Preserved Sheet Elora Faran

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A Loyal, Humbling Citizen.
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
Elora Faran

"Your adventures will bring you closer together, even if they take you far away from home."

"Your adventures will bring you closer together, even if they take you far away from home."

"Your adventures will bring you closer together, even if they take you far away from home."​


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Elora Faran Shainvrel (Adopted)
    • Nicknames: Elly, Fary
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Isldar
  • Preferred Weapon: Short Sword
Basic Information Expansion [Optional]
  • Elora's motive for being in Regalia is so she can continue working with the Isldar organization the Nevana Collective and has been there since May of 307 AC. She is currently a simple commoner in the system of the city, and she lives in Old Town.


Skill Information
Points: 40 (35 Age + 5) | 30 spent
  • Combat Proficiency Category
    • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill

    • +11 Short Blades
  • Study Proficiency Category
    • +5 Legal Case Skill
  • Knowledge Proficiency Category
    • +4 hunting knowledge
  • Science Proficiency Category
    • +10 Alchemy knowledge
  • Arts Proficiency Category
    • +10 Musical Arts
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 10+15=25
    • Body Shape: Muscular
    • Body Fat: Low
  • Sulvaley Elven: Parent language (10/10)
  • Wyrm Tongue: Balanced Life Isl Zeal (10/10)
  • Common: Free language (10/10)
Frisit's Weave | Balanced Life Isl Zeal
  • Complete immunity to cold damage or adverse effects of the cold, snow seems to go around them
  • Can speak Wyrm Tongue
  • Can see the Soul Rivers of Aloria
  • Can sing the Song of the Damned to both cause others to see Soul Rivers and see corrupted Soul Essence in an area
  • Can Soul-Lathe an Undead and create an Aysur
  • Can materialize a bow of Soul Essence


Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sky Blue
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Loose, down to shoulders
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: a Green dress of Nelfin silk to knees
  • Height: 6'0 | 183cm


Personality & Abilities
Question List
  • How would your character express happiness and contentedness?
    • Elly would show her happiness by having a slight change of tone in her voice. She doesn't really like to be charismatic around people and her voice sounds higher pitched when happy.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing fear?
    • Elly tries her best to not show any emotion when fear is near. She tries her best to keep a stern face and look at it and be prepared to face her fear

  • How would your character respond to experiencing stress?
    • Elly shows her stress with facial expressions. When she is stressed, it is clear because of her staring at something, or glaring off into space thinking for long periods of time.

  • How does your character view the law and authorities?
    • Elly views law and authority as something good, for her morality, is found in being Lawful Good so she tries to do everything inside the law. She respects the Guards, even though sometimes she may disagree with some of their methods.

  • How does your character feel about races other than their own?
    • Elly loves all Elves; she believes that all Nelfin other than Kathar are equal and that all are equally intelligent as each other.

  • How does your character feel about religion for themselves and other faiths?
    • Elly follows the Religion of Frisit. She believes that Frisit is the only true religion in Regalia. However, that being said, she does not mind others worshipping other Religions such as Estel, or Unionism, however, she does hate void worship and wishes to see its destruction.

  • How does your character feel about the arcane and magical in the world?
    • Elora loves magic, she wishes that she can practice it. She wishes that there would be some way for her to become a mage, but sadly, she wasn't born a mage.

  • How does your character feel toward their family?
    • Elly shows a lot of love for her family. Although at times it may seem when she is asked about her family, she doesn't like them, she really does love her family and misses them dearly.

  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Elly doesn't have big insecurities, for the culture she grew up in told her to be different from everyone else. The closest thing she has to be insecure is possibly acting too much like someone else.

  • What is your character the proudest of about themselves?
    • Elly is proud of being completely different from everyone else. She loves the fact that no one is like her.

  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Elly moves forward by striving to serve Frisit the best she can even though she doesn't do certain things, she feels like everything she does do, however, makes her life better.

  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Elly's biggest fear is letting her emotions control her life. She fears that being too emotional can lead her down a horrible path of sorrow, or unclarity.
Core List
  • Choose your character alignment.
    • Lawful Good

  • Choose your character personality type.
    • ISTJ | The Logistician also called the Inspector
      • "Associate with those of good quality if you esteem your reputation, for it is better to be alone than in bad company."
      • "ISTJs are bright, logical, and wise individuals who are very direct. Their focus on concrete facts and data makes them excellent analysts in many different environments. They tend to be extremely thorough, always checking the facts and not assuming anything. They are respected for their exceptional loyalty to their duty. They are quiet and reserved individuals and usually a jack-of-all-trades, and this can potentially lead to many significant achievements in diverse areas."
      • ISTJ Strengths: Honest and direct, strong-willed and dutiful, very responsible, calm and practical, create and enforce order, jack-of-all-trades
      • ISTJ Weaknesses: Stubborn, insensitive, always by the book, judgemental, often unreasonably blame themselves

  • Choose your character's religion.
    • Frisit Worship (5/10)



Taendross Shainvrel | @AWildJade | Elora's tutor, and a motherly figure from Ellador.
Morgan Zhau | @The_Roleplayer | A really good friend of Elora's. Elora hasn't known Morgan much but when Elora met Morgan, they immediately hit it off and became really good friends. Morgan suggested the Elora should apply to the Vigilant Shield.


Life Story

Childhood (0-13)

  • On a cold night, Elora was born to her mother and father who had been two full-blooded Isldar belonging to the Faran family.
  • At the young age of Five, Elora began to learn self-defense with her father, studying to work within the Pillar of the dead. She grew up a typical Isldar, reading books and learning about Firist and the different Pillars of Isldar.
  • At Thirteen, Elora officially set her sights onto the Pillar of the Dead but she kept herself training with her father.
Teenager (13-28)

  • At Fifteen, Elora applied to work in the Pillar of the Dead underneath her mother. This was when she met Taendross Shainvrel, her tutor. Taendross worked with Elora on learning the Song of the Dead, along with music and singing. However, she found herself drifting toward the pillar of War, rather than Dead.
  • At Twenty seven, Elora eventually changed her ways and moved to look into the Pillar of War instead. She would spend ten years working within War before changing back.
Adult (28-34)

  • During Elora's time in the Pillar of War, she learned of the Nevana collective. A group that did performances, and went all across Aloria for keeping Isldar in check, and in line. This was run by a Priestess, and she eventually met Hiela before her priesthood.
  • At Twenty eight, Hiela became a Priestess. With that, Elora moved to the Pillar of the Dead once more and took her time to work with the Nevana Collective.
Present (35 - Now)

  • At Thirty-Five, the Nevana collective learned of the situation within Regalia. When word was sent by Taendross Shainvrel, Elora was sent to investigate the situation early. She arrived in Ellador and informed Hiela of the situation, which brought the Nevana to come to Regalia.
  • During Elora's time within Regalia, Taendross offered Elora a chance to become a Shainvrel after helping Taendross for many years. With that, Elora accepted and was adopted into the family on a short trip to Ellador and back.
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Sup! I'll be picking this up for staff review, expect a reply shortly.
Hello! It's review tiiime!

My Review

Skill and Information
  • Body Shape: Unarmed is actually doubled, so rather than 10 it would be 20.
This was the only error that I found, make that change and tag me!
@Ringo0310 Is this an error or do you want it re-reviewed?
@HydraLana It has to do with the whole proficiency points, for I edited those to make them compliant with the forum rules.