Preserved Sheet Ella Nicellela - The Bush

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Very very frightening
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
likely under a bridge





Name: Ecaloausto Cuáless'atucolloafavoraus Nicalellalárboljásajoconunarenque. Though for ease of speech, she goes Ella.

Age: 98

Gender: Agender (Preferably goes by female pronouns)

Race: Yanar

Main Ambition: To make a difference with what they know (Alchemically, scholarly, etc)



School: School of Alchemy, School of Atraves

Level: Alchemy: Scholar, School of Atraves: Student

Source: School of Alchemy: Learned from the school of Alchemy in the Regalian Isles, School of Atraves: Learned from the School of Atraves in Daendroc



Eye Color: Blue-green

Hair Color: Plains Green

Hair Style: Often untended, though put into a small ponytail towards the top of the head, a second position more down the base of the neck.

Skin Color: Dark mint green.

Clothing: Often wearing brown clothing, with a yellow-white undershirt. A dark green cloak is sometimes worn.

Height: 5'3"

Body Build: Sinew

Weapon of Choice: Quarterstaffs



"It's most lovely to meet you, stranger."

A person upon first seeing the Yanar can see she is rather friendly, perhaps very quirky, and seems at all times interested in what the person in question has to say, eager. Ella will more often than not be charitable to causes, making strangely large measures to make sure the subject of donation is satisfied, even if this is a complete stranger. Her charitable nature comes from wanting to please people she is with, make acquaintances through kindness. Most will concur many of Ella's friends have gone through trying times in life, coming out the other end with the small bush by their side. People hearing of the Yanar will hear a mixed bias between extravagantly outlandish, or extraordinarily affable. Whether or not one, or the other is true is entirely up to what one thinks, but more often than not people would say she is both outlandish and affable, a strange combo of personality that comes together nicely. People meeting the Yanar without a trace of hearing of them will find them easy to talk to, entertaining to watch interact, but can find themselves in an awkward disposition due to the peculiar quirks and personality the Yanar has.

"I'd hate to be a bother, not doing at all would be better"

Though how she openly expresses herself to others seems like a telltale sign that Ella could care less what people think of her, this is not quite the case, though. Ella on this inside bears a lot of insecurity, concerned how others think of her. Though this isn't always visible, most would just thing Ella is being weird, but this comes from a place where she doesn't quite like being the serious one. Meanwhile, she can be serious with strangers, but it wouldn't be to the full-fledged extent she would if she hadn't her mental insecurities. Thus her quirky personality having been born. Ella, to say the least, does not handle stress well, most people who know her closely can very well say Ella can be rather bothersome, even concerningly frantic in how they move and speak. There have been cases, not often, where she had hit somebody nearby because she was frustrated with the said person, though this was being one of her closest friends, it'd be at a much lesser scale with somebody whom she knows less. As a result of how she deals with stress, she almost refuses to over-encumber herself with workloads, though she has overclocked herself at times because it was a "do or die" situation.

"Awww... You don't want a hug?"

How Ella acts with family, friends, and any existing lover is vastly different. She tends to be less quirky, and persistent on being closer than the two actually are, touching topics that she would never say to a stranger. These topics include living situation, anxieties, so on and so forth. Though with good friends or family she will make often jokes that seem intelligent, "smart cracks" people like to call it, making dumb statements that are obviously rhetorical or simply dumb in general, but crafted in such ways that it is humorous. It would also be worth noting she is a bit more "touchy-feely" with people she is close with, giving hugs, nudging, hitting, all that. None of this is meant to be harmful or flirty (unless it is a lover, then she'd be more than glad to terrorize them). She will also be a lot more devious with her close friends to get certain things she desires, depending on said desire.

"First, do no harm"

Ella's morals are rather straightforward, she refuses to do evil. She refuses to kill, she refuses to intoxicate herself, she hates hurting people mentally, and she hates being a certain inconvenience. She will get out of her own way to do the right thing no matter what, at times even at the chance of death (though if death is at stake there is some convincing that can be done to sway her from not doing suicide missions). Though not always drastic, she will do things as simple as clean rubbish, accompany people who appear lonely, give money to those who are of no currency (surprisingly even when she herself isn't the richest in the world). How she views evil deeds, however, isn't as one-sided. She refuses to look at things so black and white, Ella believes in a grey area where there are multiple sides to be looked at. Someone stealing, for example, Ella will frown upon it but will consider the other side where it is a position out of need, or they don't have much money, similar examples can be given with pretty much any evil deed.



Alchemy "This and that, why doesn't this fit with that?": Being the level of Scholar in The School of Alchemy, she has become well versed in the arts of making concoctions both detrimental and aid, as well as how to use these things efficiently. Ella attended the School of Alchemy upwards to nine years before moving off. With this, Ella is able to create most, if not all aiding alchemical concoctions that have the difficulty of 8/10 or lower. However, her niche is Alchemy has become more towards aids, so detriments is a much smaller range of knowledge. Though able to craft alchemical detriments with 8/10 or lower, but doesn't know all. This list includes: Strauss' silence, Galhmed's Passion, Anáflexi, Maiden's Bane, and Alu's Fruit.

