Elleadagr | The Serpent And The Owl



Elleadagr of the Serpent and the Owl

An odd trio of women took to the tent just outside the clearing that the event's participates wandered and chatter in. An elderly aristocrat, an Ithanian mademoiselle, and a North-born Velheimer had gathered, finishing touches being made on the latter of the three women. Anastasie du Polignac had her signature wine glass in one hand, taking a sip before lying it down with a laugh towards her close friend, Siselle Haagenvig. The towering woman was, for once, out of her usual attire of black and orange that most knew her by. Instead, she stood in a white woven dress that flowed to her ankles with a crown of roses and wildflowers that had been picked from the fields around the ceremony- or possibly stolen during the dawn from the Regalian park. Melisende Reinard, the eldest of the three, gave a little disapproving sound at the Northern woman as she moved about before lifting her hands to straighten the white furred pelt that draped across the bride's shoulders.

Across the way, Frejnir Viduggla was going through less gentle treatment from his male kin that mocked him as usual, even on his second wedding day. The man gave his usual grumpy grunt at his cousin, Garth's smack to his shoulder before rolling his eyes and brushing him off. The man straightened up a bit and his palms curled around the iron crown dawning his head to adjust it on his head, the familiar wings of the iron owl brushing against his fingers in a subtle reminder of the last time he wore it. This time, he told himself, this time the wedding would mean something. This time it would last.

The groom, lead by his father, Ardige Viduggla, found his way out into the sunlight and the clearing in the midst of the forest. Friends and loved ones who were not already patiently sitting gave away from their conversation to find a spot in the benches, facing towards the two that appeared. Frejnir brushed his hand back to push his decorated cape behind him, gazing over the crowd before straightening up as he met the gaze of a familiar pale-eyed man. Valbrand Haagenvig narrowed his eyes briefly towards the boy in front of him as if in warning before the gaze fell back to calm as he folded his arms, a similar looking lad besides the infamous Haagenvig taking a similar position. The twin brother of Siselle, Aksel, only stared as if unsure how to feel about the Viduggla groom before him.

"Frejnir," came a brief whisper from besides the groom, causing his head to turn towards Ardige, who had spoken.


"You're ready?" The words were the same as before, spoken from the mouth of Frejnir's father in the first Elleadagr, just the same as now. He tilted his head up in an expression of confidence, one of his rare and true grins appearing on his face in a silent reply as he couldn't bring himself to copy his reply from before. He did not know now if he was born ready- was anyone born ready?

Before a second thought could be given to Frejnir's question to himself, an elbow bumped to the groom's own and he turned his attention ahead to catch the beginning of the second start. Through the center of the benches, the Skagger woman managed to appear utterly at calm with a smile appearing just on the edge of her lips as she was lead along with Anastasie at her arm, fingers curling around the Velheimer's elbow like the two were on a promenade through the park rather than at the woman's Elleadagr. As they reached the front of the crowd and close to the two men awaiting them, Ana slid her fingers free from the bride's arm and paused Siselle so that she could dainty adjust the flowered crown once more.

"Bonne chance, ma chѐre," the Ithanian murmured, giving a brief smile before stepping away to find a space besides the now seated Melisende. Siselle, taking her time, took a quiet breath before continuing the rest of the way forward and besides Frejnir. The two shared a small look before turning about to face the crowd as Ardige stood raised his arms from behind them to signal for silence.

"Today, we are gathered to witness the sacred Elleadagr of my son, Frejnir Viduggla, and his chosen Sol-Kvinne," a brief murmur perhaps escaped as he said that, some remembering the first. Ardige waited a moment before waving his hands similar to that of a maestro to silence the crowd before continuing. "And his chosen Sol-Kvinne, Siselle Haagenvig. This will not only be a wedding to bond these two, but also to bring together two great families, House Viduggla and Haagenvig, under the wing of one if others wish to follow." Several more murmurs escaped at that offer, one that had long since been known by the few Regalian Haagenvigs. A certain past patriarch of the house gave a near silence grunt, though most had known he would more than likely never take the name of another house.

