Preserved Sheet Ellieosia Muzchiviaz

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Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Ellieosia Muzchiviaz
" Time to show the world what I got. "

Basic Information

  • Full Name:
Ellieosia Muzchiviaz
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Race:
Ailor - Etosian
  • Main Ambition:
To become a popular entertainer/dancer

Basic Information Extra

  • Describe your character's position in Regalia.
Ellie has recently came to Regalia, hoping to create a place for entertainment purposes for the people of Regalia. She hopes to gain enough money to help her own expenses as well as with others that she meets and befriends. Being a rather spontanious and outgoing person she is sure to attract a lot of attention throughout Regalia.

  • Describe your character's upbringing.
Ellie was born within a rather large and known town in Etosil on the 4th of April, then again it is its capital city of Etosil, that being Pavleona. She was born to a loving mother, Marriena Muzchiviaz and her stern father, Dezmieos Muzchiviaz. She was brought up in a traditional Etosil home, having succeed in being taught both to sing and dance. Quickly being brought into an entertainment family, constantly working as musicians, artist and dancers. Being the youngest in the family to five older siblings, both brothers and sisters, she strives constantly to be better or to impress her parents.

  • Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have.
One of her many small ambitions she has is to become successful in Regalia. As well as to earn enough money and to find an appropriate husband to make her family proud of her.

Visual Information


Chibi Art
  • Eye Color:
  • Hair Color:
  • Hair Style:
Usually having her hair in an elegant braided bun or having it down and wavy, usually down to her mid-back.
  • Skin Color:
A tanned skin tone
  • Clothing:
Her outfits change regularly however she is usually found wearing a blue dress { Or sunset orange }, with one arm without a strap and the other with a sleeve. She usually wears pants and black sandal's as well.
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Body Build:
Rather thin but an hourglass figure
  • Weapon of Choice:
Power of seduction {Insert winky face here} if needed but besides that she has no knowledge or ability to use a weapon besides maybe a dagger. Weak Etosian I cri but she tries.

Visual Information Extra
  • Describe the Character's facial features.
Her eyes are actually quite wide and big looking at times, casting an innocent look over her features however, whenever she grins or smirks she gets this sudden change and has this alluring type features. Usually having a grin on her face whenever speaking with others. Her hair is usually a redish orange brown that shines in the light as well as her hair style sometimes changed on the day. Either having her hair down, in a braid, or in a ponytail. She has a visible widow's peak whenever her hair is up.
  • Describe the Character's body.
Being from the Etosian background, it causes her to be quite small and petite compared to other women she meets. However her weight mainly comes from her muscles that she has accquired over the years of training with dancing and such. Quite thin and well toned for a dancer, always having to be at a healthy weight, even as going as far as trying to be under weight to be perfect for dancing. She has quite the thin bone mass when one looks at her however her muscles make up for it.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories.
Ellie is usually found wearing bright colored clothing that usually makes her stand out more than most, as well as wearing less than appropriate clothing than one would think. Usually the color scheme is with the season, during autumn she wears amounts of orange, red, and brown hues while once its spring she wears pinks, light blue, and white colors. However she is also fond of scarves, usually wrapped around her waist rather than her neck, bracelets usually a solacrux one as well as earings and necklaces made from the same thing. However she will wear appropriate clothing when it is the colder months, usually found wearing regular dresses but also having her usual scarf wrapped around her middle.
  • Describe the character's voice.
She has a rather gentle toned voice, not being to high or to low for feminine standards luckily, kind of having a sing-songy way with there voice. Having been trained in singing as well when she was younger, this causes her to be aware of the pitch of her voice. Having a rather interesting accent at times, her ' t's ' not pronoucing sometimes. However her voice tends to get higher the more she lies which causes her to suck at lying. She also has learned several languages, well as many as she could with her spare time; Ithanian, Theodora {Etosian}, Common, some Elvish.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits
  • Frivolous;
Ellie can be rather...carefree in a sense, even more so than she should be in certain situations. She can get airheaded at times whenever she is in a conversation she does not care for. She get's this sense of foolishness whenever she acts this way and ends up getting into more trouble than she ends up wanting. But then again most do not go out looking for trouble but it ends up finding its way to her. She even has a certain tone to her voice that usually says that she could care less about the situation at hand and would rather be elsewhere.
  • Charasmatic;
Despite her frivolous nature, she is still a welcoming person. She is someone always willing to talk to others that peak her interest, may it be the way one moves or the way one speaks. Many a time she would happily talk with someone when they seem down to her, even approaching scary looking people to see how they really are. She also proves her worth with just commenting on ones outfit and how they look, usually positive comments more often then not with the occasional negative one.
  • Sluggish;
Now when most people hear the word 'sluggish' they think of physically like you are slow when moving however that is not the case with Ellie. She has a tendency to be more sluggish when it comes to feelings, realizing things, and even getting lost in thought in the middle of a conversation. Many could call this airheaded, slow thinker, dense fool but the term sluggish fits more so because her thought process is as slow as one if not slower. It could take her days to figure out what someone meant, easily becoming flustered from the amount of time it took her to realize it.
  • Mystical;
When most people see Ellie, both personality wise and looks wise they get a sense of mysticalness coming from her. May it be the fact that she has such a confident posture, to her alluring looks many do not know what brings people to her but they just find her interesting. Some people even call her entrancing or ethereal from how she moves and acts around others at times. Some say she has a sense of mystery but others believe its a veil of mysticness that she carries with her at all times.
  • Captivating;
Following her trait of being Mystical in a way, she easily finds herself captivating to others, may it be the way she speaks to how her body moves. She always enjoys captivating others may it be in a bad or a good way, usually it is in a good way. Always striking interesting things among people, finding a way to get people more active or even more interactive than they normally are. She is normally known for her care-free attitude trying to get people to 'see the light' in things, bringing her exoticness as well as art and other things.
  • Arrogant;
Because of all the compliments that she gets, it boosts her ego quite alot with what she does. Always just figuring a way to make people more pleased with her and to entertain others as well. She has this air of arrogance around her when all of it goes to her head, may it be that she gets to many compliments or if she generally feels that she is better than others. When she is arrogant she tends to have this quirk where she gets this smirk on her face.
  • Capable;
Even with all of her negative traits she still has this capablity that others sometimes don't have. May it be her general attitude towards things, with her emotional level as well as her physical abilities as well. She is quite well versed with both knowledge as well as flexability, from her teachings as a young child as well as learning to dance at such a young age. She always carries this can do attitude with her as she tries to be enthusiastic for people whenever she meets them.

