Preserved Sheet Eloimaya Romaris

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hater of men
Jan 30, 2019
Reaction score
the village



→ Full Name: Eloimaya Amara Romaris
→ Nicknames: El, Maya​
→ Age: 24
→ Hatch date: August 11th, 283.
→ Zodiac: Leo​
→ Gender: Female
→ Race: Maraya
→ Subrace: El​
→ Sexuality: :-)
→ Preferred Weapon: Magic


→ +10 Athletic Training ― Racial Boost
→ +10 Literary Arts ― Racial Boost
→ +24 Magic ― Invested Points

Known Spells
→ +3 Kindling Spell
→ +2 Lustre Spell
→ +4 Tethering Spell
→ +4 Obstructing Spell
→ +4 Element Shot Spell
→ +4 Element Branding Spell
→ +3 Guiding Light Spell

Body Shape
→ Body Stat of 0.
→ Average Body Shape.
→ Average Body Fat.


→ Shalota, 10/10
→ Eloimaya learned this language growing up.
→ Common, 5/10
→ Eloimaya learned this for ease.​


→ Eye Color: Purple
→ Hair Color: Light Purple
→ Hair Style: Braided into several braids along her head, most notably one going sideways in the back.
→ Skin Color: Pale Tan
→ Clothing: Elegant, yet loose, dresses.
→ Height: 6'0 or 182.88 cm.


→ Alignment
→ True Neutral​
→ Personality
→ The Advocate​
→ Religion
→ The Tohn Sona, 1/10​


Hatched in 283 to two El Maraya parents named Khuumal and Kethryllia Romaris, she was the second child of the couple. The child was quiet, lazy, but smart. She and her family lived in Daenshore, and was born into a family that was, quite clearly, not the right fit. Eloimaya had a more studious mind, fit for a Ka-maraya.

A Bit later in life, Eloimaya hears of this thing known as Parlor Magic, and soon after that, mages. Intrigued by this idea of mages, she quickly tried to find any books on the matter, and the ones she found, if she did, for that matter, were usually negative. Giving up on studying mages, she started to study parlor mages.

Soon, she was so enamored with the idea of becoming a parlor mage, she actually wanted to become one. Luckily, her father, Khuumal, knew one. He let Eloimaya study under Khuumal's Ka-Maraya friend, named Kuskyn. She learned all sorts of spells, some of which would just be for aesthetic, while others would be for fighting and defending herself.

After her studies finished, she practiced with Kuskyn for two to three years. Eloimaya was exceptionally good at this, she often used these tricks for things like entertainment, fights, and self-defense. Soon, she joined a mercenary group in Daenshore, and used her tricks to help fight with them. But it was only a matter of time before the truth, at least to Eloimaya, came out. After a few months of fighting with them, she saw them as a corrupt group who only wanted things for themselves. She quickly left the group.

Eloimaya day dreamed of leaving this boring city of Daenshore, and worked a few odd jobs and some less than legal fights to earn money so that she could move to the City of Lights, the Holy City, Regalia.

She accomplished this, going to the Holy City on August 26th, 307.

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