Atrave Training "Don't try anything, please.": Being the level of Student in the School of Artraves, attending the school in Daendroc for upwards four years before moving elsewhere to continue other studies. With this, Ella is able to use polearms like atraves, quarterstaffs, and bo-staffs with the efficiency expected from the level Student. Able to keep aggressors at a far distance with great balance and swift movements, keeping a distance at all times. Though she will only ever use her bladed end if ever it is necessary. (which she usually doesn't use the blade, not believing in killing people).

Thorough Eyes "You missed a spot.": This seems to be more of a skill born from The School of Atraves and The School of Alchemy. Seemingly both schools require attention to detail. With this, Ella can inspect a situation with much detail, taking in info to create a solution to a problem (or a friend of her's decides to lose something she can most likely find it.). Or if she desires to clean a space she can do so with much thoroughness, paying attention to the smaller things. Though coming with the downside she has become a "neat freak" as one might claim, since her need of thoroughness has led to small things bothering her.



Born in Hadar, the seedling was raised in an Allar village where her mother learned Alchemy and served as a local apothecary. Growing up Ella was tutored in Alchemy up to the level Learned when she became the age of fourteen. Moving out of Hadar when she turned twenty. Here she didn't do much, being basically a traveling apothecary with her limited knowledge of Alchemical feats. Though this doesn't mean it didn't prove to not be fruitful, gaining copious amounts supplies, and money for the road. Ella often visited Cielothar Immigration settlements in Teled Methen, acting as a temporary healer to some settlements and villages as a job, to further her small business. Ella's goal was to move far up north up towards where Ithania lay, traveling by foot until she found a satisfactory place to stay and bear her family. This journey around Teled Methen lasted up to ten years, now thirty. Ella found that her traveling was done, moving further up north after abandoning her previous home to see new places. Now fifty she traveled across Daendroc, doing as she has always done, explore, sell, socialize, and learn new things.

Coming a day Ella was attacked whilst on the road by a thief, stealing all her concoctions and materials. Heavily wounded and bleeding a small family of Daendroc Ailor sympathized and brought her to the village nearby. Indebted to them Ella stayed in the village to help with chores, farming, baking, and cleaning homes. Soon realizing her need for learning combat, she traveled to the School of Atraves after five years spending time in the village, now fifty-five. During her atraves training, she had depleted a lot of her knowledge in Alchemy, almost forgetting all of it (knowing only basic concoctions that were easy to remember). Though she trained up to Warrior level, now the age of sixty-one. She took her training elsewhere and settled by the coast of Daendroc, settling in a Cielothar village where she decided to stay for a while. Becoming great friends with one of the Cielothar in the village. The Cielothar bore a child whom she named Celloasájbolesajo'ltos. Growing up she helped raise the child, becoming quite close to them growing up. When Celloasájbolesajo'ltos turned sixteen, she wanted to move elsewhere. Her mother was reluctant to let her go, though allowed her on one condition, that Ella accompany them. Ella too was reluctant, but she had heard of the School of Alchemy in the Regalian Archipelago. Thus they set out to the isles. While Ella cared for Celloasájbolesajo'ltos, she attended schooling in The School of Alchemy, taking a part-time job as a florist, eventually as an alchemist once she had regained her long-lost skills in alchemy, attending the school for eight and a half years before she found her schooling satisfactory, though her School of Atraves training had deteriated to a Student level.

Ella and Celloasájbolesajo'ltos set out the Regalian city in hopes to find better business, living conditions, and better relations. Ella took several small jobs in order to keep up pay for groceries and the house. To the now present
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Some real good writing and aesphetic here. Well done dude!
I just want to address your atraves talent. The school is designed on pacifism, basically you do not do the attacking, you dodge and parry, only attacking if there is a clear opening. You are not the aggressor. The quotation for this talent and parts of the description made me feel the need to bring this up. Make sure to follow the school and to do so at the lower degree as you have it. Dodge and escape.

But beyond that, you are approved. Just remember what the limitations are.
I just want to address your atraves talent. The school is designed on pacifism, basically you do not do the attacking, you dodge and parry, only attacking if there is a clear opening. You are not the aggressor. The quotation for this talent and parts of the description made me feel the need to bring this up. Make sure to follow the school and to do so at the lower degree as you have it. Dodge and escape.

But beyond that, you are approved. Just remember what the limitations are.
I'll change this up just a tad so it sounds less aggressive, my bad on my part.
It has been brought to my attention that I made an oversight with the School of Alchemy. You will need to lower the skill to Scholar/Student or Learned/Fighter. Tag me once completed @DockedRelic