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Played Character Elowen Helfae Valhelsia

This character is actively played.


Oct 7, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

- Full Name: Elowen Helfae Valhelsia
- Heritage / Culture: Isldar-Vampire Brood
- Age: 21
- Gender / Pronouns: Female; She/Them
- Religion: Draconism
- Occult: Vampire Affliction, Voilenigme Bloodline
- Character Occupation: Magic Scholar; Investigator

Appearance Information

- Eye Color: Heterochromia (Left purple; Right red) | Left Purple Right Blue (court glamor)
- Skin Color: White
- Hair: Red and Purple
- Height: 6'0
- Body Type: Athletic
- Additional Features:

Skill Information

- Hobbies and Talents:
- Magical Talent
- Cooking
- Basic Survival
- Calligraphy
- Mechanics:

- Isldar are natural-born Arctic survivalists who have spent centuries adapting to the cold of Ellador. Not only are they immune to the harm from frost or cold sources, but they do not suffer loss of vision or orientation during a blizzard or weather conditions. Isldar are not affected by Magical Weather Area Effects. Isldar can sing frost into the water, causing ice crystals to form that do not melt when exposed to heat.
- Isldar hold power over the passage of life and death. If they are near a person who is about to die, they can either ensure that the soul passes into the afterlife and is not stolen by other entities or prevent it from even detaching from their body, thus turning that person into an [Undead](https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Undead "Undead") forcibly (keep in mind, doing either has moral weight and is judged by Religions). Additionally, Isldar can see the Soul Rivers, the natural pathways souls take to reach the afterlife, and can tell if a person has died if they know their true name.
- Isldar who follow the Evolist Religion can use a Monster Transformation that turns them into a monster of flesh and bone that counts as a Disguise (but is an Evolism worshiping Isldar). Isldar who do not follow the Evolism Religion can put security incantations and prayers on their homes, making them naturally impervious from being spied upon, or broken into. With the OOC consent of other players, they can also use spy equipment to discover what is happening in their Rental Regions.
- Isldar have natural suppressants in their own mind against interference and meddling from the outside. Even with OOC consent given, Isldar minds have stronger protection against any form of Mind Control. Their emotions are also not readable by those who can read and change emotions, unless they specifically let their mind be entered. Finally, Isldar minds also hold strong protections against the prying of Spirits. While they are not immune to a Spirit's influence, Spirits cannot easily detect their vices and ambitions to seduce them.
- Starting Combat in a cold weather environment (with blocks of snow or ice present), Isldar gain +2 Attack Stat (breaking Cap up to 11) for every Attack Emote. This is limited to mountainous regions and Magical Ice Area Effects, but when the snow has blanketed Regalia during winter, this applies to the whole map for a 1-and-a-half-month period between November 15th and January 1st, but the bonus is halved to 1 instead of 2.

- Isldar can choose one Athletic or Magic Pack for free.
- Isldar can choose one pack from Roguery Point Buy for free.

- Common Mechanic I: Vampires can use a Court Glamor to hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, except during feeding. This counts as a Disguise, and does not work on those who already know the Vampire is a Vampire.
- Common Mechanic II: Vampires, if they have Disguising or Shapeshifting [Magic](https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Adapt_Point_Buy "Adapt Point Buy"), can hide their Vampire teeth and Red Eyes from anyone but fellow Vampires, but all of their Proficiencies are set to 0, and they cannot use Abilities in Combat.
- Common Mechanic III: Vampires can use a Party Glamor at Server Events/Player Events (not Raids), which acts as a Disguise, until the leave the Event Venue. Cannot ever be used outside of Event Venues.
- Common Mechanic IV: Vampires can grant immunity to Vampirism to any person willing to bargain with them. In turn, if the bargained person attacks the Vampire or reveals the deal, they take massive damage (discuss in Dm's what this means).
- Common Mechanic V: Vampires, when applying Curses via [Advanced Roleplay Mechanics] can apply minor Curses that last for up to 12 Hours max, without needing OOC Consent, which count as having +1 Magic Stat for dispelling considerations.

Voilenigme Bloodline
- Voilenigme Mechanic I: Voilenigme Vampires can use a Guild Glamor, that allows them to participate in any Guild Meeting and fake their membership for those meetings only (should still not draw too much attention).
- Voilenigme Mechanic II: Voilenigme Vampires are able to apply a Party Glamor onto any number of non-Vampire allies or collaborators when they use a Party Glamor themselves, following the common Rules for Party Glamor.
- Voilenigme Mechanic III: Voilenigme Vampires have magical control over their own styling, make-up, clothing, as well as that of others, able to add, remove, change and modify anything within Emote Range.

- Languages: Altalar, Common

Growing up in Zuiderbank, Elowen was surrounded by an extensive library filled with scrolls, tomes, and artifacts that chronicled the history of both the Isldar and vampires. Her parents nurtured her curiosity, teaching her the ways of arcane knowledge and the importance of using wisdom to confront the shadows that threatened their world. Elowen spent countless hours studying ancient texts, practicing spells, and learning about vampiric history, preparing herself for the day she would join her family's investigations. While Elowen's family resided in Zuiderbank, they frequently traveled to the city to assist local authorities in their investigations. Her parents, respected scholars, were sought after for their unique expertise in handling the intricacies of vampire issues and mysterious murders. On her seventeenth birthday, a series of mysterious murders rocked the capital.

The victims were found drained of blood, each bearing signs of dark magic. Eager to help, Elowen insisted on joining her parents on this crucial investigation. During the investigation, they uncovered a new vampire clan asserting its dominance. Utilizing her mother's magical prowess and her father's vampiric knowledge, they pieced together the clues that hinted at a larger conspiracy. This experience ignited a fire within Elowen, solidifying her determination to contribute meaningfully to her family's legacy. She vowed to learn everything she could about the vampire clans and their motivations. Now in her early twenties, Elowen is poised between two worlds, thriving in her role as a scholar and a guardian. She frequently collaborates with her parents, who provide guidance and support from their residence outside the capital, while she tackles investigations on her own. Elowen has developed a reputation as a formidable investigator, using her unique heritage to navigate the intricate politics of vampire clans and assist in solving the capital's supernatural mysteries.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic (7)
Defense Stat: Magic (5)
14/14 points spent
Proficiency Points:

- Strength: 0
- Constitution: 0
- Intelligence: 0
- Wisdom: 0
- Dexterity: 0
Roguery Pack(free)

- Escape Artist Pack

- Faith: 0
- Magic: 14
- Magic Bolts
- Magic Barrier
- Magic Summon
- Magic Isolate
- Magic Lifebind
- Magic Revive
- Magic Resist
- Magic Warp
- Magic Disengage
- Magic Shove
- Magic Cleanse
- Magic Snare
- Magic Curse(Free)

Adapt Point Buy

- Wardrobe Pack(Magical)
- Safeguard Pack(Magical)
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