  • Nimble;
With being so short and being quite athletic as a young child, she finds herself being nimbler than most granted that it is a common trait with people, she still is quite quick on her feet. As well as being quick on her feet, her reaction time is good when she is actually paying attention and is into what she is doing. Always constantly moving, may it be dancing or jumping around when trying to keep her figure.
  • Sharp Eyes;
Ellie has rather good eye sight mainly because she has bad hearing. Her sense of sight is a lot more toned than others at times because of her attention to detail. Her eyes always scanning the scene to either find someone that interests her or if there is any danger. She is usually able to spot something from afar or being able to spot things quicker than others.
  • Flexability;
From training at a young age to be flexible enough to dance the way she does now, she is quite flexible now later on in life. Her flexibility really helps when she has to get into small or tight places, being able to bend herself to be a little more scrunched up than usual. She also tends to be able to bend in other ways that some can't also being able to pull off exotic dance moves because of it.

  • Airheaded;
Throughout her life, many things have caught her eye and more often than not it distracts her from the task at hand. Usually easily distracted from things that she does not find interesting, she finds herself off in day dream land and clearly not on Aloria. At least mentally. Because of her airheadedness she tends to be easily distracted with things, sometimes walking away from conversations entirely if they bore her enough to do so.
  • Over-Dramatic;
Ellie sometimes goes over board with reactions when she has them, may it be negatively, positive or even just news in general that finally clicks with her. She tends to drag things out to more dramatic proportions than it actually needs to be with very simple things. Because of this, people usually find her over dramatic as well as annoying in some cases, even going as far as to say she is over emotional at times. Which in all honesty is usually true over half the time, either crying out of sadness or happiness or yelling when she doesn't need to.
  • Weak Immune System;
For as long as she could remember Ellie has always had a very weak immune system causing her to get sick rather quickly. Because of this she is sometimes rendered bed ridden for weeks at a time if she isn't careful. This also causes her to lose jobs because of her weak nature and with her weak immunity she can't handle alcohol. This also causes other problems for her at times but she always goes to the extreme when wanting to prevent being sick.

Personality and Abilities Extra
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks.
Some of the quirks she happens to have are quite small when they notice them. Ellie is constantly tapping to a rhythm either with her foot or with her hand. Another one happens to be running a hand through her hair when it is down when she is growing bored of things. She also tends to rock back and forth on her feet when she starts to get anxious or skittery when she hasn't gone out and done some sort of excersize that day.
  • Describe your character's skills.
One giant skill that many people instantly see in Ellie happen to be her dancing and singing abilities that she enjoys showing off. Always being one for attention she is constantly trying to improve her dancing and singing skills. She has many types of dancing skills which happen to be; Ballroom dancing, tango, exotic dancing, and belly dancing. But those are just some of the few that she has grasped upon, being more of the faster type dancer than the slow one.
  • Describe your character's talents.
Ellie doesn't have many talents that shine to much but there is the occasional one that has to do with her ability to pick up languages. She always had a fascination with languages to learn, from the way a word sounds in another language to how well she can mimic the accent. Granted she usually can't mimic the accent quite well, she can still mimic it with need be.

