Character Information
Elmara or "Mara"
[No known last name]
Character Occupation:
Appearance Information:
Elmara is a blonde, piebald-coated Bison Urlan, their fur covering their whole upper body, though she has digitigrade legs with cloven hooves too. She does have a bison-like tail, but usually hides it under clothes. After traveling with many Asha on her way back to Regalia, she dresses more similarly to them than how she used to be, often donning Satoors of varying kinds depending on the weather. Now standing at 7'5" with a rather beefy build, she's a powerhouse ready to throw down.
Hobbies and Talents:
Weaving, Climbing, Construction, Housekeeping, and a lot of other odd jobs...
Urlan can declare one person their "Ward" (does not need consent), which grants +1 Defense Stat (break cap up to 9) while in Emote Range. This must be declared on a Character Application to apply.
Urlan gain +2 Defense Stat (break cap up to 9) while either in Gloomrot Forest, or while outside of the city boundaries, such as the Hunting Trails, the Forests, and roads leading out of Regalia.
Urlan have superior metabolism, need to eat less to survive, do not feel cold temperatures or suffer hypothermia, have night-vision in the dark, and can eat spoiled/raw/poisoned food without issue.
Urlan have very minor shapeshifting abilities through the Oorl Worm's substance, being able to bulk up or slim down on command by increasing or decelerating the growth hormone production of the glands.
Urlan can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
Common: Native
Altalar: Learned
Oortan: Learned
Ørsti: Learned
Elmara once was a Selvath orphan in Crookback, and was notorious for running away and consequently getting caught by the local Bloodcasts who were on patrol. She spent a lot of her childhood trying to run and see the world outside. This eventually led her to meeting her best friend, Alexandrea Alto- who became the reason that she mellowed out, shockingly. She instead turned her goal to see the world and bring it back so her friend could experience the lovely sights of the world without running the risk of getting too ill. Sure, she still was determined to find her own place- but she wanted to also give the one person who kept her sane that too. So, the moment she aged out of the orphanage- she took to adventure. She traveled to Hjordi, taking time to learn Ørsti so she could get the most information and adventure more. All the while, she bought paints and commissioned artworks of the scenery to take home for Alexandrea.
After a year of being in Hjordi, Elmara ended up moving with a small group to explore the mountains and more- which did not end up doing well. Her group was taken by a group Whitemane Urlan as captives during an expedition and brought back... the lot one by one put into pens with Oorl worms. While most didn't survive, Elmara was one stubborn woman and fought through it... but as a consequence- she has a seething hatred for the Whitemane Urlan. However, even so... she chose to keep exploring as an Urlan instead of hiding away from the world. She ran from the Witemane, stealing her stuff back before moving to adventure. She ended up joining a group of Asha and Allar that were wandering, often taking up odd jobs to make ends meet, or going on expeditions that would be dangerous for common folk. With her new body, she was able to do many things she couldn't before- even when the memories from the Oorl worm drive her mad.
She's since returned to Regalia a few times, each one looking for her friend... And this time? She's finally found her, and chose to set down roots back in Crookback.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Bruiser [Str]
Bruiser Stance [Free]
Bruiser Slam
Bruiser Parry
Bruiser Riposte
Bruiser Grit
Bruiser Tackle
Melee [Str]
Weapon Throw [Free]
Technique Parry
Athletic [Str]
Steady Body
Training [Con]
Rage Counter
Thick Hide
Iron Will
Roguery [Dex]
Sharp Reflexes
Close Save
Escape Artist
Attack Stat: Str
Defense Stat: ???
Proficiency Points: 0/15 points spent]
Strength: 7
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 3