"First, we must give thanks to Alu," the Viduggla continued. His gaze swept across the crowd as he spoke aloud his blessings and thanks to the Velheimer Gods of Old, perhaps even looking up a moment as if curious if he could catch a glance of the Gods watching the ceremony. Instead, the sun shined across the crowd, in bright approval, it felt. Salt water was flick upon the couple as he gave thanks to the Union of Water before ash and sparks flew into the sky from the closely placed bonfire as the father praised the Union of Fire to keep love strong between the two. Then, Ardige raised his arms again and called the man and his bride forward.

"Son and his chosen Sol-Kvinne, step forward now- pledge yourselves!" Sparks from the bonfire behind the trio before the crowd danced upwards a moment along a breeze with the command from the Viduggla patriarch. Frejnir locked his arm with Siselle's after the two had turned themselves towards Ardige, the bride lowering her head as she spoke as if in prayer while her groom kept his gaze upon the fire just before them.

"We both pledge to stay loyal to the Viduggla family, to nest with them and only fly when appropriate. We pledge to uphold the vows made years ago to the Majestic Emperor of this, the Regalian Empire, and thus, we pledge ourselves at last, to each other."
Regardless of it being the man's second time stating those words, he did not fall flat in them. In fact, it seemed almost as if Frejnir meant it more now than he had before. After the vow was shared between the two Velheimers, the groom lifted his hand to press his palm against his Sol-Kvinne's cheek, followed by a brief yet endearing kiss to her lips. Ardige gave a brief nod of approval before stepping away from the two to find himself a seat besides his wife. In his place, a grand chair was set before the crowd: the seat decorated in the furs of great and mellow beasts of all sizes with small bones across the edges.

Another smile was shared between the man and bride before he removed his hand from her cheek, taking note that even small earrings adored her ears unlike usual. He swept his cape off of his shoulders and around Siselle's, covering the fur that draped her shoulders before he led her back the few steps to the seat, which the Skagger woman gracefully settled into, feet tucking against the leg of the great chair. Her pale eyes briefly caught her father's, the man offering a nod of encouragement while her brother's face lit up in a smile regardless of whether he approved his sister's husband or not.

Frejnir swept his tunic off and tossed it towards the side to settle besides the seat his Sol-Kvinne rested in before he waved the first log from a great pile to be brought forward. His fingers curled around the axe that was then offered to him, which he rested the head against the ground, in wait for Siselle to begin. The woman still gave a brief, anxious hesitation, before she sighed and began the Skodje Vidtide:

"Come to me
You can hear my soul call
Standing in the shadows and waiting for you
Come you, take me with you."

The woman's voice rang slowly across, melodical as Frejnir lifted his axe and began to chop down onto the logs presented to him.

"My realm awaits
I desire your body
Your eyes are smiling
Your hands are shaking- come you!"

Siselle gave a songful shout towards him, though he seemed not to notice besides a smile broadening across his face. Instead, he focused on slicing down across the logs, huffing with the effort.

"Come you man, come you to me
All my properties will be yours
Come you man, come you to me
I am everything you will ever want."

The song continued on its almost lullaby like pace, gentle though strong- like the woman herself. She tilted her head down a bit to look towards his reaction as she paused only for a short breath before continuing.

"Throw away your life
Your pain and weaknesses
Let me show you what happiness is
Over the Frozen River we will walk."

Crack, the axe continued to rain onto the wood. The sun was not so blissful now, burning against the working man's back that brought a sweat across his skin. Though he did not give up.

"Do not fight against me
I know you want me
It is obvious, I am your fate
Come, come you with me to a world of joy."

As the woman lifted her head again to find confidence in her father, her crown slid just a tad off center to lop against her pale hair.

"Come you man, come you to me
All m properties will be yours
Come you man, come you to me
I am everything you will ever want."

She took another gentle breath before beginning the song again. And a third time before a fourth and fifth. The lyrics lost their softness and slowness as she continued through them, rising in volume in a powerful show, reminding all that witnessed that the two before them were warriors of the North. As she reached the final note a fifth time, Siselle reminding her husband again of her importance to him, the man rose with a puff, his hand swiping against his forehead to brush away the sweat that had appeared through the minutes of chopping.

