Preserved Sheet Eloise Bernadette Seraphin

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Babe with the power.
Apr 26, 2015
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Kakariko Village
I find that all of these are soft and gentle, with a bit of creepiness. So I think they fit her. Just something to listen to while you read, I guess.
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Eloise Bernadette Seraphin
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: D'ithanie Ailorian
  • Main Ambition: Philosophical knowledge.
  • Eloise and her family have claimed a status of Aspiring Nobility. Sheer luck brought them to the grounds of Regalia, and Eloise finds herself eternally grateful. The city has brought her family wealth, business, meaning, and a place to call home. Currently, residing in Ithanian District, the family has since been off well.
  • Along with her siblings, Eloise was born in Ithania on a collection of small islands. They were influenced by the D'ithanie culture while growing up and still keep it in mind even as Regalian citizens.
  • A second ambition that the youngest Seraphin sibling is attempting to battle is her ability to socialize independently. She's been plagued with the disability to do so for a very large amount of time. Regalia has taught her the importance of social means, and she intends to listen.
Visual Information
  • Eye color: Silvery
  • Hair Color: Light Brown
  • Hair Style: Uneven and short, but contained with a caul.
  • Skin Color: Dusky Pink
  • Clothing: Minty green dress with several designs and symbols
  • Height: 5'7" (imperial system)
  • Weight: 136 lbs (imperial system)
  • Body Build: Pear-shaped
  • Weapon of Choice: Slingshot
  • The Seraphin family has been known to have very pale-greenish eyes. Eloise finds that the color is what makes a Seraphin stand out. This being said, the color is also apparent in her clothing. She wears this silvery green on a silk dress that reaches her toes. The dress has lots of pretty decorations that she adores, but her favorite would be the white belt at the midsection. It fits snuggly but comfortably. To go along with the white belt, she stuffs whatever hair she can into a similarly colored caul.
  • Her hair is simply a mess of random lengths. Most of the strands at least seems to stay around her chin, but it does not give her a dainty appearance in the slightest. It looks as though someone took a sharp knife and slashed at her once beautiful locks angrily and violently. There is one clump near the right backside of her head, that still reaches down to her waist. She likes to keep it hidden and pinned up in a braid of sorts that circles her head. Seeing as her hair is so messy, she keeps it tightly concealed in a caul that tightly hugs her head. She likes to keep a few tufts loose in the front to gently sway back and forth.
  • Around Eloise's neck is a pendant that boasts a darker shade of green. It was given to her by an old woman in her former village that always kept her company. In simpler terms, the necklace was a simple reminder that someone would always be there to care about her. She likes it resting on her chest, close to her heart.
  • Weapon of Choice: "A slingshot?" You ask at first glance. Yes, a slingshot. Think of it like this: What can't you use in one? Want to jam small razors at an enemy? Shove one in a slingshot. Want to fling rocks at your enemy? Shove one in a slingshot. You can cover distance and be effective at the same time. In her opinion, such a child's toy can be turned into a deadly weapon if used in a tactical enough way.
Personality and Abilities
  • Eloise has always felt a strong sense of determination in her blood. Whether it was pure stubbornness or simply a strong desire, she always told herself to just keep going. This determination stretches to multiple situations ranging from work necessities to recreational activity. There seems to be something that just drives her to achieve some goal, little or big and doesn't particularly care about what it takes to get there. The voice inside her head seems to constantly repeat, over and over, "Just do it. Just do it. Just do it."
  • She's always been able to detect when she has done something wrong. Self aware if you would. She knows exactly when she's done wrong, or done good. Eloise Seraphin needs nobody to tell her so. And typically, knowing she's screwed up, leads her to learn from mistakes hastily. Eloise reminds herself that nobody can tell her she's wrong other than herself, and make no mistake, she will remember.
  • Generally, Eloise takes care of the communicating affairs that come with her family's business. Perhaps this makes her clever, or perhaps this makes her diplomatic. Whatever word fits correctly to describe her cautious yet effective way with words works just fine. She's been put into several situations where she's had to think in a diplomatic manner, and over the years her speaking habits have improved. When a situation calls for diplomacy, Eloise is focused solely on diplomacy. Often times she will forget completely about what else was happening prior. Her head is often clear and prepared to argue.
  • Eloise has never been a fan of beating around the bush during her diplomatic affairs. When she isn't dealing with formal conversations, she prefers to be as direct as possible. There is only so much time, so why waste any of it with useless nonsense? Why tamper with the actual information just to come across as "the guy who doesn't shut up"? She tends to rush people, and make it known when she's annoyed by their talking.
  • Perhaps the only thing that Eloise refuses to acknowledge about herself, is her lack of speaking her mind. She's always been one to keep the peace and often times that means keeping your thoughts to yourself. Despite her love for diplomacy and speaking, she'll be completely willing to stop if it means keeping quiet. Keeping the peace calls for self peace. She tries to stay calm during situations where it's necessary, and hopes that the laid back and calmness will spread to those around her.
  • Eloise has been involved in several situations where she had to lie to get her way. She's developed a very cunning mind when it comes to getting what she wants. The girl isn't afraid to lie if it means getting her own way. Lies and being cunning merely strike her as nothing to be taken out of proportion. Rather, she thinks of them as necessities. When she does find the need to become cunning, she's under the idea that it's fine and dandy, and nobody will know.
  • One side of determination is the need of being stubborn. Eloise does not lack this trait in the slightest. She simply, will not change her mind. For some reason, Eloise is constantly under the impression that she is right. It's an issue that she's been reminded of several times, though doesn't particularly care enough to work on it. Eloise doesn't feel the need to. In arguments, she reminds herself that she is right, even when she's wrong. She always has this "don't stop arguing until they give up" speech running through her mind during corals, debates, and other means where one would need to be right or wrong. Even if she doesn't say it out loud in order to keep the peace, the girl will always believe her mind is superior.
  • Growing up as the youngest (even if 'youngest' is determined by a five minute gap) usually means you're the one kept inside of a safety bubble. To pop this bubble to some level of degree, Eloise has some qualities that are apparent in a liar. Usually, her lies are told solely to her brother Vincent. Otherwise, she tries to be truthful as possible. Has Eloise ever had guilt associated with these lies? No. She believes that whatever lie she tells is for the greater of her well being, and not immoral whatsoever. This is what she tells herself when lying. It's all for the greater...It's all for the greater...
  • Observance: Eloise has always had a knack for picking up small details and understanding the overall picture of something. Her observant way makes it easy to remember things that could be important at a later time. She also likes to observe several cultures, and learn about the world on her own.
  • Diplomacy: Eloise has been in charge with dealing with the Seraphin family relations for years. This occupation has taught her several ways to be articulate and understand how to get things done her way. She has created a system in her head of how every conversation dealing with something should go, and this system has proven to work more times than not through the several trials she has put it through.
  • First Impressions: Generally, Eloise tends to make a decent first impression. She's usually noted as "the one who doesn't talk much", which usually leads to people wanting to know more about her, which usually builds up relationships.
  • Taking Criticism: Many people tend to have difficulties with feedback. The annoyance that comes with being told your work isn't good enough stresses Eloise out. She usually lets words slip off her tongue to explain why something is the way it is and why it shouldn't be changed. It changes her attitude for the worse. Often times being overly contentious and outright irrational. In her head, she asked for no opinions and wasn't very fond of hearing any pertaining to her work that was neutral or negative.