  • Dancing -
Ellie enjoys dancing whenever she can, even as going as far as to get a job having to do with dancing. She enjoys doing it for fun and for people and entertainment purposes. She always enjoys moving and never staying still so this gives her a good oppertunity to be active and doing something she likes.
  • Singing -
Having been trained to sing at a young age she enjoys it as a hobby that she does from time to time. She even enjoys singing with others and even teaching younger people to sing when they need a teacher to do so.
  • Flowers -
Sia has always had a love for flowers from a young age, considering her family practically made there living off of art and flowers. She knows how to take care of flowers and can even name some of the flowers that she recognizes with ease. Her favorite flower has to be tulips though, an easy way to her heart really.
  • Compliments -
Because of her arrogant nature she feeds off of compliments that she is given and even boosts her happiness. Then again most people enjoy compliments but she seems to enjoy them a whole lot more. Whenever she is given a compliment she always returns it in her own way.
  • The Sewers -
Ellie absolutely finds the sewers disgusting and a pigs place. She even goes as far as saying that she fears the sewers seeing as she is so weak and doesn't know how to fight like some others do. She tends to stray away from the sewer entrances that she does know about.
  • Staying still -
Either from some sort of disagreement within her body or if its a mental thing with her but she just hates to stay still. Perhaps its because that she gets anxious whenever she stands still for more than five minutes or what. She absolutely hates it and tries to keep herself moving all the time.
  • Messing Up -
Ellie is sometimes a perfectionist when it comes to certain things, and because of that she hates to mess up. Everything must be perfect seeing as she has worked so hard on to achieve ever since she was a young child. She is easily put into a sour mood when she messes up at times.
  • Mages -
From hearing so many negative things about magic as well as mages from others that she had talked to, she has grown a huge distaste for mages. She thinks of magic as cheating in a way and always takes oppertunities to shut down anyones idea on being a magic user.





Life Story
0 - 7

Ellieosia was born into the commoner family known as the Muzchiviaz's, being the youngest and last born of her five other siblings. She easily became the baby of the family, even eventually getting various nicknames because of how short she is compared to others in the family. She had a relatively normal life compared to others who went through tragdeys in their families while she did not, she had the oppertunity to grow up in a loving home. Which she lived out to the best of her abilities and still does to this very day, but she did have several turning points throughout her life. Around the age of 6 she began to learn how to read and write in other languages besides common and Etosian. Along with her normal lessons that she had with languages and among other things, she quickly found herself becoming quite the dancer, or at least wanting to be.
7 - 14
Having been introduced to a young street dancer in the streets of Pavleona, she soon found her calling at the age of 7 when she began to dance with a young boy in the streets. She soon found herself begging her parents to let her learn how to dance while others within the family did painting, drawing, or singing. Granted it didn't take her parents long to give into her, she began to learn various arts of dancing until the age of 12 when she soon finds herself being taught how to belly dance. Seeing how her tutor danced, soon growing envious as well as a little nervous she quickly found herself trying to keep the body figure to be able to dance like her tutor did. Around the age of 14 she soon found herself quickly catching onto the ways of the dance as well as having a more shine to her than she did before. Seeing her sudden change, many of the boys that were of commoner heritage began to pay attention to her and she enjoyed the attention she got.
14 - 19
Around the age of 16, Ellie soon found herself in the arms of her first embrace of love. She had ended up falling for a young man who was around the age of 18 at the time. However he was soon ripped away from her after he was found out to be a thief, having only gotten a letter when he was in prison she soon detatched herself from him seeing his life of crime. Young Ellie soon found herself getting singing lessons from her mother, who wanted her to learn how to sing seeing as she did nothing but dance and learn languages all the time. Soon finding a passion with sing as well she quickly took a job at one of the entertainment places around the age of 18. Soon finding herself attracting all types of attention from various races, may it be nelfin, ailor, orc, or tigran. It was either the way that she danced or the way that she sang, many of the people in the area quickly found themselves captivated by the female. However it was mainly for her beauty and exoticness that they were entrapped with her.
19 - 23
However all good things must come to an end, a jealous and vicious ex-friend of Ellieosia tracked her down and began to ruin her reputation. Luckily things were put to a close very quickly within a year however Ellie couldn't force herself to quit what she was doing. She went back to dancing and entertaining those that came to the place, but she also ended up leaving that job after nearly being assulted by someone as well as to many other ailors asking to court her and such when she didn't even know them. Seeing the trouble with her job and seeing her stop her whole life passion, her family decided to move from Etosil to Regalia in hopes of finding better life there. Having been living there for a couple of months before the bone horrors appeared, her family soon realized that they did the right descion in moving to Regalia.

Update Log [ Last updated; N/A ]

* I will add the changes made throughout rp here and notify people of the changes. *
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Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • Bad hearing in one ear isn't much of a weakness because it's one of those weaknesses that tend to be forgotten about. For example, roleplay is done through reading, so it's easy to forget that your character may have heard them wrong. This isn't a big issue; I'm sure every character has a weakness or two that the player forgets about. I just like to avoid them when I can, so please just replace this weakness with something else.
  • Other than that I can't see any more problems. Good job!
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.