council, Elros is named Financial Reichsrat and serves Sigurna Woodenstaf. He eventually quits, instead focusing on his Turall Champion training, having picked up a few techniques from Lucas de Escrebano and other Turalls in the city.
(Age 25, Present Day) Elros is sent back to Regalia for a few specific missions on behalf of the School of Turall. These are somewhat private. What is certain is his Champion training is nearing it's end, and he is publically in the city to take on a new student and learn more techniques. In addition, with the demise of Lucas de Escrebano, there must be action on behalf of the School. So Elros returns to Regalia, to finish what business he has. Of note, he has not yet taken a life, only ever having to put down the very occasional beast, and the undead during the Lo Occupation.

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Moi review, I like to get critical on your birthday:

  • Elros is defined as lean, but I consider this incompatible with Turall training. Especially someone who underwent 11 years of training and is a warrior, should be classified as "ripped" as per the lore on the page.
  • The second paragraph alludes to insecurity, but doesn't really nail it. Perhaps expand upon a fear of failure? A fear of making the wrong decision? Perhaps even a sense of discomfort when thrusting himself into a leading position like "holy f what did I just get myself into but I cant back down because I want to progress in life".
  • The Third paragraph already alludes to a problem I proposed before, the character seems to have a hard time connecting with anyone, and it seems the whole Turall relation background is sort of trivially tossed in there. Do you have a short list of acquaintances from the Turall school? Perhaps not an edit request, but more so a suggestion for you to gather some data on Turall characters (heck we could even make a thread somewhere to ask about it) and to make some pre-formed opinions which help the character have some solid ground.
No further comments, but I would recommend spicing up his early years. I feel like his 1-12 years havent really contributed anything to his personality or behavior, which they should because he has less than common ways of being raised. I feel like exactly being an orphan, nor having a home or name, and perhaps even having been a street urchin for a while might add some personality traits or life views that would not otherwise take hold among the common population, perhaps in relation to the concept of aristocracy, governance and socialism.
  • I don't see how 'Gift of Gab' or 'Drugs' are exactly Talents. Can you please remove these.
  • Mighty Mighty Man needs at least one more sentence.

Make the above edit in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
  • I don't see how 'Gift of Gab' or 'Drugs' are exactly Talents. Can you please remove these.
  • Mighty Mighty Man needs at least one more sentence.

Make the above edit in a different colour and tag me afterwards!

So I added a sentence to Gift of Gab and Drugs to highlight what strength this gives Elros. I'd prefer to keep them; His Gift of Gab is setting in stone his ability to speak well and use his charisma to influence others, a proper skill he's practiced. Hence, a talent. For Drugs, I intend to use a Cryostim in Roleplay for both the drug use, and medicinal use, and I'd again like the ability to use them set in this application. If you think this is too much in favour of talents, let me know and I'll add more weaknesses.

Added some meat to Might Mighty Man. As an aside, re-review this as if I'm going for Champion in the near-future, which I am.

If you are keeping those talents and going for Champion eventually, I'm going to ask you to add one more weakness of any sort, maybe even two if you're up for it.