Frejnir straightened up once more, leaning the axe against his leg as he stepped forward to take a spot besides his Sol-Kvinne's seat. Both watching the men that had collected the sliced halves of the logs in silence as brief cheers broke among the Non-Velheimer members of the party. Quieting though, upon noticing the silence of their Northern neighbors. The men stepped across to Ardige, who again had risen to his feet. The men murmured to him before a smile appeared on the patriarch's face and he turned with wide arms.

"Thirteen logs have been cut by my son!" He called across the crowd, which then brought them to cheers- even those that did not understand the meaning of such things. Siselle gave a laugh from her spot and rested her hand onto Frejnir's arm, the man leaning to press another kiss against her forehead in much needed show of affection as he finally had calmed himself and caught his breath. "Ellea bring blessings upon these two and their union," called Ardige again before he waved his hands. "Now let us celebrate!'

  • Frejnir Viduggla and Siselle Haagenvig have been married in a private ceremony in an undisclosed location (off in a clearing in the woods).
  • House Haagenvig has now officially merged with House Viduggla.
  • Those that are tagged would have received a letter invitation or word of mouth invitation from the family/married two, though if you're not tagged and feel you should've been there, then just say you were! (Basically clarifying this so mister Inquisitors don't storm our ceremony. :< )

@OliverTheQu33n @BeashSlap @DeltaInsomnia @HodlinG @littleshep101 @DolittleGuy @DrDrago @Sebbysc @HydraLana @HigherAltidude @Goldifish @WrongChat @GoodOldRebel @Jouster @A_r_e_s @Miss_Silver @Miss_Confined @AlphaInsomnia @CRASHIR @Ynzy @Ailethi @HeyoBiggums @Anakyrivo @Percuriam @Eternal_Wrath @TheMoistestMan @Halsi @Vivamente @Pugsly10 @BirthFather @MrH_ @AnyOthersThatWontReportMeForHeresyAndIsActuallyTheirFriend
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Avynn had come, silently watching from afar much like a little know stranger to everyone there. It was a good wedding, she was happy for her friend. "At least this time he married a damn proper Velhimer." She mused.
Shane bounced his sleepy son on his knee as he watched the progression of the two's marriage, a slight frown creasing his features as he pondered. He remembered the many versions of the same thing he'd taken part in over the years, and asked himself a simple question. To try again? He gave a soft chuckle at the thought, looking over to Frejnir chopping away with a soft smile.
Enzo Celyreos would be spotted amongst the crowd of Northerners; trying to keep an eye on Ana, and although with very little understanding of the Northern customs (aside from drinking) had already been indulging himself in multiple glasses of wine with the ecstasy of knowing this would atleast hinder Nadia's bickering back at the estate.

Needlessly to say, it was a good night out.

@SpoopMelon @Miss_Silver
Enzo Celyreos would be spotted amongst the crowd of Northerners; trying to keep an eye on Ana, and although with very little understanding of the Northern customs (aside from drinking) had already been indulging himself in multiple glasses of wine with the ecstasy of knowing this would atleast hinder Nadia's bickering back at the estate.

Needlessly to say, it was a good night out.

@SpoopMelon @Miss_Silver
Nadia Celyreos meanwhile was sat at home with her son whom she'd pretty much stolen from her ex. She was humming the same song Siselle sang, letting a couple tears fall down her cheeks. She quickly recomposed herself and wiped the tears away with a smile, "At least he's happy. May the logs he chops correlate to the years they're supposed to instead of months." The woman hadn't been bickering at all since the divorce, instead she'd been quietly upset and had been slowly to love herself again. Don't assume things if you haven't spoken to her enzo :)
The rugged although composed Northerner sat closer to the platform where his daughter and now son-in-law stood. His gaze remained wary as his ice-blue eyes switched from Siselle to Frejnir very often. His eyebrows were bent inwards- furrowed. He spoke no words for the majority the entire wedding although his features did lighten up each time his gaze switched to Siselle. With his arms crossed, he'd now and then whisper a few of his thoughts to his son who was seated right besides him. There was certainly uncertainty in his eyes, but the Northman could care little of what others thought in this exact moment.