Preserved Sheet Elmaire Du Saintlond

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Dec 29, 2021
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Elmaire du Saintlonde

Character Information
  • Full Name: Elmaire du Saintlonde
    • Nicknames: Elma
  • Race: Breizh Ailor
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Asexual
  • Eye Color: Jade Green
  • Affliction Information: N/A

Core Concept
  • Elmaire is a young and hopeful Aelriggan Knight hailing from the city of Saintlonde, recently graduated, she travels to Regalia to learn of the Aelriggan plight from her peers, and seeks to help where she can.
  • Elmaire is a devoted Breizh Unionist.

Proficiency Information
  • Strength - 0
  • Constitution - 0
  • Wisdom - 4
    • Artificer Medical Pack - Godsamtro
    • Archive Wisdom Pack - Storvel Circle
    • Affliction Wisdom Pack
    • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack
  • Dexterity - 0
  • Magic - 8 - Exist
    • Displacing Pack
      • Solar Power
      • Lunar Power
      • Arcane Mastery
    • Disruption Pack
      • Life Wall
      • Light Element
      • Rune Smithing
    • Blessings Pack (Greater)
      • Heat Immune
      • Cold Immune
      • Dueling Brand
    • Enchanting Pack
      • Health Call
      • Emote Infuse
      • Self Control
    • Illusionism Pack (Greater)
      • Dressage Cleanse
      • Armor Cleanse
      • Time Cleanse
    • Protection Pack
      • Sanctum Vessel
      • Surfwalking
      • Sparkwalking
    • Thanhicism Pack
      • Airwalking
    • Spellsword Pack (Greater)
  • Charisma - 2
    • State Leadership Pack
    • State Diplomat Pack

Ability Information
  • Specials
    • Manifest Familiar
    • Dark Empathy
    • Practiced Mockery
    • Manifest Destiny
    • Destiny Stressors
    • Job Opportunities
  • Afflictions
    • N/A

  • Common (Free)
  • Breizh (Cultural)

Appearance Information
  • Mutations
    • Elmaire's body is covered in crack-like formations, from which a gentle golden light appears to emanate, her wounds bleed golden.
  • General Appearance
    • Elmaire is a young woman of a fairly short stature, at only 5'4", she is built sturdy enough to withstand a hit or two mostly due to her harsh training. She has lovely brown hair and jade-green eyes, her hair falls to her hips, but is often tied into a braid or a bun depending on how she feels. Most often, she can be found wearing simple, light dresses and moveable clothing.

Life Story

  • Childhood
    • Elmaire is born to parents in the city of Saintlonde, on the 8th of December 289 AC. Her parents aren't particularly wealthy, but aren't needing for much either. They live a happy life together.
    • Elmaire met a few friends who were training under the same Knight, it was noted that Elmaire was a pretty tough kid from a young age, she was built well, but also had a stubborn personality.
  • Adolescence
    • Elma's adolescence is filled with hardships, as a Page to a veteran knight, a stringent Justice Silven who imparted much of his Just opinions onto his Pages. As such, Elmaire has developed a particularly hardline sense of right and wrong, who to defend, and who to abandon.
    • Elmaire is a trainee of great Magical talent, but is deemed a failure in physical training. She could not properly graduate her intended teachings but instead sought a path of healing and support.
    • During one particular fight, Elmaire's magical talents seemed to amplify themselves to a level beyond her control, previously one who would wield lightning in battle was morphed into a wielder of a pure, golden light. Wielding it came with a hefty cost, but she vowed to use it for the good of all Aberrants. With that oath made, she was set to graduate in a couple of years.
  • Early Adulthood
    • Elmaire's rigorous training continued until she turned 21, where her mentor sent her out into the world to do good.
  • Arrival in Regalia
    • Following the several magical disasters that gripped Regalia in recent years, Elmaire finds herself drawn to the big city to learn from her peers.
Last edited:
@ChapterDeath Abilities updated, will do the other app momentarily. The tag hasn't changed though, need them looked over.
@ChapterDeath Hey, sorry about this but this page has been largely changed.
  • No longer an Aelriggan Knight
  • Focus on Grand Mage as opposed to a physical bruiser
  • Focus on scholarly talent and supportive capability, the character is now a healer.