  • Independence: It's incredibly difficult for Eloise to do things on her own. She grew up dependant on others, thus impacting her in the real world. She usually doesn't talk much to people when she's in public alone, seeing as she's blissfully unaware of what to do. Her social life is dependant on, mostly her family, who introduces her to people and places.
  • Pain Intolerance: Eloise's primary weakness that affects her the most, is her pain intolerance. Pain, even if it's small and insignificant, will drive her absolutely insane. She often whines about them, making a big deal over petty bruises and bumps. This often gives her the impression of a weakling.
  • Authority Figures: The reason that Eloise is Eloise is because of her lack of standing up for herself against figures of authority. Whether it be her parents, brothers, caretakers, nobility, whatever. She has never outright said, "you're wrong" to anyone who is above her. Perhaps she's a kiss-ass, or perhaps she's just scared out of her wits that she'll get in trouble, which, tends to be something she doesn't like. And due to her lack of independence, figures of authority are often times what she depends on. If she rocks the boat with any of them, it could likely force her on her own.
  • Reading: Uncaring if it's a story about a prince and a princess or a proper sword care manual, Eloise enjoys reading all about it. After suffering youngest child syndrome, you learn to appreciate what you have if you don't get rebellious and screw up, first. Reading has always seemed to ease her stress and kept her from being too impulsive.
  • Orcs: With little reason to back up her irrational fear, Eloise has always taken a particular disliking to the race. Perhaps it's their appearance, or their lack of civil ways. Eloise doesn't even understand her own fear. They just creep her out and put her on edge.
  • Edgar Seraphin - @LemonPolkadots
    Edgar is the driven grandfather of the Seraphin siblings. He is a grand figure, one of which Eloise learns lots from. She respects him and hopes to be like him.
  • Quinn Seraphin - @mdolphins1
Eloise's older brother who taught her so much about the world. She is incredibly thankful she was lucky enough to be his little sister, and is grateful he could teach her so much. From different hobbies to the workplace, he helped her become who she is today.
Eloise's twin sister who was born five minutes before her. Celeste and Eloise are not just sisters, but have easily considered themselves best friends. They're very close and would stay by each other's side no matter what.
The only Seraphin sibling that Eloise finds herself far apart from is Vincent, who is the second oldest of the five. She never saw him much growing up due to his devotion to impressing the father.
  • Shayne Seraphin-
The oldest brother of the siblings, who, has since been removed due to his excessive love for opium and bad habits. He however taught Eloise how to have fun and loosen up. He's been involved in a lot of mishaps, but Eloise loves him even if he's not considered "part of the family" anymore.

A friendly maiar who is always open to conversations with Eloise. The pair have a tight friendship and do lots of things together. Every time they see each other feels like a new adventure to Eloise.
Lelani is Moana's significant other. He's usually around when Eloise talks to her, and has since been considered an acquaintance.
Clayton is a girl who has striked Eloise's fancy. She's very bubbly and happy which Eloise finds herself attracted to. This is the first situation where she's discovered that she is attracted to females.
Olivia owns a cafe that sells Seraphin family brand wine. She's very polite to Eloise and generally very pleasant to be around.

Life Story
  • 283 A.C.: Eloise Seraphin was born to Phala and Muletpele on January 1st, 283, five minutes after her twin sister, Celeste. The Ithanian village they were born in celebrated for the rest of the night at the exciting news of two new baby girls.
The village cried with a heavy and excited anticipation as Phala Seraphin cried with a "get this demon out of my body" anticipation. Celeste Seraphin had been born beautiful just minutes prior, and Phala expected nothing less from Eloise. Through the pain, the tears, the sweat, and the questions, the mother was feeling disappointed. This was her fifth child, and something about this fifth child wasn't as spectacular or exciting as the others.
At 12:03, Phala figured out why. Eloise Seraphin, had not been born beautiful. She was chubby and had darker hairs on her head. Not quite brown, but definitely not the bright gold on Celeste. Of course she loved her daughter, they were the same flesh and blood. But she had not arrived the same way her siblings had. Beautiful and golden, ready to steal hearts at just three seconds old. Muletpele didn't feel so soft. He was disgusted at the girl's appearance, and mentally decided that this insolent would have no place in his heart. As far as Muletpele Seraphin was concerned, Eloise didn't exist.
  • 290 A.C.: At this point, it was evident Eloise Seraphin had a severe case of "youngest child syndrome", mostly due to her mother's accord. On March 8th, it became a rule that Eloise shouldn't go anywhere out of the family home without an adult. It was hard for her to swallow, seeing as her twin sister, who only beat her by measly minutes, was given much more freedom and opportunity. She decided there was no use of putting up an argument.
It was no surprise when Phala Seraphin finalized the rule of seven-year old Eloise's forbidden relationship with the outside world. The girl did not throw a temper tantrum, or cry and scream. She simply shrugged her shoulders and complied. Did it hurt to see Celeste, who was only five minutes older than her, doing so much more? Of course, but that pang only lasted a few seconds for only a few times. Phala had seen the adventure in Celeste's eyes, and didn't want both of her girls up and leaving one day. One of them should stay dependant on her, so she'd always have a little girl to teach, to pamper, and to play with.
  • Early 294 A.C.: The family financial affairs began to plummet at this point, and income wasn't coming in it a livable pace. Celeste and Eloise proposed a family wine business. It was easy enough, and the village's wine tasted like salty sea water. The family gave it a shot and were pleasantly surprised.
  • Late 294 A.C.: Phala Seraphin fell sick in November of 294 A.C. The nurses said it was unlikely for her to recover, and it was best if the family learned to cope with the loss and refrain from grieving. Eloise had trouble, but shouldn't everyone when they watch a loved one on their deathbed? All the years seemed to slip away the day she was informed.
  • 295 A.C.: The one member of the family who took Phala's passing the worst was Muletpele Seraphin. He became cruel to his children, to the point they were forced away from his care. Eloise was lucky, seeing as Muletpele rarely acknowledged her. She had the least of his fiery wrath, but couldn't say the same for her siblings.
  • Mid 295 A.C.: The village decided that Celeste and Eloise were too young to fend for themselves at twelve years, but the boys could manage on their own. Eloise and Celeste were sent to Hyrroc to live with their aunt for a few months before she died of an Opium overdose. Afterwards, the sisters were sent back to their brothers, and sent to Regalia.
  • Late 295 A.C.: The family began as a bunch of poor semi-orphans. Eloise suggested they carry on the wine business, seeing as it worked just fine in Ithania. Perhaps the people of Regalia would like wine made of Ithanian grapes.
  • 302 A.C.: Wine, wealth, and more wine. Eloise, touching on her greatest teenage years had been helping Quinn with the financial affairs for almost seven years. She was starting to take pride in her sibling's' accomplishments. Orphans to middle-class, preparing for the upper-class. Eloise lived with a close friend, Moana for a while with Celeste. Her brothers were searching for a reasonable home now that the family had more than enough money to live in one. However, Shayne has since been removed from the family due to his ill ways of illegal activity.
  • Present Day: The family today currently lives in the Ithanian District. They have made a good name for themselves, selling Ithanian wine. They have been given the status Normal Nobility due to their successes, with their grandfather as patriarch. He guides them with wisdom and advice, keeping the family strong.
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I am reviewing this sheet!

Make her poor receiving of criticism a bit more severe. She becomes irrational and even outright hostile when confronted with it. Also, add one more weakness of any sort.

Add 1-2 sentences to all personality traits with specific examples of what's going on in her head when these traits are apparent.

Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done @Kyrakshi

Review In-Progress!